
الاثنين، 30 مايو 2016

نماذج من التكاليف والاختبارات لمقرر النصوص الجغرافية باللغة الإنجليزية

نماذج من التكاليف والاختبارات لمقرر النصوص الجغرافية باللغة الإنجليزية 

First question:
Put ( T ) for the correct statement or ( F ) for false statement:
1-The study of how people and places influence one another is called regions geography. (F )
2-Mental maps are a rough drawing of a map on paper or computer. ( F )
3-Globes don't show all the cloud formations and wind patterns in the atmosphere.( T )

    4-The magnetic north  pole is located in exactly the same place as the geographical north pole. ( F )
5- Lines of Longitude are used to locate places on the earth, and to measure the distances between places. ( T )
6- Lines of Latitude divide the earth vertically. ( F )
7-The inner core is made up of molten rock. ( F )
8- Fold mountains form when tectonic plates move against each other and push and squeeze up the crust. ( T )
9- High tide happens when the bulge moves away from the shore. (  F )
10- Gulfs are usually bigger  than bays. (  T  )
11- The weather in one place varies constantly. ( T  )
12- The Mesosphere layer is the border between the earth and space. ( F )
13- We live in  the Stratosphere  layer. (  F  )
14- All sunlight that enters the earth’s atmosphere is converted to heat (F)
15- When the sun rays reach the earth less directly and for shorter periods of time the climate is cold. ( T  )
16-Hurricanes are large storms that occur only over land. (  F )
17-Mediterranean regions are coastal biomes. (  T )
18- Deciduous are a kind of temperate forests trees. (  T  )
19-Cacti and euphorbia are typical cool grasslands plants.(  F )
20- Succulents are plants that store water in their waxy leaves and stems. ( T )
21-Tundra biomes are excellent for farming. ( F  )
22-The Arctic is much colder than the Antarctic. ( F )
23- Drier climates, such as plains or deserts, often form on the leeward. (  T )
24- Population data means people who live in the isolated settlements. (  F  )
25-Life expectancy means(The average number of years people live) ( T )
26- Population density means how close together people live in  a particular place.(T )
27-Metropolis means a city which grows into a neighboring city. ( F )
28-Suburbs means the residential districts lying just outside a city or a town.( T )
29- Terms such as "seaside" riverside" highlands" are often use to defined neighborhoods by Physical features. ( T )
30 -Cotton grows in livestock farms.(  F )
31- Most of the farming in Asia and Africa is commercial farming. ( F )
32-Livestock farms  use the land to graze animals.(T )
33-Manufacturing means making new products . ( T  )
34-Gross Domestic Product means the maintaining and harvesting of forests.  ( F )
35- An economy is the system of managing resources.  ( T )
36-Countries which have underused natural resources are considered industrially developed. ( F )
37 –GPS's control and monitoring stations broadcasts signals from space. ( F )  
38-Orbiting  Satellites  are owned by users. ( F )
39-GPS handsets are readily available through commercial retailers.( T )
40-Satellites orbit the earth twice a day.( T  )

Second question:
Put a Circle on the correct statement:
1-Meteorology is the study of :  
A- Making maps.                  B- Plants and animals.
C-How geography affects historical events.
D- Locations for businesses and factories.    E- None of the above.
    2-Earthquakes are :   
    A- A sudden shifting movements in the earth's surface.
    B- Erupting constantly.              C-Mountains formed.    
    D- The molten rock which pushes up of earth surface. 
    E- None of the above.
3-Gully erosion happens when:  
A-Wind blows dirt from the surface of land.
B-Water runs rapidly downhill.     C-Water runs over gentle slopes.
D-All of the above.               E-None of the above.
    4-Weather is :
A-Ultraviolet that comes from the sun.     B- The climate for long period of time.
C- The day to day change in the atmosphere.
     D- The weight of the atmosphere.     E- The light that comes from the sun. 

5-The forest canopy is: 
    A-The upper branches of the trees in Tropical rain forests.
    B-A thick weaving layer of leaves and branches in Tropical rain forests.
    C-So rich with animal life.
    D- (A+C )                       E-All of the above.
6-Baobabs are:
A-Kind of tropical rain forests trees.       B- Typical desert plants.      
    C-Trees with thick trunk, and deep roots.
D- Chaparrals trees.               E- Migrating animals.
7-Nocturnal means: 
    A- Animals that are active at night time.
    B- Sleeping during the cool winter's months.  C- The tree dwelling animals.
    D-Domesticated animals.       E-None of the above.
8-Deciduous are: 
    A-Temperate forests trees.      B- Deserts animals.
    C-Evergreens .   D-Mediterranean trees.   E-Clumps of trees.
9-Permafrost is:
A-The extreme climate.                      
B- The remarkable animals who manage their lives in the polar regions.
C-A layer of oily fat that protects Arctic mammals.
D- A layer of frozen ground that never melts.   E- None of the above.
10-The Antarctic is:
A-A solid mass of frozen land.      B-Around the south pole.
C-Much colder than the Arctic.     D-(A + B)
E-All of the above.
11-Windward  side is:
A-The height above sea level.   B-The mountain side  which has wet climate .
C- The mountain side  which has drier climate .
    D-A dangerous storm that occurs over water.   E-None of the above.
    12-Location is:
    A- Something created or built.
    B-Described in terms of latitude and longitude.
    C- Described by relative terms.   D- (A+B).   E-All of the above.
    13-Population structure means:
    A-How quickly population grows each year.
    B-The number of people who die per year per thousand people.
    C- The making of population by age and gender)
    D- Where most people live within a place or region.
    E- How close together people live in particular place.
    14-Megalopolis is
    A- The areas where people's homes are located in a model city.      
    B- A city which grow into a neighboring city.
    C- The business and industries areas.
    D- The central business in the cities.    E- (A+B)
    15-The Hunter-Gatherers means people who:
    A-Use lightweight raw materials.
    B-Grow crops to feed themselves only.  C- Grow commercial crops.
    D-Roamed from one place to another to find food.  E-None of the above.
    16-Recycled materials are:
A- Making new products.  
B-The glass, plastic and paper collected from trash.
C-The natural products used to make new products.
    D-The business of banking or sales.   E-All of the above.
    17-Developing countries have :
A- Little industrial development.     B- Heavy industry.    
C- Some industry but needs more.    D- Lots of factories.          
    E- None of the above.
    18-Technology is the:
A- System for managing resources.    B- Providing services.
C-  Creating of goods. 
D- Use of scientific knowledge.   E-(A + D)
19-A geographic information system:
A-A computer-based tool for mapping and analyzing spatial data.
    B-A U.S. space-based radio navigation system.
    C- provides  accurate location and time.
    D-( A+B)    E- ( B+C).
20-The Global Positioning System is:
A-A computer-based tool for mapping and analyzing spatial data.
    B-A U.S. space-based radio navigation system.
    C- provide  accurate location and time.
D-( B+C)     E- ( A+C).
    Third question:                
    Answer the following questions in the exam paper:-
1-What does a geographer study about human movement?  
A -He studies the routes people take when they move, explain why these movements are necessary, and studies the effect of human movement on the areas where people move and settle.
2-What are the mental maps?
A -Mental maps are maps you picture in your mind.
3-Who are the first geographers?  
A- The first geographers were people who made mental maps and thought about things geographically.
4-Why do the lines of latitude never meet? 
A -Because they run parallel to each other.
5- What are the three steps to comparing maps?  
a-Choose maps that show information you want to compare.
b-Locate your area of interest on both maps.
c-Use the map symbols to read both maps .Then note how the maps are alike and how they are different.
6-What are Earthquakes?  
A -Earthquakes are sudden shifting movements in the earth's surface.
7-What is the meaning of  Icebergs?
A -The ice sheets melt or break off  from the Glaciers and form  large pieces of ice floating  upon the ocean.
8- What is a tsunami?
A -A tsunami is a giant surge of water in the ocean.
9- What does the process of weathering mean?
A -The gradual breakdown of rocks.
10- What is the atmosphere?
A - Atmosphere is the air that surrounds the earth.
11-What are the most important elements that make up weather?
A - The most important elements are temperature, precipitation and wind.
 12-What is weather?
A - Weather is the day to day change in the atmosphere around us.
13- What is the meaning of air pressure?
A - The weight of the atmosphere pressing down on the earth.
14-Why winds do not blow directly north and south around the earth?
A -Because earth's rotation skews them at an angle.
15-What does precipitation mean?
A - Precipitation means (rain, snow, sleet, hail, drizzle)
16- Why is animal life richer in the canopy than in the floor in tropical rain forests?
A - Because the plant life is richer.
17-Why do the plants in tropical grasslands have special features?
A - To allow them to survive the extreme drought of the dry season.
18-Give a geographical definition for Deserts.
A -Deserts are regions –hot or cold where the land is covered in sand or bare soil and precipitation are very small.
19- How can animals manage their lives in the Antarctica?
A - Animals manage their lives along the coasts of the continent relying upon the sea for food and shelter.
20- Why is the Antarctica much colder than the Arctic?
A -Because it is a mass of frozen land.
21- Why the drier climates often form on the leeward sides?
A -Because moisture carrying air is blocked by the mountain ranges.
22- where are the manufacturing and heavy industry usually located?

A -At the intersection of 4th and main streets .

23-Why do Geographers study population?

A -Geographers study population to understand where people live and why they live there.
24-Where do stores and service businesses often located in A Model city?
A-In downtown commercial areas.
25- What is the meaning of subsistence farmers?
A- Farmers who raise just enough food to feed themselves and their families.
26-What is the meaning of technology?
A-Technology is the use of scientific knowledge to improve industry and commerce.
    27-What is the meaning of agriculture?
A- Means farming.
28- What is the meaning of fishery?
A -The business of fishing, includes the catching and farming of fish and their processing and selling
29- What do geographers use to measure how productive a country is?
A-They use the output of country called gross domestic product (GDP)
30- What do geographers use to measure how well individual people live?

A-They use the standard of living.

فاطمة عبدالعزيز سليمان الحمدان - جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز 

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