
الاثنين، 19 مارس 2018

جغرافية جريمة التعاطي والاتجار بالمخدرات‏ في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية في إقليم الجنوب ...

جغرافية جريمة التعاطي والاتجار بالمخدرات‏

في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية في إقليم الجنوب

مراد عبد الله المواجدة 

أستاذ مساعد - جامعة مؤتة

المنار- المجلج 23 - العدد 4 -2017 - ص ص 527 - 557 :


   The study aimed at identifying the crime of abuse and drug trafficking in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the southern region, where data on the crime of abuse and drug trafficking, the collection of geographic, study results showed a strong correlation between the crime of drug abuse and the nature of the geographical area and its impact in the high crime of drug abuse and is statistically significant )0.00 %( at the level of )0.05% α(, as well as the study results showed a strong correlation between the crime of drug trafficking, and the nature of the geographical area and is statistically significant )0.00% at the level of 0.05% α(. The study showed that the province Aqaba occupies the first place in dealing issues and traffic during the period time period of 2011 to 2014 m, where the total number of abuse cases hit in the four years to the province of Aqaba (1487) issue, while came in the second place Karak and Tafileh was merged with them because of the absence of special anti-drug administration in Tafila, came in the third rank the Governorate of Ma'an and the number of abuse cases (515), the issue of drug abuse. 

   As for the crime of drug trafficking, Aqaba Governorate ranked first occupied in trafficking cases where the total number of trafficking cases were in the four years to the province of Aqaba (199) issue, while came second province sheen where the number of trafficking cases in the four years (92) issue. It came in third place Karak and Tafileh was merged with some because of the absence of special anti-drug management in Tafila, and the number of trafficking cases (70) issue.

 The study presented a number of recommendations including: strengthening control over through increased manpower and new surveillance devices, to intensify the focus of prevention of the dangers of the drug in partnership with many of the institutions of civil society, and strengthening oversight in tourist areas, and borders. 

Keywords: geography of crime, drug dealing, trafficking, Southern Region. 

للقراءة والتحميل 

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