
الأحد، 13 يوليو 2014

واقع ظروف السكن والاحتياجات السكنية في محافظات أريحا و الأغوار ...

واقع ظروف السكن والاحتياجات السكنية 

في محافظات أريحا و الأغوار

The Reality of Housing Condition and Housing Needs 
 in the Province of Jericho and the Jordan Valley

إعـــداد الطالبة

ميساء كمال عثمان العبادلة 


د. رائد أحمد طه صاحلة 

أستاذ جغرافيا العمران والتخطيط المساعد بكلية الآداب 

قسم  الجغرافيا – الجامعة الإسلامية 

قدم هذا البحث استكمالاً لمتطلبات الحصول على درجة 

الماجستير من كلية الآداب في الجامعة الإسلامية 

1435 هـ - 2014 م.


This research tackles the reality of housing conditions and housing characteristics in the governor of Jericho and the Jordan Valley for its cultural and religious history for the multi-religious communities and its geographical reach to the Jordanian border with Palestinian.

 This study aims to identify the composition of the population‌ ، the economic structure and social structure‌.The most important characteristics of the family and housing characteristics‌ .The most important basic services available within the housing‌ .And estimate future needs of the residential units in accordance with the rates of population growth and demographic changes to the population of the province.
To achieve the above objectives‌ ،a number of assumptions‌ ‌ have been considered‌ ،including‌:the size of the family link and provide basic services to housing‌ ،economic activity and educational level of the population and the level of family income.

  As for the approach taken in the study‌ ،it has been relying on a number of approaches‌ ،namely‌:historical and descriptive‌ ،analytical and deductive.

  And a variety of research resources between desktop sources and statistical sources and that the most important organ of the Central Palestinian Bureau of Statistics‌ ،as well as maps and graphs related‌ ،and statistical methods and that the most important factor analysis.
  The study consists of six chapters‌،and a number of tables‌،charts and graphics‌،and supplements The chapters are: 

Chapter One‌:the natural environment and the urban centers of the province of Jericho and the Jordan Valley. 

Chapter two: Population characteristics in Jericho and the Jordan Valley. 

Chapter three‌: housing characteristics(morphology of residence). 

Chapter Four: The services available at the shelter. Chapter five‌:factors affecting the housing characteristics. 

Chapter six‌:housing needs in the province of Jericho and the Jordan Valley until 2030.

  The most important findings of the study‌:that the population of the province fall into young adulthood and the community population was young‌،it represents a class of young people about‌%41.2 of the population of the province‌،and the pattern of the nuclear family is the dominant‌.The distribution of housing space is uneven and the general attitude towards owning an apartment‌،and basic services are available in the home‌،despite the lack of some of them‌،especially sanitation services through the public network‌ ،which accounted for only 2.8%.While the percentage of reliance on cesspits‌،%98.8 and the low proportion of information technology in the camps and the countryside than in the province attended. 

  The results of the factor analysis that factors affecting the housing characteristics‌ ،five factors are‌ :factor Alimgrave and housing characteristics by‌ ،%...3 and the factor of services by‌ ،%5.. and the density housing by 5.7‌ ،%and the home ownership by‌ ،%5.1 and the problem of water by 2% . 

  The study recommended the importance of supporting the steadfastness of the people and the establishment of housing projects according to the needs of the future population‌،which is estimated at 268 thousand units until2030‌ ،and to provide the necessary services and encourage the expansion of vertical and horizontal studied‌،and the need to employ tools of modern technology to contribute to the study of housing .




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