
الجمعة، 2 مارس 2018

Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

Principles of 





Sam Boggs Jr

University of Oregon

Fourth Edition

Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458

About this title:


   A concise treatment of the fundamental principles of sedimentology and stratigraphy, featuring the important physical, chemical, biological and stratigraphic characteristics of sedimentary rocks. Emphasized are the ways in which the study of sedimentary rocks is used to interpret depositional environments, changes in ancient sea level, and other intriguing aspects of Earth history. Topics include the origin and transport of sedimentary materials; physical properties of sedimentary rocks; composition, classification and diagenesis of sedimentary rocks and principles of stratigraphy and basin analysis. For individuals interested in one text providing comprehensive coverage of both sedimentology and stratigraphy.

From the Publisher: 

  A concise treatment of the fundamental principles of sedimentology and stratigraphy, including the processes that form sedimentary rocks, as well as describing the important physical, chemical, biological and stratigraphic characteristics of these rocks. Emphasized are the ways in which the study of sedimentary rocks is used to interpret depositional environments, changes in ancient sea level, and other intriguing aspects of Earth history.

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