
الثلاثاء، 9 يوليو 2019

أثر السدود والخزانات النهرية على البيئة والنشاط الزراعي في أودية الأنهار سد حديثة على نهر الفرات دراسة تطبيقية

أثر السدود والخزانات النهرية على البيئة والنشاط الزراعي

في أودية الأنهار

سد حديثة على نهر الفرات دراسة تطبيقية

أ.د. خلف حسين علي الدليمي

جامعة الأنبار- العراق

International journal Of environment and water 2012


Effect river dams and reservoirs on the environment and agricultural activity in the river valleys Haditha Dam on the Euphrates River Case Study



  Department of Geography - College of Education - University of Anbar – Iraq Built on the Euphrates River several dams because it passed with three countries, namely Turkey, Syria and Iraq, which established Turkey's five dams on the main stream, and five on the tributaries, as well as the case with Syria has built three dams on the course of the main river, and three on the tributary of the Khabur,

  In Iraq, held Haditha Dam only, has performed a set of dams to a reduction in the amount of water reaching Iraq, after that it is not less than 28 billion m 3 fell at the beginning of this century to less than 18 billion m 3, and when the track changes and the effects after each dam will be some clear through the nature of the course and have seen changes, while the effects on environmental and other activities were not clear to some, when you note the general shape of the river channel after each fill impacts will be evident in the lack of drainage and increase the amount of sediment, and then the large number of islands and narrow stream and increase the area of the cover vegetation above the shores and islands,in this research, which includes detectives the following:

Section 1- dams and reservoirs built on the Euphrates River in Turkey, Syria and impact in the study area

Section 2- Characteristics of the Euphrates River after the Syrian-Iraqi border (before Haditha dam)

Section 3- Haditha Dam and its impacts on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of river water after the dam

Section 4-  effects the dam on the river channel after the dam

Section 5-  impact the dam on the environment and human health

Section 6-  impact the dam on agricultural activity after the dam

Section 7-  risks arising from the collapse of dams

Section 8- Conclusions and Recommendations

  The research includes satellite images and pictures of Google Earth related to dams, islands, rivers, and photographs about the nature of the Hungarian and the Cross sections and natural vegetation and manifestations of desertification in the study area, as well as a number of tables in particular quantities of discharge and salinity measurements islands and cross sections of the course.

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