
الخميس، 28 مايو 2020

دراسة نشأة بعض الترب في حوض حوران وتصنيفها وتقييمها - حيدر يوسف علي - أطروحة دكتوراه 2015م

دراسة نشأة بعض الترب في حوض حوران وتصنيفها وتقييمها

بحث علمي أعد لنيل در جة الدكتوراه في علوم التربة 

قسم التربة  بكلية الهندسة الزراعية - جامعة دمشق


م. حيدر يوسف علي 
ماجستير في علوم التربة 


الأستاذ الدكتور

 حسن حبيب -  مشرفاً

أستاذ في قسم علوم التربة
كلية الهندسة الزراعية - جامعة دمشق 

الدكتور وسيم مسبر  - مشرفاً مشاركاً 

 مدرس في قسم علوم التربة 

كلية الهندسة الزراعية جامعة دمشق 



The study of some soil formation in Hauran plateau and it’s classification and evaluation

Haidar Youssef Ali

Thesis submitted to the University of Damascus
in fulfillment of the requirements of the
degree of Doctor In Soil Science


Dr. Wasim Mesber 

Soil Science Department 
 Faculty of Agriculture
Damascus University

Prof. Dr. Hassan Habib

Soil Science Department 
Faculty of Agriculture
Damascus University

Damascus 2015


  To achieve this study objecives, 47 soil profiles were selected and prepared in Hauran Plain. Then samples were collected and analysed.

  The results show that the climate and parint material plays an important role in determining some of soil characteristics, such as: profile depth, texture of surface horizons, distribution of calcium carbonate. The results also show that the soil pH ranging from moderate to slightly alkaline. High (CEC), as a result of the nature and content of clay, and (Ca, Mg) dominate in the adsorption complex. The soil content of available micro-elements is ranging between good and low for (Cu, Mn, Fe). With a gradual decreasing towards the south of the plain. Zn concentration was moderate, and a very low concentration of Boron is found in all studied soils. Mineralogical composition of the soil by (x-ray), show a dominance of Quartz, Calcit, Feldspar and Olivine in Soil samples, wheres Smectite minerals were dominating in clay fractions, moreover, Mica and Kaolinite, but in small amount, and the Palygorskite in the plain southern. Studied soil were classification according to Soil taxonomy, and some diagnostic horizons were distinguished, i.e, Ochric Horizon, Cambic Horizon, Calcic horizon. Moreover, some diagnostic properties, such as, cracking phenomenon and slickenside. Three soil Orders were recognized. Vertisols, Inceptisols which occupy the largest portion of the studied area, are the second. And the Aridisols. Index of soils productivity is a little different, but generally it’s good.

Key words:
Cimate factor, parint material, Hauran Plain, Soil profile, CEC, CaCO3, Micronutrients, Soil Orders.

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