
الثلاثاء، 15 مايو 2018

المناخ الحضري لمدينة الجيزة باستخدام الاستشعار عن بعد ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية - منصور حسين سالم صالح - رسالة ماجستير 2015م

المناخ الحضري لمدينة الجيزة 

باستخدام الاستشعار عن بعد ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية

رسالة مقدمة لاستكمال درجة الماجستير في الآداب
من قسم الجغرافيا بكلية الآداب - جامعة القاهرة

إعداد الطالب

منصور حسين سالم صالح


أ.د. شحاتة سيد أحمد طلبة
أستاذ الجغرافيا الطبيعية
رئيس قسم الجغرافيا 
كلية الآداب - جامعة القاهرة

أ.د. سامح إبراهيم عبد الوهاب
أستاذ الجغرافيا البشرية
كلية الآداب - جامعة القاهرة


  1436 هـ 2015 م

The Urban Climate of Giza City By Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information 

Thesis SubmittedIn Partial Fulfillment oftheRequirements fortheDegreeofMaster inGeography,DepartmentOf Geography, Faculty of Arts, CairoUniversity

Prepared by

Mansour Hussein Salem Saleh

Supervised by

Prof. Doctor
hehata Sayed Ahmad

Professor of Physical Geography,
President of the Department of Geography
Faculty of Arts, Cairo University

Prof. Doctor
Sameh Ebrahim Abd-ELWahab

Professor of Human Geography,
Faculty of Arts, Cairo University.


2015AD –1436AH

Summary Master Thesis, Department Of Geography,Physical geography,Major "Climate"
Under the title of: The Urban Climate of Giza City By Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems

Prepared by:Mansour Hussein Salem Saleh
Supervised by:Prof. Dr. Shehata Sayed Ahmad
Prof . Dr .Sameh Ebrahim Abd-ELWahab

   The study came in four chapters preceded by an introduction to the study, followed by the conclusion, and a list of sources and references, and a summary of the thesis. The structure of the thesis was as follows: Introduction of the study:
Which was provided to determine the subject, the study area and climate stations used to measure the climate parameters, the scientific background, objectives of the study, and previous studies, materials and methods, the struggles of the study, and the contents of the study.

  The first chapter:The characteristics of Giza city climate:
  This chapter dealt with the study of the general climate of the city and neighborhood areas;we studied the solar radiation, temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed and direction. They represent the most effective climate factors during the period of 2000 to 2013.

  The results showed that the study area was exposing to a higher intensity of daily solar radiation and high thermal input urban area from the surrounding agricultural areas, as well as the stability of the relative humidity rates due to the increase of land cover of the city.

  The second chapter:The historical development of the surface heat is land of Giza city during the period from 1984 to 2014. 
  This chapter dealt with examining  the historical evolution of the intensity of the surface heat is land during the period from 1984 to 2014 and that for the agricultural, Deseret surrounding area and Cairo city. Also addressed the study of urban cluster related to the city and separate regions it evolved during the same time period,and the relation of this development to the decrease of thermal intensity of this surface heat is land of the city for the agricultural hinterland. As well as the study of the surface temperature increase in the city and its relationship to the decrease of the normalized differentiation vegetation index(NDVI). 

  Concluded by studying the expected development of the surface heat island compared with the rural agricultural area during the future. The results indicated that the intensity of the surface heat island decreased as the urbanization increased in relation to the agriculture land area.

The third chapter: The intensity of the heat island of Giza city during 2014:This chapter included the study of advanced techniques used to determine the heat island. The remote sensing techniques and some of the statistical methods and field measurements for the intensity of the heat island of the Giza city. We studied the intensity of surface heat is land for all areas around the city during the four seasons 2014. The intensity of the heat is land of the canopy area during the summer.

At the end of this chapter we completed the thermal structure of the city, the distrution of the cool and hot heat islands, and the thermal differential  for the city parts. 

The fourth chapter:The effects of heat islands in Giza and ways to minimize them.
 This chapter showing cares the applied side to this study; it has dealt with some of the effects of the heat island such as low human comfort and increased demand for electric energy consumption and is interested in studying to minimize the effects of heat islands in the current time and the future. It was found that the negative heat island effects outweigh the positive, especially the impact on human physiological comfort and increased demand for electric power consumption effects.

  The study concluded that the results reached by the student, and the recommendations made by a futuristic vision of the mechanisms that are dealt with this problem with a focus on the study area.

English Abstract:

  The aim of the thesis was to study the urban climate of Giza city. The included parameters were temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation intensity and speed and direction. Seven stations distributed allover Giza city were included to measure the determined parameters of the study. The thermal bands were analyzed by remote sensing techniques. Heat islands were studied. The fluctuation of the surface heat island during the time period from 1984 to 2014. The intensity of heat island during the four seasons 2014. The results indicated that the intensity of the surface heat island decreased as the urbanization increased in relation to the agriculture land area. The consumption of electrical energy increased as the temperature increased once Celsius. The study recommended considering climatic planning for the new urban regions.

Key words* Giza  City* Urban climate* Heat island* Physiological comfort* Electric power consumption* Renewable energy* Remote Sensing* Geographic Information Systems

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