
السبت، 23 أكتوبر 2021

دور المشاريع التنموية في تغير المنظومة الحضرية لمحافظة الأنبار - هيفاء عبد الوهاب صالح محمود العبيدي - أطروحة دكتوراه 2021م

 دور المشاريع التنموية في تغير المنظومة الحضرية

لمحافظة الأنبار

 أطروحة مقدمة 

إلى مجلس كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية – جامعة الأنبار وهي جزء من متطلبات نيل شهادة الدكتوراه في الجغرافية 

من طالبة الدكتوراه 

هيفاء عبد الوهاب صالح محمود العبيدي


الأستاذ الدكتور 

عبدالناصر صبري شاهر الراوي

 1443 هـ - 2021م 

The Role of Development Projects in Changing the Urban System of Anbar Governorate 

A Thesis Submitted to the Council of the College of Education for Humanities at University of Anbar in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctorate in Geography 


Haifa Abdel Wahab Saleh Mahmoud Al Obeidi 

Supervised by: 

Prof. Dr. 

Abdel Nasser Sabry Shaher Al-Rawi 

AH 1443  - AD 2021


   Major development projects, especially large industries, are of great importance in any planning process, as they are responsible for guiding the development process, sectorally and spatially, whether at the state or regional level. This thesis focused on the study of development projects with the aim of revealing their role in changing the sizes and ranks of cities. Anbar Governorate was chosen as a study area for its rich natural and human resources and witnessed the experience of establishing a number of major industries in some of its districts, such as the phosphate, cement and glass industries. For that, the research problem was identified in questioning the role of development projects that were signed in some cities of Anbar Governorate and caused changes in the urban system during the development process. According to the hypothesis which says that the spatial distribution of development projects in Anbar Governorate tended to be concentrated in some districts away from other ones, and increased the concentration of the population in some cities in a way that was reflected on the urban system in Anbar Governorate. 

    In order to achieve the objective of the research, the descriptive and the quantitative approaches were adopted to analyze the relationship between the variables of the study to provide a geographical vision of a balanced urban system. After reviewing the ideas and concepts related to the topic of the thesis, especially the opinions of researchers and thinkers. The first chapter is devoted to the study and analysis of geographical characteristics (natural and human) and their relationship to the distribution of urban settlements and the formation of the urban system in Anbar Governorate. The district of Fallujah, the industrial facilities project in the district of Amiriya Al-Samoud, the General Phosphate Company project, the cement plant project in the Qaim district, and finally the Kubaisa cement plant project in the Heet. 

  The hierarchical arrangement of the concerned cities was studied in the third chapter according to the rank-size rule for Zeif during the stages of growth. It became clear from the course of the research that the number of establishments is inversely related to the ranks and directly with the rate of population growth. The linear Fisher function showed that cities can be distinguished through the variables represented by the number of establishments, the growth rate, the degree of volumetric arrangement and the judiciary in terms of their description of the rank of the judiciary C according to the base of rank _ Size, which is able to correctly classify 81.8% of the ranks. Accordingly, these variables will have an influential role as much as this percentage to raise the ranks of the district or city under study.

   In the fourth chapter, the researcher presented some future scenarios whose adoption could lead to an effective contribution to improving the role of the plan when developing studies for the creation or expansion of economic projects in the cities of Anbar Governorate. It has more than one development project, where the study adopted for each city a mathematical model to calculate the amount of potential change in urban land uses when additional job opportunities are available. The study showed that the per capita income plays a key role in the urbanization process and that the expansion of the urban system depends a lot on this factor.

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