
الاثنين، 4 أبريل 2016

Application of Geoinformatics on Mapping the Desertification Sensitivity in Kuwait

Application of Geoinformatics on Mapping 

the Desertification Sensitivity in Kuwait 

- Mohamed Al-Khuzamy Aziz - Professor of Geographic Information Systems, Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, Fayoum University.

- Jasem M. Al-Ali - Department of Geography, College of Social Sciences, Kuwait University.


  Lands in the state of Kuwait suffer from the growing phenomena of desertification as a result to severalnatural and human ecological factors; in addition to climatic factors considering arid and semi arid range Kuwait lies in.

  Areas in Kuwait vary in its sensitivity to desertification according to the influence of different factors so that the importance of recent study lies in applying Desertification Sensitivity Index (DSI) thatdepends on studying Quality Index (SQI), Vegetation Quality Index (VQI), and the other influences ofclimatic and ecological factors.The Study is based on various information resources include field studies, space view data, topographicmaps, weather and climate data, and other human activities related data. Initial results of the study indicatethree levels of desertification sensitivity degree as following:

  Maximum Degree covers 15 to 18% of the stateof Kuwait total area and often spreads in areas adjacent to agricultural lands in Al Abdely in the north, and Al Wafra in the south. Medium Degree spreads in more than 40-50% of the state of Kuwait total area, and is focused in Kuwaiti islands subjected to irregular environmental tourism, urban adjacent areas, main roads, parks, and other. Finally; areas with low degree away from change as being original desert ones form 23-45% of the state of Kuwait total area which amongst are areas covered with sandhills, pebbles, and gravel.

Key Words: Geomatics, Phenomenon of desertification, Desertification Sensitivity Index (DSI), Soil Quality Index (SQI), Vegetation Quality Index (VQI), Geography of the State of Kuwait.

Conclusion & Recommendations   

  The study showed that methods of spatial analysis, Geoinformatics is based on, proven to be useful in obtaining an accurate map for the spatial distribution of lands sensitive to desertification depending on many spatial standards. The study depended on three main standards: Characteristics of soil in terms of type, parental material and surface covers types, Geomorphologic characteristics represented in geomorphologic units types, sands motion and degrees of topographic surface slope and finally biological characteristics represented in natural vegetation types and areas of groundwater and petroleum fields .

The study recommends the following:    

- Applying other standards like climatic characteristics, human activities and etc, as factors that may have a role in the increase of lands sensitivity to desertification. 

- Measure of lands sensitivity to desertification in unequal intervals; i.e., 10 years and then modeling of time and place factor to extract style of change in lands sensitivity to desertification and predicting how the sensitivity will be in future for preparing a suitable strategy to confront.


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- Francisco, D. and Fons-Esteve (2008): Mapping sensitivity to desertification (DISMED), Final report version 2, European Environment Agency. 

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  1. الدار العربية للتنمية الإدارية
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    البرنامج التدريبي

    دور العلاقات العامة فى تحقيق التميز الإداري
    الاسكندرية – كوالالمبور - اسطنبول
    خلال الفترة من 29 مايو الى 2 يونيو 2016 م
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    بريد إلكتروني : SaraGwadi@Gmail.Com

    برنامج تدريبي : دور العلاقات العامة فى تحقيق التميز الادارى الاسكندرية – كوالالمبور - اسطنبول للفترة من29 مايو الى 2 يونيو 2016م
