
الأحد، 22 مايو 2022












Mahmood Mohammed Mahmood SOLIMAN


Prof. Dr.Mücahit COŞKUN 






Mahmood Mohammed Mahmood SOLIMAN



Karabuk University

Institute of Graduate Programs

Department of Geography

Prepared as

PhD Thesis


Prof. Dr. Mücahit COŞKUN



January, 2020 


TABLE OF CONTENTS........................ 1

THESIS APPROVAL PAGE................... 5

DECLARATION...................................... 6

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.................... 7

ABSTRACT............................................... 8

ÖZET.......................................................... 10

ARABIC ABSTRACT...............................12

ARCHIVE RECORD INFORMATION...................................... 14

ARŞİV KAYIT BİLGİLERİ............................................... 15

ABBREVIATIONS.................................... 16

INTRODUCTION...................................... 18




IV. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS.......................................... 23


VI. PREVIOUS STUDIES........................... 38

I. CHAPTER................................................. 41


1.1. Geological Properties of Northern Libya............ 41

1.1.1. Paleozoic................................................. 41

1.1.2. Mesozoic.................................................. 41

1.1.3. Cenozoic (Tertiary and Quaternary).... 42

1.2. Properties of Geomorphology.................. 45

1.2.1. North Mountains.................................... 45 Green Mountain.................................. 45 Western's Mountain............................ 46

1.2.2. Coastal Plains and Coastal Landforms......... 46 Benghazi Plain...................................... 46 Aljafarah Plain..................................... 47 Sirte Plain............................................ 47

1.2.3. Plateaus.............................................. 47 Al-Butnan and Defna........................... 47 Al-Hamada Alhamra........................... 48

1.2.4. Karstic Land Forms................... 48

1.2.5. Arid Region Land Forms....................... 48

1.3. Climate of North Libya.............................. 51

1.4. Properties of Hydrography........................ 51

1.4.1. Surface Water.................................. 51

1.4.2. Groundwater........................................... 51

1.5. Properties of Soils (Parent Material and Components)...... 54

1.5.1. Zonal Soils...................................... 54 Terra Rossa................................... 54 Arid Steppes Soil......................... 55

1.5.2. Intra-Zonal Soils.................................... 55

1.5.3. Azonal Soils..................................... 56

1.6. Properties of Vegetation in North Libya.................... 59

II.CHAPTER...................................................... 62

CLIMATE CHARACTERISTICS.................. 62

2.1. Effect of Physical Factors on Climate...... 62

2.1.1. Planetary Factors....................... 62 Geographical Location......................... 62 Air Masses and Fronts............ 64 Depressions............................. 65

2.1.2. Geographical Factors........................ 68 Effect Mediterranean Sea and Desert........ 68 Impact of Mountains and Direction of Coastline.................. 68 Coastline Direction........................... 69 Aspects..................................... 71

2.2. Elements of Climate................................... 78

2.2.1. Solar Radiation................................. 78

2.2.2. Temperatures (Maximum, Minimum and Average).................. 84

2.2.3. Atmospheric Pressure and Wind.......... 95 Atmospheric Pressure................. 95 Wind Directions...................... 101 Wind Speed.......................... 105

2.2.4. Humidity and Precipitation............. 108 Relative Humidity.......................... 108 Evaporation................................ 112 Clouds.................................. 117 Precipitation............................. 118

2.3. Some Classification of Climate in Study Area.............. 131

2.3.1. SPI Index For Annual of Rain.............. 131

2.3.2. Climate Classification of Erinç............. 141

2.3.3.Climate Classification of L. EMBERGER (Coefficient of Thermal – Rain)   ... 149

2.3.4. Index of Johansson for Continental Climate and Oceanity Climate... 151

2.3.5. Index of Kerner for Continental Climate and Oceanity Climate...... 154

III. CHAPTER.......................................... 157


3.1. Descriptive Statistics and Distributions of Temperature Data.................. 158

3.2. Descriptive Statistics and Distribution of Precipitation Data..................... 207

3.3. Statistical Investigation of Temperatures and Precipitation Data............. 239

3.3.1. Investigation of Data Distribution....... 239

3.3.2. Homogeneity of Variances.................. 240 Kruskal-Wallis...................... 240 Mann-Whitney U..................... 241

3.3.3.Correlation Analysis (Spearman's Rho, and Kendall's tau)................ 242

IV. CHAPTER............................... 248


4.1.Trend Analysis for Temperatures Data....................................................... 249

4.1.1.Trend Analysis of Mann-Kendall, Spearman, and Sen's slope........... 249 Evaluation on Maximum Temperatures Results......................... 265 Evaluation of Minimum Temperatures Results........................... 268 Evaluationof Average Temperatures Results.............................. 272

4.1.2. Mann-Kendall Correlation Coefficient U(t)-U'(t)............................... 276 Graphs of M-K U(t)-U'(t) Results for Seasonally and Annual Maximum Temperatures (1971-2010)........................... 276 Evaluation for Results of Mann-Kendall Embodiment Correlation U(t) -U (t') Tests of the Maximum, Minimum and Average Temperatures Data......................... 336

4.1.3. Simple Linear Trend for Temperatures Data.... 343 Simple Linear Trend of MaximumTemperatures Data (1971-2010)...  343 Simple Linear Trend of Minimum Temperatures Data (1971-2010)    352 Simple Linear Trend of Average Temperatures Data (1971-2010) 362

4.2. Trend Analysis for Precipitation Data..... 371

4.2.1. Trend Analysis of Mann-Kendall, Spearman and Sen's slope........... 371

4.2.2. Relative Correlation of Mann-Kendall U(t)-U'(t) Graphs for Precipitation Data (1971-2010)...383

4.2.3. Simple Linear Regression of PrecipitationData (1971-2010).............. 405 Simple Linear Regression for Seasonally Precipitation.............. 405 Simple Linear Regression for Annual Precipitation Data (1971-2010) 413

4.2.4. Control's Models of Trend for Annual Precipitation Data (1971-2010) 418

V. CHAPTER.................................... 427

CONCLUSION............................................. 427

REFERENCES.............................................. 449

LIST OF TABLES.......................................... 462

LIST OF FIGURES....................................... 468

LIST OF MAPS............................................... 486



The trend analysis is one of the important climate studies for detecting climate change in the short and long term. Climate change trend analysis can provide information on how climate has evolved to determine the changes and trends in climate elements over time. The importance of climate trend analysis studies is to estimate the risks of future climate changes based on current data and to try to avoid drought and lack of water resources by establishing sound scientific plans based on the results of these studies.

The scope of the research subject entitled “Trend Analysis of Temperatures and Precipitation data in Northern part of Libya” extends to analysis of 16 meteorological stations, 8 of which are coastal stations, which are Agdabia, Benghazi, Derna, Misurata, Sirte, Tobruk, Tripoli, Zwara. And 5 of them are desert stations, which are Ghadames, Ghariat, Hon, Jaghboub, Jalo, and 3 mountain stations are Alfataiah, NALUT and SHAHAT. In order to perform trend analysis, the data must be at least 30 years old. The data for current analysis in most of the stations comprises of 40 years, from 1971 to 2010, except for Alfataiah Station (1981-2010) and Tobruk Station (1984-2010).The necessary data comprising 40-year continuous data were collected from Libyan National Meteorological center climate & climate Change, Tripoli.

Microsoft Excel 2007 and IBM SPSS 23 program were used to organize the climate and other data and to create tables, graphs and figures for the data. Arc GIS 10.4 (Geography Information System) program was used to make the maps. Trend Analysis and Windows software and IBM SPSS 23 program were used to perform trends and other statistical analyzes. Descriptive statistics of the data were made in the statistical methods used within the scope of the study, Kolmogorov- Smirnov test for made normality distributions, and the data were not distributed normally. After the Kruskal-Wallis H test was used to determine the difference between the temperature and Precipitation, the correlation was determined using the Spearman Rho method for correlation analysis. For the trend analysis of 40-year temperature and precipitation data, trends directions were determined by Mann-Kendall, Spearman Rho, Sen test, Simple Linear Regression Analysis for temperatures.

In maximum temperatures, it is observed that there are warming at western stations of the study area during the spring season and in most stations in the summer, and Sirte, Agdabia, Jalo and Hon stations in autumn. The winter season showed no significant trends in the maximum temperatures. However, the general average temperatures of the maximum temperatures have shown warming in all stations except for stations near Green Mountain and Zwara station in the west. In minimum temperatures, it is observed that there are warming at all stations in summer, except for Shahat station. In spring, while in the autumn season, all stations showed warming except for stations located on a high elevation, such as Nalut, Ghadames and Shahat. The winter season has shown trends towards warming at stations of Jagboub, Alfataiah, and Agdabia, as for the annual average, it showed trends towards warming in some situations, such as Jaghboub, Alfataiah and Zwara. In average temperatures, most stations showed a tendency to warming.

There were relationships between the indicators of the North Atlantic Oscillation (positive and negative) and the increase trends in the autumn season in several years the most important of which was in September 1993 with the value (-3.18) and its impact reached several stations such as Al-FATAIAH, JAGHBOUB, JALO, TRIPOLI and DERNA in increasing and decreasing trends in temperatures and precipitation in deferent years.

     The El Nino and La Nino phenomenon influenced temperature trends and precipitation in the region. The El Niño effect (very strong) in the 1982-1983 season caused the lowest temperatures in DERNA station and the maximum temperatures in ZWARA and JALO stations while the phenomenon of La Niño affected the trends of precipitation in some stations such as NALUT, SHAHAT, JAGHBOUB, TOBRUK, DERNA, JALO, and JAGHBOUB.Based on results of this study, appropriate plans and policies can be established to address current and future climate conditions, by which areas threatened by drought and water shortages can be identified.

Keywords: Temperature, Precipitation, Trend Analysis, Mann-Kendall, Spearman Trend Slope Test, Physical Geography.


Trend analizi, uzun vadede iklim değişikliğini tespit etmek için önemli iklim istatistik uygulamalarından biridir. İklim elemanlarının zaman serileri içerisindeki değişikliklerini ve eğilimlerini belirlemek iklimin nasıl değiştiği üzerine bir fikir verebilir. Zaman serileri içerisindeki iklim değişkenliklerinin iklim parametrelerinde artış ya da azalış eğilimi göstermesi, mevcut durumu tespit etmek kadar gelecek ile ilgili öngörü yapılabilmesine de yardımcı olmaktadır.   

Araştırmanın kapsamını; “Kuzey Libya'da Sıcaklık ve Yağış Verilerinin Trend Analizi” oluşturmaktadır. Tezin amacını ise, araştırmaya dâhil edilen istasyonların (Agdabia, Bingazi, Derna, Misurata, Sirte, Tobruk, Trablus, Zwara, Ghadames, Ghariat, Hon, Jaghboub, Jalo, Alfataiah, Nalut ve Shahat) sıcaklık ve yağış verilerini değerlendirerek mevcut trendin eğilimlerini, boyutunu ve şiddetini belirlemek meydana getirmekedir. Karma araştırma modelinin kullanıldığı bu çalışmanın verileri Trablus’da bulunan Libya Ulusal Meteoroloji Merkezi İklim ve İklim Değişikliği biriminden elde edilmiştir.

Verilerin analizinde tablolar, grafikler ve şekiller oluşturmak için Microsoft Excel 2007, harita yapımı ve analizi için Arc GIS 10.4 programı, Trend analizi ve diğer istatistiksel işlemleri gerçekleştirmek için SPSS 23 programı kullanılmıştır. Sıcaklık ve yağış arasındaki farkı belirlemek için Kruskal-Wallis H testi uygulandıktan sonra korelasyon analizi için Spearman Rho yöntemi kullanılarak korelasyon belirlenmiştir. 40 yıllık sıcaklık ve yağış verilerinin trend analizi için eğilim yönleri Mann-Kendall, Spearman Rho, Sen testi, sıcaklıklar için basit doğrusal regresyon analizi ile belirlenmiştir.

Maksimum sıcaklıklarda, ilkbahar mevsiminde ve yaz aylarında çoğu istasyonda ve sonbaharda Sirte, Agdabia, Jalove Hon istasyonlarında çalışma alanının batı istasyonlarında ısınma olduğu görülmektedir. Kış mevsiminde maksimum sıcaklıklarda önemli eğilimler göstermemiştir. Bununla birlikte, maksimum sıcaklıkların genel ortalama sıcaklıkları, batıdaki Green Mountain ve Zwara istasyonu yakınlarındaki istasyonlar hariç tüm istasyonlarda ısınmayı göstermiştir.

Araştırmanın sonucunda minimum sıcaklıklarda, Shahat istasyonu hariç, yaz aylarında tüm istasyonlarda ısınma olduğu görülmektedir. İlkbaharda, tüm çöl istasyonları ısınma eğilimlerini gösterirken, sonbahar mevsiminde tüm istasyonlar Nalut, Ghadames ve Shahat gibi yükseltisi fazla olan istasyonlar dışında ısınma eğilimi göstermemektedir. Kış mevsimi, Jagboub, Alfataiah ve Agdabia istasyonlarında ısınmaya yönelik eğilimler göstermekte; yıllık ortalamada ise Jaghboub, Alfataiah ve Zwara gibi bazı stasyonlar ısınma eğilimleri göstermiştir. Ortalama sıcaklıklarda, çoğu istasyon her mevsim özellikle (1998-2001) arasında ısınma eğilimi göstermiştir. Isınma eğilimi, Trablus, Misurata, Bingazi gibi büyük nüfus merkezlerinin yakınında bulunan istasyonlarda ve Agdabia, Tobruk ve Sirte gibi petrol rafinerilerinin yakınında bulunan istasyonlarda görülmektedir.

Zwara, Trablus ve Tobruk istasyonları gibi bazı istasyonlar, yıllık yağış ortalamasında azalma eğilimleri gösterirken, diğer tüm istasyonların yağışında önemli bir eğilim göstermemiştir.

Kuzey Atlantik Salınımının göstergeleri (pozitif ve negatif) ile sonbahar mevsimindeki artış eğilimleri arasında en önemlisi (-3.18) değeri ile Eylül 1993'te olan ilişkiler bulunmaktadır ve onun etkisi AL-FATAIAH, JAGHBOUB, JALO, TRİPOLİ ve DERNA gibi çeşitli istasyonlara ulaşmıştır.

El Nino ve La Nino salınımları bölgedeki sıcaklık trendlerini ve yağışları etkilemiştir. 1982-1983 yıllarında El Niño etkisi (çok güçlü), DERNA istasyonundaki en düşük sıcaklıklara ve ZWARA ve JALO istasyonlarındaki maksimum sıcaklıklara neden olurken, la Niño salınımı NALUT, SHAHAT, JAGHBOUB, TOBRUK, DERNA, JALO ve JAGHBOUB gibi bazı istasyonlarda yağış trendlerini etkilemiştir.

Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre Libya’daki iklim değişikliğinin olumsuz etkilerini ortadan kaldırmak veya azaltmak için düşük yağış ve artan sıcaklıkları etkileyen bazı tedbirler alınmalıdır. Bu tedbirlerin en önemlisi, su kaynakları yönetimi için planlar yapılmalı ve uygulanmalıdır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Sıcaklık, Yağış, Trend Analizi, Mann-Kendall, Spearman Trend Eğilim Testi, Fiziki Coğrafya.



    تعد دراسة تحليل الاتجاهات واحدة من الدراسات المُناخية المهمة للكشف عن تغير المُناخ على المدى القريب والبعيد ، ويمكن أن يوفر تحليل المتغيرات المُناخية معلومات عن كيفية تطور المُناخ من خلال تحليل السلاسل الزمنية.

مجال البحث هو تحليل اتجاه درجات الحرارة وهطول الأمطار في القسم الشمالي من ليبيا ، لـ 16 محطة أرصاد جوية، منها 8 محطات ساحلية وهي أجدابيا وبنغازي ودرنة و مصراتة وسرت وطبرق وطرابلس و زوارة. و 5 منها محطات صحراوية هي غدامس ، و القريات ، وهون ، و الجغبوب ، و جالو ، و 3 محطات جبلية هي الفتائح و شحات و نالوت.

    من أجل إجراء تحليل الاتجاهات على نحو معتبر علمياً، يجب ألّا تقل البيانات المُناخية عن 30 عامًا.  كانت السلاسل الزمنية في معظم المحطات (40 عامًا) ، من 1971 إلى 2010، باستثناء محطة الفتائح فقد كانت مدة بياناتها (30 عاماً) من1981 إلى 2001، ومحطة طبرق (27 عاماً) من 1984إلى 2010،  لذلك، هناك العديد من المحطات في منطقة الدراسة لم تُدرج في البحث، منها على سبيل المثال محطة ناصر و محطة يفرن و محطة الكفرة، حيث لا توجد سلسلة بيانات منتظمة يمكن الاعتماد عليها في تحليل الاتجاهات.

    الغرض من هذه الدراسة هو تحليل اتجاهات بيانات درجات الحرارة و الأمطار للمحطات المشمولة في البحث والتعرف على الزيادة أو النقصان في تلك المحطات، و ذلك للمساهمة في إثراء المكتبة العلمية للمُناخ ، خاصة و إن دراسات تحليل اتجاهات المُناخ قليلة في ليبيا، حيث تكمن أهمية دراسة تحليل اتجاه المُناخ في التنبؤ بمخاطر التغيرات المُناخية المستقبلية، ومحاولة تجنب مشكلة الجفاف ونقص الموارد المائية و ترشيد استهلاكها، و يُعتقد أن البحث سوف يسهم في تحديد المناطق الجافة في شمال ليبيا، من أجل إعطاء رؤية مستقبلية لتطوير مشاريع المياه في ليبيا و التي من خلالها يمكن تحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية في البلاد.

    تم الحصول على البيانات من المركز الوطني الليبي للأرصاد الجوية وتغير المُناخ، طرابلس. اُستخدم برنامج Microsoft Excel 2007 و برنامج IBM SPSS 23 لتنظيم البيانات المُناخية، ثم اُستخدم برنامج Arc GIS 10.4 (نظم المعلومات الجغرافية) لعمل الخرائط الطبيعية و المُناخية.

    اُستُخدم برنامج IBM SPSS 23 لإجراء تحليلات اتجاهية وإحصائية أخرى. أُجريت إحصاءات وصفية لبيانات الحرارة و المطر. أُجريت اختبارات التوزيعات الطبيعية بواسطة اختبار Kolmogorov Smirnov حيث أشارت أغلب النتائج أن توزيع البيانات لم يتم بشكل طبيعي.  اُستخدم اختبار Kruskal-Wallisلتحديد الفرق بين درجة الحرارة وهطول الأمطار، حُددت العلاقة بين البيانات باستخدام طريقة  Spearman's Rho and Kendall's tau لتحليل الارتباط. و لتحليل الاتجاهات اُستخدمت اختبارات: Mann-Kendall, Spearman, Sen slope Trend analysis windows.  

    أعطت اختبارات تحليل الاتجاه عدة اتجاهات مختلفة، حيث لوحظ  وجود ارتفاع في درجات الحرارة العظمى في المحطات الغربية لمنطقة الدراسة خلال فصل الربيع، وفي معظم المحطات في فصل الصيف، و محطات سرت و أجدابيا و جالو وهون في الخريف، ولم يظهر موسم الشتاء أي اتجاهات مهمة. ومع ذلك، فإن المعدل السنوي لدرجات الحرارة العظمى أظهر اتجاهات نحو الزيادة في جميع المحطات باستثناء المحطات القريبة من الجبل الأخضر بنغازي و الفتائح ومحطة زوارة في الغرب في درجات الحرارة الصغرى لوحظ ارتفاع درجات الحرارة في جميع المحطات في فصل الصيف، باستثناء محطة شحات، في فصل الربيع، أظهرت جميع المحطات الصحراوية اتجاهات نحو الاحترار، و كذلك الحال في فصل الخريف أظهرت جميع المحطات زيادة في درجات الحرارة باستثناء المحطات الواقعة في مناطق مرتفعة فوق مستوى سطح البحر، أظهر فصل الشتاء اتجاهات نحو الاحترار في محطات الجغبوب و الفتائح و أجدابيا. في المعدل العام لدرجات الحرارة، أظهرت معظم المحطات ميلًا إلى الاحترار في جميع الفصول وأيضاً في المعدل السنوي، خاصة بين (1998-2010)، ويمكن ملاحظة هذا الاحترار في المحطات القريبة من المراكز السكانية الكبيرة مثل طرابلس و مصراتة و بنغازي. وكذلك المحطات الموجودة بالقرب من مصافي تكرير النفط مثل أجدابيا و طبرق و سرت. لم تُظهر جميع المحطات أي اتجاهات مهمة في هطول الأمطار، خاصة أن بعض المحطات أظهرت اتجاهات نحو الانخفاض في المعدلات السنوية لكميات الأمطار، مثل محطات زوارة و طرابلس و طبرق.

    كانت هناك علاقات بين مؤشرات تذبذب شمال الأطلسي (إيجابية وسلبية) خاصة في موسم الخريف خلال عدة سنوات أهمها عام 1993، عندما كان المؤشر في سبتمبر (-3.18)، و لقد وصل تأثيره إلى العديد من المحطات مثل الفتائح و الجغبوب و جالو و طرابلس و درنة. و بالمقارنة بين نتائج الدراسة و نتائج تذبذب شمال الأطلسي لوحظ أن هناك علاقة بين اتجاهات (الزيادة والنقصان) في العديد من محطات منطقة الدراسة و يظهر الأثر واضحاً على درجات الحرارة وهطول الأمطار في مواسم و سنوات مختلفة. و لظاهرة El Niño  تأثير ضعيف على اتجاهات درجات الحرارة وهطول الأمطار في المنطقة في موسم 1982-1983 وصل تأثير النينيو إلى منطقة الدراسة عندما كان (قوي جدًا) و اقتصر أثره فقط على درجات الحرارة الصغرى في محطة درنة، و درجات الحرارة العظمى في محطات زوارة و جالو. في حين أن ظاهرة La Niño   كان لها تأثير على اتجاهات هطول الأمطار في بعض المحطات مثل نالوت، و شحات، و الجغبوب، و طبرق، و درنة، و جالو.

    استنادًا إلى التقييم الحقيقي للنتائج التي تم الحصول عليها من تحليل الاتجاهات، يمكن إنشاء خطط وسياسات مناسبة لمواجهة الظروف المُناخية الحالية والمستقبلية، من خلالها يمكن حصر المناطق المهددة بالجفاف و العجز المائي.

الكلمات الافتتاحية: درجة الحرارة، التساقط، تحليل الاتجاه، مان كيندال، سبيرمان، المُناخ، الجغرافيا الطبيعية.


The introduction part of thesis covers the subject of the research, purpose, sub-objectives, justification, importance, limitations, materials and methods and analysis of previous studies.


The climate is one of the major physical elements on the earth that has become an important area of scientific research. The governments of many countries in the world have shown keen interest in climate change after the industrial revolution of the 19th century. Besides, the issue of global warming in recent decades has also increased the interest of scientists in climate research.

In general, climate change can be defined as a long-term and slow-developing changes with significant global and local impacts on climatic conditions of the world. These changes in climate during ice age and interglaciation period has great impact on climatic patterns in various regions of the world that influence the melting of glaciers, average temperature and amount of precipitation (Türkeş, 2001).

This implies that the portrayal of the climate patterns in a particular region must include an analysis of mean conditions of the seasonal cycle of the probability of extremes such as severe drought in the arid areas.

The most recent assessment conducted by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has reported an increase in the mean surface temperature from 0.56 0C in 1906 to 0.92 0C in 2005 (IPCC, 2007). This increase is larger than what had been mentioned by previous IPCC report, which mentioned that global mean surface temperature has increased by approximately 0.3 0C to 0.6 0C from 1901-2000 (IPCC, 2001).

Climate changes in the past were entirely due to natural causes. However, the share of human activities in recent climate changes is much greater. The short-range climate changes, which are suggested to be the result of more human activities, are the subjects related to the phenomenon of global warming (Nişancı, 2007).

The climate which has a dynamic structure shows continuous variation in temporal and spatial scale, hence, a large part of the earth is subject to changes due to the nature of the climate in short or long periods. On the other hand, the idea of global climate change, which is expressed as the increase of global temperature and the change of rainfall pattern, has started to be accepted by the scientists due to the findings obtained in recent years (Karabulut, 2009).

Climate change has both positive and negative effects. These impacts influence human health and quality of life at greater extent with changes in water resources, natural ecosystems, agriculture, forestry, and fishing activities. The negative impact start dominating as the changes in the climate patterns increase (Demirci, and Karakuyu, 2002; Türkeş, 2012).

The elements of heat and precipitation are of the most important climatic elements that affect directly or indirectly other air elements such as evaporation, condensation, atmospheric pressure, etc. Any change in temperature or lack of rain can cause a change in the general that affects regional or even local climate. Temperature and precipitation that represents the main elements of climate have both spatial and temporal variability.

The oscillations in the temperature and precipitation parameters show evidence of the general characteristics of the climate and they are of great importance. Accordingly, recent studies on climate change have focused on the trend analysis of temperature and precipitation parameters. The studies revealed that during the period between 1850-2016, the year 2000 represented the hottest ten years on a global scale (Cosun, 2009 andTürkeş, 2012).

This definition of the climate as representative of conditions over several decades should, of course, not mask the fact that climate can change rapidly. Nevertheless, a substantial time interval is needed to observe a difference in climate between any two periods. In general, the less the difference between the two periods, the longer is the time needed to identify any changes in the climate between them with confidence.

Following the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), a period of 30 years is the classical period for performing the statistics used to define climate. This is well adopted for studying climate of recent decades since it requires a reasonable amount of data while still providing a good sample of the different types of weather that can occur in a particular area.

However, when analyzing the most distant past, such as the last glacial maximum around 20.000 years ago, climatologists are often interested in varied characteristic of longer time intervals. Consequently, the 30-year period proposed by the WMO should be considered more as an indicator than a norm that must be followed in all cases (Brohan, 2006).

The analysis of previous literature has revealed that there is an absence of scientific studies regarding trend analysis of temperature and precipitation in Libya. Therefore, in present study the trend analysis was applied to temperature and precipitation data of north Libya from 16 meteorological stations for the period between 1971-2010, to identify general trends along with present and future climate predictions in the study area. Besides, the dimensions of climatic changes related to these climate parameters were determined in order to make accurate inferences about future situations on the climate. In this study, trend analysis was performed on temperature and precipitation parameters instead of evaluating all climatic parameters which best reflect the changes in climate with time.

The study area is located in North Africa in Libya extending from 28.00 to 33.10 latitudes in north and 09.20 to 25.00 longitude in the east. Mediterranean sea lies in the north, desert of Libya in the south, Tunisia and Algeria in the west and Egypt in the east of the study area. There is about 1900 km long coastline in the north of study area extending from Berdya gulf in the east to Ras Ajdir in the west.

The study area covers an area of about 538,495 square kilometers comprising two different regions. First region comprises coastline area, Green Mountain in Northeast, and West Mountain in northwest, while the second one is southern region which is a dry desert area making the largest part of the study area. This diversity and extension in the surface features resulted in a variety of climatic conditions prevailing in the region from semi-humid climate in the north and semi-arid climate in the center to the very-arid climate in the south.

Map 1. Location Map of Northern Libya


Present research aims to identify the trend of temperature and precipitation data of long period and find the direction and dimensions of these trends. For this purpose, the following questions have been sought:

v      What are the planetary and local factors affecting the climate of northern Libya?

v      In which trends (increase/decrease) the trend has occurred in meteorological stations (Desert stations or Coast stations)?

v      Which meteorological stations show strong trends and are these stations show changes in temperature and precipitation data?

v      Is there any relationship between the temperatures and precipitationtrends in Libya and global climate change and climatic phenomena such as Atlantic oscillations and El Niño?

    The study is based on one main axis to answer these questions that is concerned with descriptive and statistical analysis of temperatures and precipitation in the area.

A number of studies have recommended the study of trends for different climate variables (Nalley, 2012) to understand the relationship between human activities and climate. In the light of this, the main objective of this research is to analyze the trends that may exist in the time series of climatic variables. These parameters serve as good indicators of how the climate has evolved as the studies on climate change indicate an increase in patterns of temperature and precipitation experienced in different parts of the world. Therefore, information about the impacts of climate change on the spatiotemporal characteristics of temperature and precipitation is required to understand the effects of climate change on scarcity of water resources in region.


The subject of the study is important because it is the first study that provides a clearer understanding of climatic trends in Libya with such extent the obtained results are thought to provide an important contribution to the development of climate plans and policies.

Climatic characteristics, climate change and trends have a very decisive influence on human activities and ecosystems. These effects are mostly manifested by temperature and precipitation elements. This issue demonstrates the necessity of the subject taken in the study and shows the importance of taking the basis of temperature and precipitation data for trend analysis. Besides, it is also important to analyze the trends of heat and rain in the region to identify the causes of drought and how to treat them by sound scientific methods as the study area suffers from the problem of water shortage and the spread of drought in agricultural land.

During the course of research, some difficulties were encountered in terms of accuracy of the results of the study. In order to carry out the trend analysis which constitutes the subject of the research, there is a need for at least 30 years of temperature and precipitation data continuously. While the number of meteorological stations in North Libya is more than the number of stations included in the study, all of these stations were not included in the study. This is because some stations did not have long-year data and data sets containing long years did not show uninterrupted measurements and in some cases the data for 5 years or more were not taken consecutively in these stations. Besides, the most important difficulties faced during the research were the lack of sources and references of climate.


The hypotheses created within the scope of the research are as follows:

H0: Observation sequences of North of Libya temperatures (mean, average maximum and average minimum) show trends.

Ha: Observation sequences of the North of Libya temperatures (mean, average maximum and average minimum) do not show any trend.

H0: Observation sequences for the precipitation of the North of Libya show a trend.

Ha: Observation sequences of the precipitation of the North of Libya do not show any trend.

H0: There is a relationship between Temperatures and Precipitation trends, Atlantic oscillations, and El Niño.

Ha: There isn't a relationship between Temperatures and Precipitation trends, Atlantic oscillations, and El Niño.


Within the scope of the research, a detailed literature review was conducted including local and international sources of information. In light of the literature, features and characteristics of physical geography were determined as they have an influence on climatic properties and necessary preliminary works were made about the evaluation processes of the programs, methods, and analyses used in the trend analysis. Following actions were taken after collection of secondary data of climate obtained from the Libyan National Meteorological Office, The steps regarding the organization and evaluation of the scattered data are given below:

v  Monthly and long-year average and total values of temperature, solar duration, humidity, precipitation, pressure and wind velocity were calculated with Microsoft Excel 2007 program. Tables and graphs were created through this program to visualize these numerical data including solar radiation, temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind directions, humidity, evaporation, clouds, precipitation, SPI index, and all classifications of climate.

v The Excel (QI Macros) was used to extract the standard deviations of temperature and precipitation variables and graphs were made.

v    IBM SPSS 20 program was used in creating selective statistics, analysis of data distribution, determination of differences and correlation analysis. In the determination of the distribution of data Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney U for the difference and Spearman Rho test for correlation analysis were used.

v  SPSS 20 program was used to determine the homogeneity of variances on temperature and precipitation data and Kruskal-Wallis H test was preferred.

v Trend values of temperature and precipitation data were determined using Trend Analysis for Windows program. Microsoft Word 2007 program was used to table these values.

v  Simple linear regression analyses for temperature and precipitation data were performed on the IBM SPSS 20 program and results were visualized by graphs on Microsoft Excel 2007 program.

v Mann-Kendall-rank correlation graphs were created on the Microsoft Excel 2007 program using the u(t)-u'(t) values obtained from the Trend Analysis for Windows software.

v  App of XmR Trend Control Chart in Excel (QI Macros) was used to identify the trends of maximum and minor temperatures and general averages for seasons, and years, and also was used to identify the monthly and annual precipitation trends.

v The tabulation of the values ​​obtained from these formulas and the creation was carried out via Microsoft Excel 2007.

v     Mapping was done through GIS program (Arc map 10.3).

*  Climate Data, consists of a groups of time series, a simple model of data in a time series is to view each observation as being the realization of a random variable made up of a trend through time, (one or more) seasonal effects, and remaining effects that are not a function of time (Tamra et al., 2013).

Climatic data for 16 synoptic stations across Libya were collected from the Libyan National Meteorological Centre (LNMC), for periods of 1971-2010 from 16 stations except for ALFATAIAH station 1981-2010 and TOBRUK station 1984-2010.  as most of the meteorological stations of the study area stopped working at the beginning of 2011 due to the political circumstances of the country. The following table 1 and map2  show the geographical characteristics of the selected stations.

Table 1. Geographical Information about Meteorological Stations




Station Name

North Latitude

East Longitude


Distance from sea

Monitoring Period








1971 - 2010








1981 - 2010








1971 - 2010








1971 - 2010








1971 - 2010








1971 - 2010








1971 - 2010








1971 - 2010








1971 - 2010








1971 - 2010








1971 - 2010








1971 - 2010








1971 - 2010








1984 - 2010








1971 - 2010








1971 - 2010

Source: Unpublished data from General Administration of Meteorology and Climate, Tripoli, Libya, 2012.

Map 2. Meteorological Station in Northern of Libya

v      Methods

    The following are the stages for the regulation and evaluation of the data. The longest observational periods of meteorological stations were first determined and the data sets were evaluated in this context.

§  Applied Statistical Methods

    Various statistical methods were used in the research. Firstly, descriptive statistics of the data were determined and then the distribution of the data was examined with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Following this process, the data were subjected to the Kruskal Wallis H test to determine the homogeneity of the variances and whether there was a difference between the variables.

    The difference between the average temperature and precipitation data was considered separately and the Mann Whitney U test was used for this. Limiting the number of groups to two required the use of the Mann Whitney test instead of Kruskal Wallis test. Correlation analysis was performed with Spearman Rho test on temperature and precipitation data before the trend analysis.

    The normal distribution of the data and the lack of homogeneity necessitate the use of this method. Mann-Kendall and Spearman's Rho tests were used for the analysis of temperature and precipitation data. In the determination of trend start year, Mann-Kendall Order Correlation test statistic and Trend Linear Regression and Sen's Trend Slope tests were used (Yılmaz, 2018).

    In the analysis of trend analysis, it is very important to obtain data containing long-term measurements and to determine the increase or decrease in trend of time series in terms of parametric and nonparametric methods (Gümüş, 2006).

    It is possible to obtain better results with the use of parametric tests in cases where the data have a normal distribution and the variances are homogeneous. In non-parametric tests, the time series generally shows a non-normal distribution. Therefore, The use of nonparametric methods in the determination of the trend in the climatic data where continuous variables such as temperature and precipitation are concerned provides more accurate results than parametric methods (Yılmaz, 2018).

    Within the scope of this study, descriptive statistics were performed primarily on average temperature and precipitation data. After descriptive statistics, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to investigate the distribution of the data. Then, temperature and precipitation data were tested for Kruskal-Wallis H correlation analysis by Spearman Rho for the homogeneity of variance. The determination of the normal distribution of the data required the use of these methods. As a result of these stages, Mann-Kendall, Spearman's Rho, Sen-Trends and Mann-Kendall Correlation tests and Simple Linear regression analysis were applied to the data.

§  Kolmogorov-Smirnov

    It is a method used to investigate the normality of data. It is preferred when the group size is greater than 30. The evaluation of the test is carried out by comparing the obtained p value with the desired level of significance. If the group size is less than 30, the Shapiro-Walks test is suitable (Yılmaz, 2018).

§  Kruskal Wallis H Test

    In studies of climatic change, change types such as the form of sudden or step climatic fluctuation or periodicity, strong tendency and change in atmospheric or hydrological series, constitute the main alternatives of homogeneity. Some of the aforementioned types of change may reflect non-homogeneity. The observation records obtained from the applications performed on the data are often not homogeneous (Yılmaz, 2018; Türkeş, 2013).

    In scientific studies, the data to be included in the research must be absolutely reliable. One of the ways to provide valid information on the reliability of the data is the quality control and homogeneity analysis for meteorological measurements. Climatologically data are not always homogeneous. Such data show occasional non-homogenous characteristics depending on urbanization, measuring instrument problems and station location change factors. However, when the discontinuities and values observed do not have a normal distribution, the precipitation parameter differs from many other meteorological parameters. Depending on the nature of the precipitation parameter, it is inconvenient to use the one-way variance test (ANOVA) in the homogeneity analysis of precipitation data. One-way variance test is applicable for cases where normal distribution is seen and the variances of the series are accepted as equal (Sönmez, 2007).

    One way variance test is a parametric test. The Kruskal Wallis H test refers to the non-parametric response of the one-way analysis of variance where the samples exhibit independent irrelevant characteristics. An alternative non-parametric Kruskal Wallis H test is preferred when one-way analysis of variance is not possible. The assumptions adopted by the ANOVA test are invalid and when the number of groups to be compared exceeds two, the Kruskal Wallis test is applied. In the Kruskal Wallis analysis, first the values are sorted, the difference between the independent tools of the ranking values is compared and the difference between them is tested (Büyüköztürk, 2016).

    The Kruskal Wallis H homogeneity test is performed on averages and variances to demonstrate the homogeneity of these values and reflects a non-parametric effective homogeneity test. In this homogeneity test, it is not possible to use original observations containing each of the analyzed sequences. In the Kruskal Wallis H homogeneity test, the sequence numbers of the total sequential sequence formed by ordering the original observations from small to large are used (Türkeş, 2013).

    The following hypotheses were considered to test the homogeneity of the mean:

H0: Group variances are homogeneous.

Ha: Group variances are not homogeneous.

§  Mann Whitney U-Test

    Mann-Whitney U test is used to determine whether the data of two non-related samples differ significantly from each other. In order to be able to apply this test, the dependent variable must be at least on the ranking scale and the observation results must be independent from each other. In the evaluation of the analysis, the total number of the values of the two groups is taken as the basis (Büyüköztürk, 2016 and İçel, 2009).

§  Mann-Kendall Test

    The statistical methods used to determine the degree and direction of the relationship between variables and the dependent and independent variables of the variables are defined as correlation. In this respect, Mann-Kendall and Spearman Rho tests are applied when the parametric Pearson Correlation test is not possible to use (Norrant, 2006;Karmeshu, 2012;Gozalan, 2019 andÖzbunar, 2019).

    The Mann-Kendall test is one of the commonly used methods for determining the trend occurring in time series for study areas such as climatology and hydrology(Salamiet al., 2016). The Mann-Kendall test is a statistical method proposed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). In many studies on trend analysis, this method has demonstrated superiority among other methods used (Pielke, 2002 and Hendricks, 2015). The Mann-Kendall test statistic (S statistic) is formulated with the following equation (Bulutet al., 2006; Al-Tahir et al., 2010;Bonfils, 2012 and Khomsiet al., 2016).

    The S value in the equation shows almost normal distribution with the mean and variance values stated below in cases where n is greater than or equal to eight (n> 8). The value of n corresponds to the data length in the equation in years. If the value of n is greater than or equal to thirty (n 30) the z test approaches the t-test. The sign function is indicated by a sign data test performed on an (xj) data set, which is sorted by a set of (xi) and (xj)data as specified in the following equation (Özfidaner, 2007).

      The variance determination of S is determined by the following equation:

    In the above equation, the numbers of the relative groups in the data set are denoted by the value of p and the connected observations in a series i are indicated by the value of t. The use of the collection term shown in the equation only occurs if there is observation in the data.

The Z value that denotes the standardized Mann-Kendall test statistic can be calculated by the following equation (9) and under the assumption that there is no course in the series corresponding to the null hypothesis (H0), it shows the standard normal distribution with a mean of zero and variance (Özfidaner, 2007).

    Null-hypothesis is accepted when the 1-α/2 condition is satisfied, while Z is indicated by the plus (+). The Z value indicated by minus (-) reflects the decrease. Depending on the results of the Mann-Kendall test the corresponding value of Z value was determined as 1.96 for the two-way 95% confidence interval.

§  Mann-Kendall Correlation Coefficient

    The sequential analysis of the Mann-Kendall u (t) test sample value was used to determine the beginning of the trend in the observation sequences with significant trend and the point or points of change in the observation sequence (Türkeş, 2013 Yılmaz, 2018 and Gozalan 2019) and test results were shown graphically.

      Test sample value t:

      The average of distribution function E (t):

and has variance (t):

      Equations are given. Test sample value u (t):

    As shown in the equation, the null hypothesis is rejected for the large values ​​of u (t) according to the bi-lateral shape. If the obtained u (t) value is significant at 95% or 99%, trend can be determined depending on whether u (t) is greater than or equal to 0. If u (t)> 0, the trend is increasing, if u (t) <0, the trend is decreasing. The determination of the u(t') test sample value was also determined in a similar way to u(t') by applying the inverse of the current process performed in series (Yılmaz, 2018).

    The successive analysis of the Mann-Kendall rank correlation test was used to graphically show the trends detected in the temperature and precipitation from the u(t) and u(t’) test sample values. While the curves of u(t) and u(t') trend values ​​on the charts intersect at one point, they provide evidence for the existence of a significant trend. The intersection of u(t) and u(t') several times indicates that there are no trends in the sequence. In order to determine the starting date of the trends in the direction of increase or decrease, attention is paid to the points where the u (t) and u (t’) curves overlap (Papadimitrio, 1991).

§  Spearman's Rho Test

    The Rho test of Spearman is one of the tests to detect the correlation between two observation sequences. It is used because it has fast and simple application in determining the Simple Linear trend in observation series. The determination of Rxy which represents the sequence statistics, takes place from small to large, or from large to small. The rs correlation coefficient symbolizes Spearman's Rho test statistic (Gümüş, 2006, Zarei, 2017 and Gozalan 2019).

Spearman's Relationship Coefficient:

    The rsdistribution approach is normal when n> 30. Accordingly, normal distribution tables were used to determine rs test statistic. The Z value corresponding to the test statistic of rs is calculated by the following equation (Gümüş, 2006).

    The higher Z value obtained as a result of the equation compared to the Zα / 2 value shown in the standard normal distribution tables at the α significance level is the evidence for the existence of a trend towards increase or decrease.

    In order to determine whether there is any tendency in the observation series included in the study, it is examined whether the sample value is significant or not. If the sample value is significant then the trend is calculated to be increased if rs> 0 while trend decreases in the direction of decreasing if rs<0 (Türkeş, 2013).

§  Sen's Trend Slope Method

    Sen's trend slope method is a nonparametric statistical method which is used to determine the change of the slope in unit time in the case of determination of Simple Linear trend presence for time series. The lack of data in the time series does not constitute an obstacle to the implementation of this test. The size of the trend observed in the time series is calculated by the following formulas in the following order (Demirci, 2008, Karpouzos, 2010, Aziz, 2017 and Ay, 2017).

    The Qi value corresponds to the data between xi and xk. (xj), and (j)are values that were determined at the time, (xk), and (k) are the time determined value, and (j) is the next time for the (k) time. N value is calculated by N= n(n - 1)/2 equation and the median values of N and Qiare used to determine the trend of Sen (Polat, 2017 and Saplıoğlu, 2013).The N values of the Qi are primarily sorted from small to large, and then the trend curve of Sen is calculated by the following equation:

    And if N is an even number, the amount of change of the slope in time series is calculated using the following formula:

§  Simple Linear Regression Analysis

    Simple linear regression analysis is a parametric method, assuming that the data is normally distributed. With this test, the relationship between the variables determined as X and Y is tried to be analyzed whether there is a linear trend (Cosun, 2008 and Şen, 2013).

    The simple linear regression equation is established as y = ax + b, where a is constant in the simple linear regression equation that indicates the direction and amount of change. A positive value shows change in the direction of change, a negative value indicates that the change occurred in the direction of change. The fact that a is not far from zero shows that there is no change (Bulutet al., 2006).

    In the regression analysis, the cause-effect relationship between two or more variables is examined in order to make predictions or to make inferences and this relationship is characterized by a regression model which is a mathematical modeling model (Yılmaz, 2018). It can be expressed in the model using the equation (Agresti, 2011):

    where E indicates a mean; Y |x, which indicates possible values of Y when x is restricted to some single value; B0, is the intercept parameter, and B1 is the slope parameter.

§  Statisticswithin the Constraints of ExcelURL:1and Analyze data using the XmR Trend Control Chart in Excel with (QI Macros)URL:2.

    In the application of (QI Macros) run chart is used to study collected data for trends or patterns over a specific period of time. A run chart will help:

v   Monitor data over time to detect trends.

v   The Figures (Charts) is a record of a process over time.

v   The vertical axis represents the process being measured precipitation. The horizontal axis represents the time units during which measurements are made.

v  Middle of the chart is average or average, and here are the formulas used to calculate Figure:

The Charts calculates the fit of the data to the trend, As follows:

-R² gives the fit of the line to the trend. Greater than 0.80 is a good fit.

-Ryx is the linear correlation coefficient. Compare to probability for df = n -2.

-The slope is the positive or negative slope of the trend.

-Sigma is the estimated standard deviation of R bar/d2.

-Probability is a critical value for Ryx. If Ryx > Probability then a statistically significant correlation exists.

UCL: mt + b + A2R

CL:    mt + b

LCL:  mt + b – A2R

    This sample format explains the above codes:

Figure 1. Explaining How to Extract Results from Trend Control Chart

    Control Limits are used to determine if a data is stable or not. Control limits are the "key ingredient" that distinguish control charts from a simple line graph to the charts of trend analysis and are calculated from input data. The years and stations that did not show a trend through the upper and lower limit line of the precipitation are identified by positive control line and the negative control line (two red lines).

These four equations were applied to annual Precipitation Data, and equations are as follows:

§  Standard Precipitation Index (SPI)

    (McKeeet al., 1993) developed the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) which can be calculated at different time scales to monitor droughts in the different usable water resources. Due to its robustness it has already been widely used to study droughts in different regions like USA, (Hayes,1999), Italy (Bonaccorso,et al., 2003), and Turkey (Sönmezet al.,2005). Present study tries to identify the droughts locations in the northern half of Libya as lack of rainfall and its fluctuation has had a significant impact on the region.

    The computation of SPI requires long-term data on precipitation to determine the probability distribution function which is then transformed to a normal distribution with mean zero and standard deviation of one. Thus, the values of SPI are expressed in standard deviations, positive SPI indicating greater than median precipitation and negative values indicating less than median precipitation (McKee et al., 1993).

    The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) method converts the precipitation parameter into a single numerical value in order to define the drought of regions with different climates. This method is obtained by the following equation 1 by dividing the difference from the mean (Xi) to the standard deviation (σ) in a selected time period.

Table 2.Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) Values

SPI  Values

Drought Category

≥ 2

Very Heavy Rainy

1.50 ~ 1.99

Very Rainy

1.00 ~ 1.49

Moderate to Moderate

0.99 ~ 0


0 ~ -0.99

Close to Normal Drought

-1.00 ~ -1.49

Moderate-severe Drought

-1.50 ~ -1.99

Severe Drought

≤ - 2

Very Severe Drought


§ Climate Classification of ERINÇ

    Evaluating average temperatures when a region is considered wet or dry leads to incorrect results. For this reason, it is necessary to base the precipitation activity on the average maximum temperatures rather than the average temperatures. In the determination of Erinç precipitation activity, temperatures below 0 degree are excluded due to the fact that evaporation has not occurred.

    It is possible to reach the right conclusions on Turkey's climatic conditions by using Erinç precipitation activity index (Erinç, 1996). For this reason, this index was utilized when the climate classification for North of Libya stations was carried out.

    Turkish climate scientist Erinç developed the equation in 1965 to identify simple Bora drought index is as follows:

1. The annual drought index:

2. To find the monthly Drought Index:

    (P) it means amount precipitation in year or month, and (TOM) mean The average temperature in the year or month. And this table identifies climate rankings as a result of the previous equations. URL: 5

Table 3.Determining Drought Indicators in Erinç's Equation

Index value

Climate class


From 8 small

Very Arid


8- 15


Desert Steppe

15- 23

Semi Arid


23- 40

Semi Humidity

Dry Forest

40- 55


Humidity Forest

From 55 upper

Very Humidity

Very Humidity Forest

Source: URL:2.

§  Climate Classification of L. EMBERGER (Coefficient of Thermal – Rain)


    There are two equations for Emberger, the first equation of the summer months is used for total amount of rain for months of June, July, and August with the highest temperature during these months. The second equation is used in annual average maximum temperature and the minimum temperature and average amount of rain in area (Neira, 2006). In the study area, the second equation will be used, because rainfall in the summer is almost completely absent. The equation is as follows:

Q = Coefficient of thermal rain.

P = Total annual rain.

M = Average maximum temperature.

m = Average minimum temperature.

2000 = Constant No.

The index of equation as follows:

Q = < 20 and  P = < 300 mm = Very arid Mediterranean climate.

Q = 20–32 and P = 300- 400 mm = Arid Mediterranean climate.

Q = 32–63 and P = 400 – 600 mm = Semi arid Mediterranean climate.

Q = 63–98 and P = 600 – 800 mm = Mediterranean climate little rain.

Q = > 98 and P = > 1000 mm = Mediterranean rainy climate.


§  Index of JOHANSSON for Continental Climate and Oceanity Climate

    The climatic equations of the Continental and Oceanity are important in the study area. The study area comprises of two geographically different regions. One region has continental climate (Desert) while the other region possesses marine climate that include the coastal area of the Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, the Johnson equation will be used to determine the difference between Continental and Oceanity areas.

    The Johansson Continentality Index is used for the climatic classification between continental and oceanic climates. The index is calculated by the following formula (Toroset al., 2008).

The index of equation as follows:

O -  33  Oceanity climate.

34 -  66  Continental climate.

67 - 100  very Continental climate.

    Where E is the annual range of monthly mean air temperatures, in (°C), (difference between the maximum and minimum monthly mean air temperatures) and Sin ƒ is the latitude of the stations. The value of the annual difference of maximum and minimum air temperature is used to determine the Continentality of the climate. The climate is characterized as marine when k varies between 0 and 33, as continental when k varies between 34 and 66, and exceptionally continental when k varies between 67 and 100.

§  Index of KERNER for Continental Climate and Oceanity Climate

    Kerner was motivated by the fact that in marine climates the spring months are colder than the autumn months which led to formulation of the Thermodynamic fraction (Baltas, 2007).

    Where To and Ta are the October and April mean values of air temperatures, respectively. E is the annual range of monthly mean air Temperatures in (°C). Small or negative values of k1 imply a continental climate, while larger ones imply Oceanity, More specifically, in the present study, when the Kerner Oceanity is higher than 10 the climate is characterized as an oceanic. The following table and graph shows the branches of the equation and the values in Study areas.


Some related studies to the subject of research are given below:

Table 4. Some Studies in the Scope of Trend Analysis

Researcher Name and Year

The Topic



Some Statistical Characteristics of Air Temperature Variations at Four Mediterranean Stations

Mann-Kendall Pattern Correlation Test

Pielke (2002)

Evaluating regional and local trends in temperature: an example from eastern Colorado, USA.

Mann-Kendall's test

Çiçek (2003)

The Statistical Analysis of Precipitation in Ankara

Wald-Wolfowitz Serial Correlation, and Mann-Kendall

Norrant (2006)

Monthly and Daily Precipitation Trends in The Mediterranean (1950-2000)

Mann-Kendall's test

Cosun (2008)

Climate Change Trend Analysis in Kahramanmaraş Province

Mann- Kendall Test and Linear Regression test


Trend Analysis for Temperatures and Precipitation in Eastern Coast of Mediterranean in Turkey

ANOVA,  and

 Mann-Whitney U


Trend Analysis of Precipitation Data in Pieria Region (Greece)

Mann-Kendall and Sen's Slope


Statistical properties of the Temperature, Relative Humidity, and Solar Radiation in the Blue Nile-Eastern Sudan Region

Mann-Kendall's test

Bahadır (2011)

Determination of Seasonal Changes of Rainfall in Trabzon and Rize with Marginal and Matrix Methods and Trend Analysis


Nalley (2012)

Trend Analysis of Temperatures and Precipitation Data Over Southern Ontario and Quebec Using The Discrete Wavelet Transform, Master Thesis, McGill University, France.

Mann-Kendall Trend test, and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) Applications on Different Time Series.


Trend Analysis of Extreme Maximum and Minimum Temperatures in the Eastern Mediterranean

Mann-Kendall and Linear Regression Analysis

Karmeshu (2012)

Trend Detection in Annual Temperature & Precipitation Using the Mann Kendall test – A Case Study to Assess Climate Change on Select States in the Northeastern United States.

Mann-Kendall' test

Researcher Name and Year

The Topic


Bonfils (2012)

Trend Analysis of the Mean Annual Temperature in Rwanda during the Last Fifty Years

Mann-Kendall' test

Al-Kenawy (2012)

Trend and Variability of Surface Air Temperature in North-Eastern Spain (1920–2006)

Mann-Kendall' test

Şen (2013)

Trend Analysis of Temperatures Precipitation Data in Isparta, in Turkey, Master Thesis, in Suleyman Demirel University, Turkey.

Mann-Kendall, Spearman's Rho, and Simple Linear Regression Analysis

Ageena (2013)

Trend and Patterns in the climate of Libya

Standard Error Bars, Mann-Kendall, Sen’s slope

Saplıoğlu (2013)

Trend Analysis of Black Sea Region Rainfall Series

Mann-Kendall test, Sen's Slope test

Hendricks (2015)

Spatial Precipitation Trends and Effects of Climate Change on Hawaiian Aquifer

The Mann-Kendall and Sen’s Slope test

Oliveira (2015)

Trend Analysis of Extreme Precipitation in Sub Regions of Northeast Brazil

Mann-Kendall' test

Dwayne (2016)

Long-Term Trend Analysis of Precipitation and Air temperature for Kentucky, United States, Department of Biology and Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA.

Mann-Kendall Trend test, and The test statistic tn1, tn2


Regional Impacts of Global change: seasonal Trends in Extreme Rainfall, run-off, and Temperature in two contrasting regions of Morocco

Mann-Kendall's test

Salami (2016)

Trend Analysis of Hydro-meteorological variables in the Coastal Area of Lagos "using Mann-Kendall's test and Standard Anomaly Index Methods"

Mann-Kendall's test, and Standard Anomaly Index Methods (SAI)

Aziz (2017)

Trend analysis in observed and projected precipitation and mean Temperature over the Black Volta Basin, West Africa

Mann-Kendall's test, and Sen's Slope

Researcher Name and Year

The Topic


Zarei (2017)

Impact of Land Use Change on Precipitation and Temperature Trends in an Arid Environments

Mann-Kendall, and Spearman's Rho tests

Ay (2017)

Trend Analysis of Monthly Total Rainfall and Monthly Mean Air Temperature Variables of Yozgat in Turkey

Mann-Kendall's test, and Sen's Slope

Polat (2017)

Climate Characteristics and Trend Analysis of Long-Term Temperature and Precipitation Data in Rize in Turkey.

Mann-Kendall and Sen's Slope tests

Yılmaz (2018)

Trend Analysis of Temperature and Precipitation Data in Western Black Sea

Mann-Kendall, Spearman's Rho, and Sen's Slope tests


Trend in Temperatures average as A parameter to Quantify in Climatology in North of Algeria (1973- 2015)

Mann-Kendall's Test


Innovative Trend Analysis of Annual and Seasonal Rainfall Variability in Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia

Mann-Kendall' test, and Innovative Trend Analysis Method (ITAM)

Gozalan (2019)


Comparative trend analysis of temperature and humidity parameters at surface, 850, 700 and 500 hPa pressure levels: Case of Turkey

Mann-Kendall, Spearman's Rho, and Sen's Slope tests

Özbunar (2019)

Trend analysis of Temperature Parameters of Florya, Sarıyer, Kumköy and Şile (Istanbul) Stations

Mann-Kendall, Spearman's Rho, and Sen's Slope tests


Unidirectional trends in annual and seasonal climate and extremes in Egypt

Mann-Kendall's Test



1.1. Geological Properties of Northern Libya

The geological regions of northern Libya consist of several sedimentary basins and high plateaus interspersed with several cracks, Most part of the study area consists of the Sahara desert which has old geological properties with the exception of the narrow Mediterranean coastal strip and mountain ranges to the south (Al-meselaty, 1995). The sedimentary layer that forms the surface of the desert is found everywhere on the bedrock of continent of Africa. The bedrock appears on the surface in some places due to the removal of sedimentary formations by erosion.

Chemical sedimentary rocks are found in humid coastal areas such as Green Mountain and Benghazi plain, where chemical sedimentary rocks are either dissolved in water directly, with calcium bicarbonate, ferrous, dolomite, etc. It occurs when the substances precipitate or when these dissolved substances change and replace others. The saturation of the water to the solution it carries causes the solution to precipitate. Some organisms also contribute to sedimentation (Coşkun, 2019).

The areas associated to different geological periods can be classified as follows:

1.1.1. Paleozoic

Most of the early Paleozoic formations are concentrated in the south of Libya that are found in the south-west and southern edge of the study area in Hamada Hemra. Some of the Nubian sandstone formations belong to this early Paleozoic period. At the beginning of Silurian and Carboniferous periods, the sea covered large parts of the southern boundary of the study area (Sharaf, 1971), and sandstone rocks are widely visible in those areas (Al-meselaty, 1995).

1.1.2. Mesozoic

In the northwest of Libya, the Mesozoic formations of Triassic and Jurassic periods are concentrated in limited places. Triassic formations are found at the base of Western Mountain which are limestone rocks of amorphous or thick and deep in form. Triassic and Jurassic rocks has disappeared in northern Libya under the layers of the newer rocks, however, re-emerging in Tunisia on a large scale (Sharaf, 1971). In the east, the Cretaceous rocks appear in many areas of the Green Mountain, especially Marawah, and in deep valleys such as the Bakur Valley near Tukera.

The Cretaceous rocks appear on the surface only in limited patches on the surface of the Green Mountain in the region of JARDES and ALMEHAJIR located southwest of ALBIDA. Although these formations disappear in the eastern part of the study area, they reappear widely in the Egyptian Western Desert around Libya-Egypt border. Moreover, there are a lot of limestone of the Eocene near south-east (Sharaf, 1971).

1.1.3. Cenozoic (Tertiary and Quaternary)

The rocks of Miocene are the basis of the bedrock of the Green Mountain and plateaus that are extending south of the green mountain. These rocks appear in the deep valleys, which are white limestone rocks and mixed in the Sirte plains with clay and sand rocks and sometimes mixed with Oligocene and Eocenen rocks south of areas Sirte and Agdabia. Most of the Miocene rocks Include north-eastern plateaus in the study area as Albutnan plateau. These rocks continue to extend westward forming the vast areas of the steppes south of the SIRTE plains and disappear completely in the northwestern regions of Libya (Sharaf, 1971).

Quaternary formations include sedimentation of Quaternary formations include sedimentation of alluriel, colluriel, some dune formations near coastline area, and Mediterranean sea which is still accumulating at present. The most important of these formations is the sedimentary soil in the valleys of the mountains and their estuaries such as the red soil formations found in the valleys of the Green Mountain and the western mountains during Pleistocene period.

It is known that sometimes in the Quaternary period, the deserts of Libya had received a lot of rain and were rich by river valleys. However, sand and quartz are covering vast areas of Libya desert like the rest of Great Desert in present configurations of quaternary period (Sharaf, 1971). The coastal sand dunes and rocky hills were formed by the cohesion of mostly limestone sand along the Libyan coast. During this period, the saline soils formed that accumulated in the Marshes areas near the oases such as the JAGHBOUB oasis (Sharaf, 1971).

Generally, Paleozoic rocks and Mesozoic continental deposits occupy the greater part of southern Libya south of lat 28° N. Mesozoic sedimentary rocks form the Hamada al l;Iamra' plateau of northwest Libya and are largely covered by a thin veneer of early Tertiary sedimentary rocks. Other Tertiary rocks occupy almost all the central and northeastern part of the country and smaller areas in south-central Libya. The narrow coastal plains arc generally mantled by Quaternary deposits; a third of the country is covered by sand dunes and gravel plains (William, 1970).

The following table 5 summarizes the geological time scale experienced by the study area and the excavations that confirm this in its areas:

Table 5.The Geological Time Scale in Northern Libya




The important of Configurations

Millions Years




Continenetal sands in Desert, Beach sands, Solonchaks

0.2 - 1


Dunes Sands, Red Soil,Saline soil in oases

1.8- 3



Limestone rocksin most of study area,  and some times mixed with Clay Sand rocks in Sirte

11- 23


Rough Limestone rocks in center and, and southwest of study area



Precise white limestone rocks in most east of study area in Green Mountain and Albutnan

41- 50



Limestone rocks with Lignite in West Mountain



Limestone rocks with crystal in West Mountain and Green Mountain,



Limestone contains a Flint in West Mountain and some areas in east , and south of Sirte gulf




Vocanic rocks in south center of study area



Mudstone and Dolomite in Southwest of study area


Based on: (Sharaf, 1971 and Al-meselaty, 1995).


Map 3. Geological Map for Northern of Libya

    Source: Geological Ages: U.S. Geological Survey, 2002 (Arc Shape File), Projection: World Robinson. See Meta Data for additional information, And Geological Map in (Sharaf, 1971), p. 18.

1.2. Properties of Geomorphology

Looking at the Physical map, the region can be divided into three main types of the surface:

1.2.1. North Mountains

The northern highlands are divided into two main sections separated by the Gulf of Sirte, which are as follows: Green Mountain

It is a plateau with a length of 300 kilometers from east to west that comprises mostly limestone and in many places this plateau descends toward the sea. The Green Mountain consists of three terraces one of which is 280 meters high and represented by the forest covered city. The second one is 600 meters high which is represented by the village of Sidi al-Hamri the south of Al-Bayda city. The third one is 860 meters high  where the Al-Bida city is located. The Green Mountain has main edges:

*First edge is the longest and lowest in altitude. It comprised of the area between Sosa town and Al-Hilal head with an average elevation of 300 m. The first edge begins directly after the end of the narrow coastal plain.

*Second edge begins after the end of the first edge which has the highest altitude with an elevation ranging between 420-600 meters above sea level. The surface of this edge appears in the form of simple hills.

*Third edge is the highest top in the Green Mountain with the highest elevation at Sidi al-Hamri area that is about 860 m above sea level (Alheram, 1995).

The limestone formations that make up the Green Mountain are reflected in the general shape of the water drainage network. From Green Mountain, a large group of river valleys descend to the north and flow into the sea (Johnson, 1973) such as Kouf, Mahboul, Atharoun, Naqa, Derna valleys.

In the south, however, after the Water Splitting Line, there are many valleys that are poured into the desert, ending in swamps which are called Blatat, such as Samalus valley, Ramle valley, and others. Western's Mountain

This mountain has several names such as Nefusa Mountain, Geryan Mountain and  TerhonaMountain.The peaks of the western mountain extend from the borders of Tunisia in the west to Alkums city in the east, and from A-Jufara plain in the north, to Alhamad plateau in the south. The maximum elevation of the West Mountain at the city of Geryan is 750 m above sea level.

Most of the western mountain consists of limestone rocks. However, there are some small areas, such as the Abu Qanush area, basaltic rocks are also present along with limestone rocks that cover most of this mountain,. In the north of West Mountain, there are a large network of valleys. These valleys descend in different directions due to the general decline in gradient that include Ghazwan valley, Jarjir valley, Maimon valley, Bani Walid valley and other small valleys (Alheram, 1995).

1.2.2. Coastal Plains and Coastal Landforms

A group of coastal plains is also found between the mountains and the sea or between the desert and the sea. In general, these plains represent a very small area in Libya that does not exceed more than 5% of total area of the country. These plains run parallel to the Mediterranean shores in the form of narrow strip and exceed towards the northern mountainous region of the Mediterranean sea. These plains are in the form of a tighten place between the Albutnan plateau and Mediterranean sea and many areas in Green Mountain. The most important of these plains are Benghazi plain, Sirte plains, Aljafarah plain and eastern lowlands. These plains have many coastal valleys through which the water is poured into the sea during rainy season in the winter., These plains can be briefly described as follows: Benghazi Plain

The plain of Benghazi appears in the shape of a triangle whose head is located in the north widening in the south and gradually interfering with the Sirte plains in the west.The Benghazi plain’s elevation isn't exceeding 100 meters until the western slopes of Green Mountain appear where the plain meets those slopes at the river valleys that flow into the sea such as the Bakour Valley in the north.The plain is covered with unique Quaternary sediments consisting of red sedimentary soils which are transported by river valleys of Green Mountain to Benghazi plain (Alheram, 1995).

In Benghazi plain, there are many large marshes, such as Bu Jarrar, and Birses marshes which are separated along the coast by white sands.Some rocky beaches appear in the plain of Benghazi especially in the areas near of the Green Mountain. Aljafarah Plain

It is one of the largest coastal plains in Libya with an area of more than 17,000 square kilometers (Alheram, 1995). It extends from the Alkoms city in the east to the West Mountain in the west.

The coastline of the plain is characterized by a straight line with the exception of some estuaries of valleys where the Jafara plain cuts many valleys pouring their water into the sea during the winter including Al-Majinin, Al-Hira and other valleys. In some areas, the rocky hills rise abruptly causing a difference in the degree of the slope towards the sea (Alheram, 1995). Sirte Plain

This area includes all the plains surrounding the Gulf of Sirte between the Alburj head in the west and the town of Al-Zwaitina in the east. However, it is difficult to determine the southern boundary of the Sirte plain because the surface of the plain gradually increases as it moves away from the coast due to absence of any natural obstacles. It is just like a large arc of about 750 km in length and extends south to 30°S latitude, the Sirte plains are characterized by their low sandy beaches. As a result of the expansion of the surface of the plain and its low altitude from the surrounding areas, it became a huge basin where many large valleys such as Zmzm Valley are found. Besides, many salt marshes such as Tawargha marsh are also found in the Sirte plain (Alheram, 1995).

1.2.3. Plateaus

The most important plateaus which can be explained are the plateau of Al-Butnan and Defna and Al-Hamada: Al-Butnan and Defna

It is a rectangular plateau with an average elevation of 200 meters above sea level stretching, from the Bumba Gulf in the west to the Libyan-Egyptian border in the east at a distance about 220 km to the northern border of the eastern Libyan desert. Many of the valleys that flow into the Mediterranean Sea descend from this plateau.

However, the southern side of this plateau gradually descends towards the desert. Most of the plateau formations consist of limestone (Sharaf, 1971). Al-Hamada Alhamra

This is located in the southwest of the study area and extends to Tunisian and Algerian lands in the west while bordered to the east by the Jufra oasis. The surface of the plateau consists of sandy rocks. A number of river valleys emerged from this plateau heading towards the Gulf of Sirte, Ghadames area and some valleys are heading Alshatiy valley in the south of the study area. Moreover, some shallow basins are also found in the Hamada plateau, which receives floods from the northern river valleys during the rainy season (Alheram, 1995).

1.2.4. Karstic Land Forms

The karst phenomenon is widespread in many places of the study area, the most important of which are the limestone caves, karst drilling, the corridors and the red limestone soil on the surface of the green mountain. Besides, large carbon formations and multi-directional cracks serve as large reservoir for rainwater that falls heavily in the winter. The surface karstic drilling spread in the plain of Benghazi. The limestone base on the surface is directly separated by a thin layer of red soil resulting from karst erosion (Alheram, 1995).

1.2.5. Arid Region Land Forms

In general, the desert of Libya represents about 90% of the total area of the lands in the country. The desert stretches from the mountainous regions and Sirte Gulf in the north to the southern boundary of the country.

It is the part of Great Desert Sahara in the North Africa which is considered as the world's drier region. The Libyan desert contains large underground plains covered with sand at different heights.

Besides, small hills are also found over the surface of the desert in different forms such as Shahid Sahrawi. These small hills are found isolated or in groups in different shapes and forms like cones and columns. These different forms and shapes are associated to the erosion of ancient plateaus. Many of these forms exist in the Jaghboub and Jalo oasis.

v     Great Sand Sea

The sand covers a vast area in the south of the study area which constitutes flat surface areas. The sand in the south-east of the study area is called the Great Sand Sea, a vast area that lies between the latitudes of 26°to 28.5°N and 24°to 30°Wlongitudes. It is characterized with big sand dunes which correspond to the direction of wind (Alheram, 1995).

There are many oases as Jaghboub, Jalo, Hon, Ghadames and others which are located within the boundaries of the study area in the south. These oases are depressions extending along latitude 29°N and characterized by the abundance of shallow lakes, salt marshes, isolated hills, and dry valleys. The reason for the emergence of these oases is related to various erosion factors that have been exposed through its long geological history (Sharaf, 1971).

Map 4. The Physical Map of Northern Libya 

1.3. Climate of North Libya

Since the topic of the thesis is related to climatology, the subject of climate is not mentioned in this section. The climate of North Libya Sea Department is given in the next chapter.

1.4. Properties of Hydrography

1.4.1. Surface Water

The surface water depends entirely on rainwater that flows on the surface of the earth in the valley and coastal plains or seeps down into the pores of the surface soils where the plants live directly. The average annual runoff of the seasonal river valleys in the coast of Libya is about 285 million m3/year; of which about 110 millionm3of water is borne by the valleys sloping north of the western mountain, 20 million m3/year in central region of Sirte and Aljefara, about 90 million m3/year in Green Mountain area and 65 million m3/year is distributed over other coastal areas such as Al-Betnan plateau and West Coast (General Information Authority, Statistical Book, 2007).

1.4.2. Groundwater

Renewable groundwater is concentrated in the plain areas such as the Jaffara plain, the Benghazi plain and the Misurata region. This water has been produced by collecting rainwater through dams that were established on the coastal valleys such as Al-Qatara valley dam, Derna valley dam, Kaam dam, Al-Mjinin dam, and others.  Non-renewable groundwater is found stable in the desert in the south of the study area. it is a large underground reservoir that has been storing water for millions of years. Besides, karst water reservoirs are also found in many areas of Green Mountain. These are aquifers which are called karstic groundwater.

The characteristic of water is dense in limestone rocks as the limestone increases the proportion of salt and calcium carbonate. The water dissolves the rock and makes water channels, karst caves, lagoons and tributary tables inside the surface. These features are filled with water as whole or in part resulting in the formation of  waterfalls in many areas of the Green Mountain region, such as the Derna waterfall, Ain Dabbousia, Ain Marara and others.

A shortage of water sources is observed despite the large extent of study area. Even if it is available in some areas, the scarcity prevails because of natural factors like lack of rainfall, high temperatures, and high evaporation rates. Besides, the mountainous areas don't benefit from the amount of rain falling in the winter because most of the rainwater seeps into the ground through the cracks of the karst and some part penetrates deep into the ground while very little water appears in the form of small waterfalls. It is concluded from the previous map which shows the dry and seasonal waterways in northern Libya that these river valleys do not contain any water for many years. Sometimes, sudden rain falls around which produces strong floods of water going directly towards the Mediterranean sea. However, this water cannot be used and often causes Environmental and Economic problems in the areas from which they originate.

Map 5. Hydrography of North Libya

1.5. Properties of Soils (Parent Material and Components)

The parent material of the soil is divided into two parts that are the residual material of the remaining bedrock consisting Igneous rocks, Sedimentary rocks or Metamorphic rocks which is a source of local soil due to the mechanical weathering activity in dry and semi-arid areas while the second part is comprised of transported materials that consist of all the Libyan soils.

Soil formation reveals not only the geographic properties such as climate, topography, parent material and vegetation but also geomorphic process like erosion and sedimentation conditions of an area. Paleosols are indicator of past climate changes and formed long periods ago that do not have relationship in their chemical and physical characteristics to the present-day climate or vegetation (Atalay, 2013/a).

The systems for classification of the field have been formed by developed coun-tries in order to make the best of existing natural sources against increasing population with Industrial Revolution. For instance; local planning made by America of 1930s, the studies of “Land Use Survey” made by England in 1922, the report of “SCOTT” published in 1941 explained the use of natural environ-ment and how it should be used (Coskun 2016).In general, soils in northern Libya are divided into two main sections which are the coastal soils and the desert soils. There are many types of classifications of soils around the world including biological, physical, chemical, and other classifications (Eswaran, 2002).

The soils in the study area can be classified into three main classes depending on the Factor-genetic of classification that Zonal, Intra-zonal, and Azonal soils.

1.5.1. Zonal Soils

These soils  result from the maximum effect of climate and living vegetation upon parent material in areas extremes of weathering prevails. and where the landscape and climate have been stable for long time (Eswaran, 2002). Rossa

Red soil covers a large part of the green mountain in the region of Al-Marj and region of Al-Fataiah, and Benghazi Plain, it is muddy, calcareous, with calcium carbonate and its high ability to conserve water, filtration rate is 4 centimeter/ hour (Gefli, 1972). Arid Steppes Soil

This spreads in most of the southern regions of Green Mountain and Benghazi plain, Western Mountain, and Albutnan plateau. Besides, this soilis also found in the transitional area between the mountains and the desert where very little amounts of rainfall happens. Rocky Desert Soil

In the more arid parts of the Libya Desert, surfaces of some soils are covered by a layer of small stones interlocked, it is characterized by poverty in the necessary nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, as well as its low ability to retain moisture, it is Incoherent soil, mixed with gravel and stones, and often exposed to air erosion. Brown Arid Soil

These soils cover large areas of northern Libya especially in the desert and semi-desert areas which are composed of different originals under a dry-hot climate that leads to a lack of vegetation cover except desert grasses or shrubs. Besides, the amounts of rain are also not enough to wash dissolved salts, gypsum and calcium carbonate. This type of soil is widely distributed in the northern, central and eastern region, it is characterized by a low percentage of organic matter and nitrogen, as well as high carbonates, salinity, and alkalinity, and this soil suffers from the problem of dismantlement by winds. Reddish Brown Arid Soil

It is a widespread soil in the Jufara plain and in Benghazi plain. The origin of this soil is due to the desert sands with a limited effect of silt, and the carbonate with a percentage of salt and gypsum (Export, 1978).

1.5.2. Intra-Zonal Soils

Reflect the dominance of single local factor, such as parent rock or extreme of drainage, as they are not related to general climatic controls, they are not found in zones (Nalley, 2002), including the following types: Soils, (Marshy soils)

This is widespread in many areas on the coastline, and is particularly prevalent between the Libyan-Tunisian border in the west and the Sirte plains in the east, between Taourgha and Sirte, and continues in some northern parts of the Benghazi plain (Export, 1978). Another type of saline soil is located to the south of the Green Mountain where rainwater accumulates, such as the Al-Belet region south of the Green Mountain, where evaporation increases due to high temperature, which helps to raise the poetic water to the surface of the soil, which it evaporates and leaves salts in the surface layer of soil, to form a salt crust (Abu-Khashim, 1995). Soil

Is a black soil whose spread is related to the wet climate in regions Al-Bida, Al-Quba, Labraq, and the southern part of Al-Marj plain, these is characterized by muddy soil, poor drainage, and cracks in the dry season and little Calcium carbonate and nitrogen, and the ratio of acidity between the simple and the average and despite the lack of nutrients, but it compensates using phosphoric fertilizers (Export, 1978).

1.5.3. Azonal Soils

Incomplete soils, have a more recent origin and occur where soil-forming processes have had insufficient time to operate fully, as a consequence, these soils usually showing just the characteristics of their origin, there is two types in the study area, it spreads in all coastal valleys and some and in some desert basins. Sedimentary Soil (Fluvisols)

This type is prevalent in valleys, and its distribution is related to the water drainage system. It is spread in different parts of the study area, especially in the valleys that cut the Green Mountain, and Western Mountain. and Al-Sagayef area in Al-Batnan in eastern of the study area, and mixed with gravel and rocks, and contain sufficient amounts of potassium, and a little of phosphorus (Abu-Khashim, 1995). Desert Sedimentary (Oasis Soil)

Located in the bottoms of the southern valleys (Oasis) it is caused by the deposition of materials by the wind at different periods of time. They contain varying amounts of gravel, consisting of sand and gravel mixed with clay, and spread in Jaghboub, Jalo, Ghadames areas. Aeolian-Loess Soil

This type includes sand dunes that is disassembled sand moving from one place to other by wind. , This type of soil is characterized by high salinity and poor essential nutrients with inability to retain moisture. This type of soil is home to some plants that circumvent the drought such as cactus. It also includes Continental Sands covering vast areas of the study area, especially the southern regions such as Hamada Alhamra. It also includes sedimentary soils in the lowlands, such as oases and southern valleys Areas, as Aljufra, Ghariat, and Hon.

Map 6. Soil Map of North Libya

1.6. Properties of Vegetation in North Libya

Except for some northern regions like Green Mountain or Western Mountain. Or some transitional areas between the mountains and the desert and between the coast and the desert. There are oak trees, peat and pine in the Green Mountain due to amount of rainfall exceeding (500 mm).

On other side are the transition areas between the coast and the mountain, on the other the deserts are very common. The dry desert climate is characterized by drought-tolerant plants and thorny weeds, such as cacti. But it disappears when you see the sand. These are some plant species growing in different regions of Libya are as follows:Arbutupavarii,Ceratonia, silique, Cistus salvifolius, Juniperusphoenicea, Cupressus sempervirens, Myrtuscommunis, Pinus halepensis, Pistacialentiscus andQuercus coccifera(Ali, 2015). In general, the number of natural plant species in Libya is estimated at 1750 species (Jafri, 1972 and Elgadi, 1986).

Some important plant species will be addressed in the study area, and important vegetation in Green Mountain and other areas, and it is worth mentioning that the western area of the study area is completely devoid of forests due to topographic and climatic factors (Sharaf, 1971).

v     Cupressus sempervirens, the most important areas of growth are the Lemloda area, and around city of Al-Bayda and Al-Kouf Valley, It is the highest mountain area and the most rainy about (400 -600 mm) in the years.

v     Pinus halepensis, it grows in the northeast of the Green Mountain, on the valleys of the coastal region between Karsa in the east and Sousa in the west. The best places to grow this species are naturally protected areas from strong winds.

v     Arbutus unedo,in Libya local name is (Shemary) these trees are characterized by their fruits, which resemble red berries. They are short shrubs that grow in many parts of the Green Mountain, where rain is abundant and often mixed with cypress trees.

v     Quercus sp.it broad-leafed trees that grow in many deep valleys of the Green Mountain, as Al-Loleb valley, Zaza Valley, and ZaweatMesaud, and it requires deep soils and available water.

v     Olea europaea(Olives), natural olive, it is due to ancient Greek or Roman origins, and there is the largest gatherings of this kind in the region of Ghraib, and it grow in the region of Mertoba and Um-Alrezem in east of Green Mountain.

v     Ceratoniasiliqua,carob trees grow in many area in Green Mountain, including the middle plateau of the mountain, along the middle coast, where the soil is replenished and water is available. It is usually found in the form of scattered trees, and is rarely found in large gatherings, which is an evergreen plant, the height of the tree ranges between (10 - 20 meters).

v Pistaciaatlantica,the local name is Al-Batoum, where the Al-Batoum forests are located in most parts of Green Mountain and to the north of the city of Benghazi until to Tukera, and this tree help used to protect the soil.

And grow in oases some natural plant like TamarixAphylla that grows in the desert oases (Abu-Khasim, 1995), a tree with an existing trunk, sometimes branching from the base near the surface of the earth. This shrub is spread in the oasis of Jalo, and is particularly grows in sandy and saline soil, and like other oases in the deserts of the world, the Libyan oases are famous for palm trees, where natural palm trees grow on the edges of the salt lakes as Almelfa Lake in Jaghboub oasis.

In different areas of the study area, there are many types of grasses, which depend on the amount of rain and the distribution of soil, including seasonal growth during the spring, and what permanent growth and flourishes during the rainy season, there is no doubt that weeds are one of the most widespread plants in Libya, especially the seasonal grasses that grow after the fall of rain, there are different species, the most important of which is the grass that grows in disassembled soil, as Albelooz that is spread in the northwest plain of the study area in Al-Shahal.

In the agricultural areas, grasses that grow next to agricultural crops such as Zaghlil, Chrysanthemum, and Anemones are scattered. It is worth mentioning that these weeds grow next to agricultural fields that are planted on rain water, such as wheat and barley. There are also grasses has different names, such as Shiyh, Alhlfaa, Mothnan, Aljell and kandul, and other species with many local names, in the west and east of study area. 

*Human Impact on Vegetation:

Many of human activities occurred in Green Mountaın area as result of increase of development activities and growth of population. The investigations were many searces out to study the flora and vegetation composition of coastal region of AL-jabal AL-akhdar area and the effects of human impacts on the vegetation composition.

The results in (Al-shatshat, 2014) showed that 104 plant species belonging to 37 families were found. On the family level, both Fabaceae and Asteraceae were the major plant families in the area with 16 and 15 species, respectively. The annuals form the huge number of the plants(64.4%), while other life forms of the biological spectrum appeared in different percentages. Negative interactions between human activities (land abuse, charcoal burning, overgrazing…etc.) and vegetation were noticed among the study site.

Forest ecosystems that exist within the terrestrial ecosystems are one of the seriously important resources for the life of living organisms. Natural, cultural and economic functions of forest products and services are inarguable. As well as these functions, natural foods that are obtained from forests like fruit, mushrooms and leaves pose a supplementary food especially for poor sections of the society living in rural areas.

Countries have to produce serious policies in order to prevent rural population living in the forest areas from migrating to urban areas, and to increase the income resources. Agricultural forest activities are among important policies that are made for the people living in rural areas. Opening proper forest areas for agricultural activities without damaging the natural tissue is in fact the activity that will make the existing areas of a country become more economic and functional (Coşkun al., 2017).



5.1.General Comments on Results

Present study has analyzed the trends of temperature and precipitation in selected locations of North Libya. The trend analysis of temperature data obtained from the 16 meteorological stations selected from almost all of North Libya over long period of time has been conducted in this research. Variability of maximum, minimum and mean average temperature as well as the extremes of temperature have been studied for the period between the years 1971 and 2010. Graphical distribution of data, measures of association and statistical trend detection methods have been applied to examine the long-term changes and trends of temperature in the study area (Chapter 3).

The results of temperature analysis for the period of 40 years (1971-2010) have revealed significant increases in maximum, minimum and mean average temperature. A significant annual change in temperature towards strong warming has been observed in the study area after the mid-1990s.Besides, rapid increases in temperature, almost doubling from the previous figure, during the period of last 12 years (1998-2010) have also been indicated (Tables 33 to 48).

The findings of present study, discussed in Chapter 3, have revealed that minimum temperature has rapidly increased at most of stations with a much higher rate (0.9 to1.3 °C) during the period of last 12 years (1998-2010). This is considerably faster than the (IPCC, 2007) global mean temperature increase of (0.74 °C) over the last 100 years.

Seasonal temperature data indicates that rapid increases in maximum temperature took place in autumn, summer and spring while the most rapid warming is observed in the summer and autumn. The results have revealed that minimum temperature, particularly mean seasonal average in minimum temperature, is characterized byhigher rates of increase compared to the maximum temperature with the highest rates of increase in the warm season (April-September). These trends in maximum, minimum and mean average temperature are in line with global, regional and local temperature trends since the late nineteenth century which show the most rapid increase since the mid-1970s (IPCC, 2007 and URL6).

The results of the study of variability in temporal and spatial precipitation in Libya for the period 1971-2010are presented in Chapter3. The data are analyzed using several graphical techniques, trend analysis, measures of association and statistical trend detection methods for sites in the study area.

The Green Mountain and Benghazi plain in the northeast, outside of the coastal region, have received some of the highest levels of precipitation in north of Libya. It is found that 15 % of the study area has received annual averages precipitation of 265 - 538 mm whereas about 85% of the study area at inland stations (Sahara) has received<50 mm of precipitation.

Northern region of Libya is frequently affected by low pressure (depressions) associated with a branch of the westerly jet stream (Amgailey, 1995; Zikrey 1998). These depressions are more frequent in winter with only 28% of the total annual depressions resulting in effective precipitation over Libya, seasonal and annual precipitation trends in Libya seem to be strongly affected by local factors including topography and land use. The coastal region is mainly affected by Mediterranean convection processes, apart from central coast region.

5.2. Comments on the Results of Planetary and Local Factors Affecting the Climate of Northern Libya

Chapter II discusses the relationships between planetary, regional, and local factors on the climate of the study area. The study area is affected by the dry continental air coming from central Africa which increases the temperatures in the summer. On the other hand, the cold air coming from Europe is responsible for the decrease in temperatures and rainfall in most coastal stations in the winter.

The coefficient of correlation between the general mean temperature and elevation of sea level is negative (-0.502), while the coefficient of correlation between temperature and distance from the sea is positive (0.541). Besides, the coefficient of correlation between the annual rate of rainfall and elevation shows a positive but relatively weak trend with the value of (0.185), while the impact of the distance from the sea on the amounts of rainfall shows very negative trend with a value of (-0.735).

The trends of temperature and precipitation are linked to the mathematical location (latitude) in some stations; however the effect of elevation and distance from the Mediterranean seems much stronger which is noticed in figure (2). For example, the stations located within the latitude 29,30°N shows an increase in the general rates of temperature and decrease in rain, while in some stations, there is no rain. These characteristics are found in the stations of JALO, JAGHBOUB, HON, GHADAMES, GHARIAT, and AGDABIA station. It is observed that some stations are located at the same latitude, but they differ in climatic characteristics due to the elevation, distance from the sea, and this is evident in the stations of SHAHAT, ZWARA and DERNA.

Map 7 shows the effect of the direction of the mountains towards the coast on the annual rate of rainfall. The direction of the coast in parallel to the rain winds reduces the chances of rainfall, like in the stations of TOBRUK, ZWARA and SIRTE, while the stations facing to the rainy winds like BENGHAZI, MISRATA and SHAHAT receive a larger amount of rain.

5.3. Comments on the Results of Trend Analysis

In which trends (increase/decrease) the trend has occurred at meteorological stations (Desert stations or Coast stations) and which meteorological stations show strong trends and are these stations show changes in temperature and precipitation data?To answer the study questions, comments will be made on the results of the tests used in the third chapter, as follows:

*Mann-Kendall and Spearman

Maximum temperatures, an upward trend of heat at the station of MISURATA, TRIPOLI and ZWARA is observed in spring season. This trend is assumed to be linked with the heating due to the blowing of the southern wind in the forefront of the air depressions that prevail in the late spring along the Libyan coast and presence of high-rise buildings in TRIPOLI and MISURATA.

A significant increase at most stations is indicated in the seasons of summer and autumn while a poor weak trend is identified in winter. The increase in the trend of temperature manystations such as MISURATA, AGDABIA, SIRTE, TRIPOLI, ZWARA associated to urban expansion and sprawl towards the natural margins of cities resulting in low wind speed and absorption of higher solar radiation. Moreover, an increase trend in the annual average temperature is also observed at most stations, except ALFATAIAH, BENGHAZI, DERNA, SHAHAT and ZWARA. This appears to be associated with observed increase in temperature during the last 12 years of monitoring period.

BENGHAZI and SHAHAT are the only two stations that have shown insignificant trends towards decreasing. The absolute and geographical along with the elevation of these stations are among the important factors that affect the trend since the station of SHAHAT is located at a height of 621 meters.

The findings obtained from the U(t)-U'(t) graphs have indicated that , many stations have shown positive trends in the summer starting from the year 1993.The stations such as ALFATAIAH, JAGHBOUB, JALO and MISURATA have started to show an increase in temperature during the 1990s. Addition , many stations such as AGDABIA, JAGHBOUB, SIRTE, TOBRUK, TRIPOLI and ZWARA have shown a positive trend in the autumn during 1980.Besides, most of the station have been observed to have positive trend in annual average temperature in 1990s.No trend is found in the seasons of spring and winter except at JAGBOUB station with a negative trend in 2002at JALO station with positive trend in 1989.

Minimum Temperatures,the annual rate of minimum temperature has shown a tendency to increase in the summer and autumn seasons while a weak trend is observed in spring and winter. Only the AGDABIA and JAGHBOUB stations have shown an upward trend at all the seasons. ALFATAIAH, DERNA, MISURATA and ZWARA station have shown an increase in trend during autumn. Most of the stations have shown no significant trend in the annual average of the minimum temperature except DERNA, JAGHBOUB and TRIPOLI stations.

The U(t)-U'(t) graphs show that there were positive trends towards the increase during the spring season at DERNA Station which started in 1999 followed by HON in 1998, JAGHBOUB in 2006, TOBRUK in 2004 and ZWARA in 1998. In the summer, only two stations have shown a positive trend which are HON in 2003 and TRIPOLI in 1994. Besides,some coastal stations have shown a positive trend in the autumn starting in 1986 at TRIPOLI Station, in 1989 at MISURATA Station, in 1992 at DERNA Station and in 2000 at TOBRUK Station. In the winter, only one station has shown a trend towards the increase starting in 2004. The annual average temperature has shown no trend in most of the stations except a positive trend at DERNA in 1983, addition JAGHBOUB in 2002 and in TOBRUK in 2004.

Average temperatures,general increasing trend has been observed at the stations of MISURATA, SIRTE, TRIPOLI and ZWARA. This increasing trends linked with urbanization factors such as expansion of buildings at the expense of green spaces. These areas have turned into hot islands leading to an increase in the trends in the annual average temperature. Desert stations such as GHADAMES, HON, JAGHBOUB and JALO have shown an increasing trend the average annual temperature. This upward trend is associated to the increase in temperature during the summer in dry regions. Moreover, the mountain stations such as ALFATAIAH, SHAHAT and NALUT have also shown an increasing trend. This increase is thought to be associated with large amounts of solar radiation during the summer and lack of sufficient amount of cold air in the summer due to the altitude factor.

It is observed in U(t)-U'(t) graphs that most of the stations have not shown any trends in spring season except ZWARA station with a positive trend in 1988.In summer, JALO and ZWARA stations only have shown positive trend in 1993. In autumn, some stations have shown positive trend in 1980s. However, in winter, only BENGHAZI station has shown positive trend in 2010. Besides, four stations have also shown positive trend in average annual temperatures in 1990s that are AGDABIA, DERNA.

Precipitation, it has been observed that most of the stations have shown no trend towards the increase of precipitation in spring except GHADAMES station. This is, because of the fall of a large amount of rain in a short period leading to an increase in the quarterly average which results in an increase in trend. Besides, most of the stations has shown no or very weak trend in the summer except for is Sirte station. However, in autumn, a decreased trend has been observed in the stations of HON, SIRTE and TRIPOLI. Besides one station has shown a very negligible downward trend. The winter season has shown insignificant trends towards the increase and decrease in some stations such as TRIPOLI TOBRUK and BENGHAZI while some desert stations such as JALO, GHADAMES and HON have shown an insignificant upward trend.

Almost all of the stations have not shown any significant trend in the general average of precipitation except the upward trend shown only at GHADAMES station.  However, some stations have shown a significant decreasing trend like TRIPOLI, ZWARA, TOBRUK, SIRTE and NALUT.

It is noteworthy that Mann-Kendall and Spearman tests of trend are not feasible to measure the rainfall trends in the desert stations because of the seasonal and annual scarcity and fluctuation of rainfall. In the desert climate, a large amount of rain may fall in one day and the rain may not fall for many years.

*Sen's Trend Slope Test

Maximum Temperatures,it has been observed that in most of the stations there is a trend towards increase of rainfall in the except BENGHAZI, DERNA, JAGHBOUB, JALO, SHAHAT and TOBRUK. The remaining stations have not shown any significant trends in the other seasons.

Minimum Temperatures, the trend is found increasing in the spring at stations of GHADAMES, HON, MISURATA, NALUT, TOBRUK and ZWARA, while other stations have not shown any meaningful trends. AGDABIA station has shown the strongest trend in the summer probably because of the presence of oil refineries and petrochemical industries located to the west of the city of AGDABIA in the regions of Al-Briga and Ras-Lanuf. The other stations have shown trends towards increase in minimum temperature such as BENGHAZI, GHARIAT and NALUT. In the autumn, all stations have shown trends towards increase except BENGHAZI, SHAHAT, SIRTE, TRIPOLI and ZWARA. Almost all stations have not shown any trend in winter except four stations of GHARIAT, HON, MISURATA and ZWARA. Only ZWARA station has shown a trend in annual minimum temperatures. Some stations have shown trends towards increase in annual minimum temperatures such as AGDABIA, HON, MISURATA, TOBRUK and ZWARA.

Average Temperatures,atrend towards increase in the temperature is observed at MISURATA station perhaps due to the presence of some heavy industries such as the iron and steel industry. Some of the stations have not shown any trend in any season while some stations have shown trends in the summer and autumn such as(HON, JAGHBOUB, JALO, TOBRUK and TRIPOLI. There is a trend towards increase at NALUT station during the spring and autumn.

Precipitation, MISURATA and SIRTE have shown important trends towards increase in the spring. The rest of the stations have not shown any important trends. Some stations have shown negative trends such as stations of TRIPOLI, TOBRUK and ZWARA, it should be noted that the trends observed in the seasonal and annual rainfall data are not as important as the temperature data. The basis of this argument is that the trends of precipitation are short term as opposed to temperature trends that are long-term.

* Simple Linear Regression Results

Maximum Temperatures, it is found that almost all stations have shown no significant trends when examining the trends that have occurred over the years in average maximum temperature values on a seasonal basis except NALUT and ZWARA stations. Besides, it is also observed that the results in the rest of the stations are approaching zero either increasing or decreasing during spring. In summer, only ZWARA station has shown an upward trend and no other station shown an increase or decrease in trend. Autumn is considered as the most important in increased trends during which8 stations have shown an upward trend that are GHADAMES, GHARIAT, HON, MISURATA, SIRTE, TRIPOLI and ZWARA. Looking at the previous trend tests, it will be noted that the autumn season is characterized by the increasing trend the maximum temperature data for most of the stations. It is observed through the results that in the winter, the general average annual maximum temperature have not shown any trend (increase or decrease).

Minimum Temperatures, it has been observed that only five stations have shown a trend towards an increase in the spring while examining the trends in minimum temperature values over many years on a seasonal basis that are GHADAMES, HON, MISURATA, TOBRUK and ZWARA. Other stations have not shown any trends indicating the stability of the minimum temperatures in most of the stations in spring season.

In summer season, HON station where the increase is highest, although there is an increase in most stations except for three stations of ALFATAIAH, BENGHAZI and NALUT.DERNA station has shown an increasing trend along with GHADAMES, GHARIAT, JAGHBOUB, JALO, MISURATA, SHAHAT, SIRTE, TOBRUK, TRIPOLI and ZWARA. These results indicate a tendency towards warming in most stations and the trend is also found increasing in desert stations except for BENGHAZI station. The autumn season is characterized by an increase in trend in all stations. The winter season has not shown any trend in all stations except for four stations of GHARIAT, HON, MISURATA and ZWARA with trend towards increase.

Many stations have shown a trend towards an increase in the annual average temperature data. HON station has shown the strongest trend, followed by ZWARA, TOBRUK, AGDABIA, GHADAMES, GHARIAT and DERNA.

Average Temperatures, the evaluation of the simple linear regression for the average of the minimum temperatures in the spring has shown no trend in almost all stations except for two stations of NALUT and ZWARA that show a tendency to increase. In summer, many stations have shown a trend toward increase. ZWARA station has shown the strongest followed by AGDABIA, MISURATA, HON, JAGHBOUB and JALO stations. Almost all the stations in the autumn have shown a trend towards increase except ALFATAIAH, BENGHAZI, DERNA and SHAHAT. The strongest trend towards increase is found at ZWARA, HON, GHADAMES, MISURATA, GHARIAT, TOBRUK and AGDABIA stations followed by SIRTE, TRIPOLI, JAGHBOUB and JALO. The winter season has not shown a trend in all stations. The average annual temperature has shown a trend in three stations of HON, MISURATA and ZWARA.

Precipitation, most of the stations have shown a decreasing trend in annual average precipitation in most of the seasons except for winter. The most important results deducted from the simple linear regression equation are the results of the annual rainfall data as the large fluctuation in the amounts of rainfall in the stations of the study area have shown a significant difference in trends between coastal stations and desert stations. This reflects the importance of prevailing natural factors of geographical location and proximity or distance from the sea. There are only four stations that show an increasing trend which are ALFATAIAH, DERNA, GHADAMES and GHARIAT. Most of the stations have shown a decreasing trend such as TRIPOLI station with large trend towards decreasing followed by ZWARA, TOBRUK, NALUT, BENGHAZI, SIRTE, SHAHAT, MISURATA, HON and JAGHBOUB stations. Only two of AJDABIA and JALO have shown no trend.

*Results of Charts Control's Models for Annual Rainfall

There no observed trend of increase or decrease in most stations except for AGDABIA, ALFATAIAH, BENGHAZI and SIRTE in 1991, GHADAMES in 1976, HON in 1990, JAGHBOUB in 1988 and JALO in 2006. This increase in trends may be due to the large amounts of rainfall during a short period of time in the year in which the increase occurred.

5.4. Relationships between Results of Thesis and (NAO and El Niño) and Causes of increases Temperature and potential causes of variability in northern Libyan Precipitation

Is there any relationship between the temperatures and precipitation trends in Libya and global climate change and climatic phenomena such as North Atlantic Oscillations (NAO) and El Niño?

The Pacific El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) phenomena play an important role in interannual temperature variability in many regions throughout the world (Philander, 1990 and Hurrell, 1995). Significant effects are observed on the anomaly variability patterns of precipitation over the arid and semiarid regions of North Africa by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), while the El-Nino of the Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is significantly affecting the variability over some regions in North Africa (Djomouet al., 2013).

*Relationships between Results of Thesis and (NAO)

The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is a large-scale mode of natural climate variability governing the path of Atlantic mid-latitude storm tracks and precipitation regimes in the Atlantic and Mediterranean sectors (Küçüket al., 2009).

Temperature variability can be associated to variations in large-scale atmospheric patterns represented by Eastern Atlantic and the Western Mediterranean Oscillations, resulting from increases in atmospheric circulation and anticyclone conditions in recent decades, which seem to play a significant role in explaining spatial and temporal variability of temperatures in the Mediterranean basin. Therefore, regional and local temperature trends can be strongly influenced by regional variability and changes in the climate system. In addition, It is believed that the volcanic eruptions can be responsible for changes (fall) in global annual average temperature by less than (1.0 °C) (Pidwirny,2004); this may explain why 1992 and 1993 were the coldest years in the 1990s with mean annual temperature in Libya potentially affected by the eruption of Mount Pinatubo.

To reveal the relation between Arctic Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation and temperature, precipitation regime of north Libya, With looking at values NAO in period (1971-2010) There was a weak relationship between the two variables in terms of results, except for three of the stations that showed a trend towards increasing the maximum temperatures during 1993, which are JAGBOUB, JALO and MISURATA stations, this corresponds to the positive indicator that was shown North Atlantic Oscillation in 1993.Table 103 and figure 300 show the relationships between the trends (increase and decrease) of maximum, minimum and average temperatures and the North Atlantic Volatility Index (negative and positive).

Table 106. The Relationship Between North Atlantic Oscillation Indicator and Trend Analysis Results for Seasonal and Annual

Source: Tables 92, 93, 94, 106 and URL4.

Source, student’s work depending on URL4.

284North Atlantic Oscillation for Period (1971 -2010)

Following conclusions can be reached through the table (106) and the figure (285):

·    Positive Indicators

1.   The effect of North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) on the increase in the trend of precipitation at SHAHAT station is observed in the summer 1976.

2.   In autumn 1982, the effect on the increase in average temperature at GHADAMES and an increase in maximum temperature at ZWARA station was observed.

3.   In autumn 1986, the effect was observed only on minimum temperatures in TRIPOLI station.

4.   In autumn 1989,the effect on the maximum temperature was observed at AGDABIA, JAGHBOUB, SIRTE and TOBRUK stations, while on minimum temperatures at MISURATA station and there is an effect on the increased trend of precipitation at AGDABIA station in autumn.

5.   In summer 1994, NAO affected only TRIPOLI station on minimum temperature.

·    Negative Indicators

1.   In autumn 1981,the effect of NAO at GHARIAT station on average temperature, at NALUT station on minimum temperature and at TRIPOLI station on maximum temperature was observed.

2.   Autumn 1992 found the effect at DERNA station on minimum temperature.

3.   There was a strong relationship between the (NAO) index and the maximum and average temperatures in several stations in summer 1993 including ALFATAIAH, JAGHBOUB, JALO and MISURATAon maximum temperatures, JALO and TRIPOLI on average temperature. It is worth noting that the index of (NAO) had reached (-3.18) this year.

4.   In summer 2009, the effect was observed on the decreasing trend of precipitation in SIRTE station.

5.   In summer 2010,theeffectwas observed on increasing average temperature at BENGHAZI station.

*Relationships between Results of Thesis and El Niño

    The Pacific El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomena play a role in interannual temperature variability in many regions through the world (Hurrell, 1995),the El-Nino of the Southern Oscillation (ENSO) significantly affecting the variability over some regions in North Africa (Djomouet al., 2013).Events are defined as 5 consecutive overlapping 3-month periods at or above the +0.5o anomaly for warm (El Niño) events and at or below the -0.5 anomaly for cold (La Niña) events. The threshold is further broken down into Weak (with a 0.5 to 0.9 SST anomaly), Moderate (1.0 to 1.4), Strong (1.5 to 1.9) and Very Strong ( 2.0) events. For the purpose of this report for an event to be categorized as weak, moderate, strong or very strong (URL7, 2020).

·    El Niño

1- In the season of 1972 – 1973, there was a very strong effect of El Nino, but it doesn’t affect the results of the study.

2- In the season of 1982 – 1983,avery strong effect was observed that might be related to the increasing trend in the minimum temperature in the autumn at DERNA station and on the maximum temperature in autumn at ZWARA station.

3- In the season of 1987 – 1988,a strong effect was observed that might be related to the increasing trend in maximum temperature in the autumn at HON station and increase in average temperature in spring at ZWARA station.

4- In the season of 1997 – 1998, a very strong effect was observed that might be related to the increasing trend in annual average temperatures in JALO and ZWARA stations.

5- In the season of 1997 – 1998, a very strong effect was observed that might be related to the increasing trend in annual average temperatures in JALO and ZWARA stations.

6- In the season of 2008 – 2009, a strong effect is observed but was not found associated with the results of the study.

·    La Niño

1.   In the season of 1973 – 1974, a strong effect was observed, which might be related to the increasing trend in the precipitation at NALUT station in summer.

2.   In the season of 1975 – 1976,a strong effect was observed that might be related to the increase in precipitation trend at SHAHAT station in summer.

3.   In the season of 1988 – 1989, a strong effect was observed that might be related with the increasing trend in maximum temperature in the autumn at AGDABIA, HON, JAGHBOUB, SIRTE and TOBRUK stations and on the minimum temperature in autumn at MISURATA station, while increase in precipitation trend in AGDABIA station in autumn.

4.   In the season 1998 – 1999, the El Nino index was very strong and the same result was found at DERNA, HON and ZWARA stations in the minimum temperatures during the spring season.

5.   In the season 1999 – 2000, a strong effect was observed that might be related to the increasing trend in minimum temperatures in autumn in DERNA and TOBRUK station.

6.   In the season of 2007 – 2008,a strong effect was observed that was related to the trend towards an increase in maximum temperatures in winter at JALO station.

7.   In the season 2010 – 2011, there was only a trend towards an increase in average temperatures in winter at BENGHAZI station.

It is noted that in some years the El Nino indicators were strong but did not affect the trends of many stations and conversely, some stations showed strong trends in some years in which the El Nino indicators were weak (Tables 92, 93, 94, 106 and Figure 286).

Source, student’s work depending on URL5.

Figure 285.El Niño & La Niño for Period (1971-2010)

*Another Causes of increases Temperature and variability Precipitation in northern Libyan

Increases Temperature,the interannual variability of temperature in the North Africa region is complex and controlled by many factors (Balas, 2007).Changes in the state of the climate system can occur due to natural reasons that are external (e.g. variation in the solar out puts and suns pots) and/or internal (e.g. atmospheric compositions, atmospheric-oceanic oscillations and volcanic activity). (Houghtonet al., 2001) has suggested that natural climate change factors probably increased during the first half of the 20th century. The reconstructions of climate during the 20th century indicate that the direct effect of variations in solar radiation over the last 10 decades was about 20-25% of the observed change while the rest were resulting from increases in greenhouse gases. (Pidwirny, 2004) has suggested that 1% change of solar output constant caused a change in equilibrium temperature of about (0.6 °C). (Joneset al., 2001) showed that the relationship between global annual temperature and sunspot number data over the 20th century is varied with changes in temperature which was higher during the first half of the 20th century (1901-1950) relative to the second half (1951-2000).

Overgrazing in semi-arid areas leads to increased rates of albedo (shortwave radiation as the fraction of the solar energy reflected from the earth back into space). The uncovered land have a greater irradiative heat loss than adjacent vegetated areas as it reflects more sunlight compared to the vegetated land in the forms of crops, grasses and trees (Barry, 1977). This situation leads to changes in climate which may further influence climatic parameters (temperature, precipitation).

According to the Technical Centre of Environmental Protection (TCEP, 1998), about half million ha were cleared during the period 1980-2000 in different regions in north of Libya (particularly around TRIPOLI, MISURATA and Green Mountain) for seasonal irrigated plantations. Regional urbanization and industrialization are also believed to be more influential on regional temperature than the global warming from 1951-2000 (Chung, 2004). However, the effects of urban heat islands on temperature and precipitation are found very weak in Libya.

Latitude, altitude and land–sea distribution are the main physical and geographical factors controlling temperature and they seem to play a noticeable role to explaining variability of temperature in Libya (Al-Jadide, 1985 and Ageena, 2002). The changing composition of the atmosphere, including greenhouse gases and aerosol content, is a major internal forcing mechanism of climate change.

In developed countries, carbon derivatives, sulfur derivatives, nitrogen derivatives and non methane volatile organic compounds emitted to the atmosphere by between years 2000 and 2007 showed a decline in the general total (Coşkun, 2011). Despite that, these countries still suffer from breakthroughs in the proportion of carbon dioxide, as is the case in the study area, the amounts of aerosols in the atmosphere produced by human activities can change the climate through changing the chemical and microphysical properties of clouds which absorb solar and infrared radiation. Total emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) have sharply increased in Libya, particularly during the last 30 years (1980-2010), with an increase from 83,214,246 tons in 1980 to 133,452,660 tons in 2009, a probable function of the expanding petrochemical and oil production in the country over the period. A positive (high) correlation is found between emissions of CO2 and mean annual temperatures for the different regions, with values ranging from 0.36 to 0.84, with six cases exceeding 0.50. Some of the most rapid increases are observed in the sites near large oil fields and exports centers e.g. AGDABIA and ZWARA (Ageena, 2013).

No clear evidence about the relationships between population increase and temperature is observed through trend analysis. The study area includes the most populated cites, where 40% of Libya’s people resided, with the total population of TRIPOLI (1,063,571), BENGHAZI (674,951) and MISURATA (543,129). Increasing emissions of CO2 since the early 1970s have had a pronounced effect on temperature increases at some stations near oil refineries and petrochemical industries such as AGDABIA, SIRTE, and ZWARA.

Variability of Precipitation, global precipitation has increased significantly by approximately 2% during the 20th century (Folland, 2002). (Mosmannet al., 2004) haveidentified rates of increase between 7% and 12% for the areas lying between 30–85° N latitude and by about 2% for the areas lying between 0–55° S. On the other hand, a pattern of continuous aridity since the late 1960s has been observed over the western parts of North Africa and South of the Sahara since the 1980s which includes a large area of Libya (Folland, 2001 and Ageena, 2013). Is generally characterized by high temporal and spatial variability, which can partly be explained by changes in atmospheric circulation (Xoplakiet al., 2003). It is expected to affect fluctuations in the hydrological cycle including increases/decreases in precipitation, geographical distribution of precipitation and droughts. Relationships between precipitation indices for the different stations in North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt) and large scale atmospheric circulation patterns including the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Western Mediterranean Oscillation (WEMO), Mediterranean Oscillation (MO), El Nino and Southern Oscillation (Tramblayet al., 2013andAgeena, 2013). He has identified decreases in total precipitation and wet days with an increase in the duration of dry periods (Meddi, 2010), has also identified a decrease in total annual precipitation in northwest Algeria after 1970 and related this to the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) index.

These findings are supported by (Al-Hamlyet al., 1998) as he has observed an increase in dry years after 1970 in Morocco and identified a relationship with positive NAO phases. The relationship between North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and local precipitation are well studied (Philander, 1990; Hurrell, 1995; Jones et al., 1997; Houghton et al., 2001; McCarthy et al., 2001, andDjomou et al., 2013).

In general, changes of ENSO in recent decades are replicated in precipitation variations throughout the world, particularly over the tropics and sub-tropics regions (Houghton et al., 2001). (McCarthy et al., 2001) suggested that the NAO is the most responsible factor for inter-annual fluctuation in precipitation over the Northern Africa (Ageena, 2013). with high correlations for a few cities across Libya. In comparison, weakly negative links between SOI and annual and seasonal precipitation has been found at three cities in Libya (Ageena, 2013).Changes of temperature and its effect on air masses-movements and air pressure circulation are one of the important impacts on changes in global precipitation (Ritter, 2003). The study has revealed a number of results; which following are the most important No clear links between precipitation and temperature in north of Libya are identified with a mixture of negative and positive correlations while negative correlations only found at a small number of stations with 95% confidence level(Ageena, 2013).

5.5. Climatic Relations Between Some of Previous Studies in Mediterranean Basin and Results of Thesis

The results are also compared with the findings of previous studies over the last half of the 20th century which examined spatial and temporal variability in local and regional precipitation in Mediterranean sea and North Africa.

Analysis of mean average temperature data of 40 years (1971-2010) has shown significant increases (0.9 °C) with a doubling of the warming rate (1.7 °C) at most stations for the last 12 years (1998-2010 Tables from (33 to 48). As a result a rapid increase in annual maximum and minimum temperature is observed and the overall mean value shows upward trend. This finding agree with that of (Al-Kenawy, 2012) who has found that mean average temperature in north-eastern Spain is mostly increased during the period 1920-2006 resulted from the increase in maximum temperatures, especially in spring and summer.

Also study of (Philandraset al., 2008) identified decreasing trends since the early 1960s until the mid-1970s across Greece, they found that contribution of summer in increase annual averages temperatures is unquestionable, also (Domroes, 2005) have found negative trends in maximum temperature observed across Egypt for period (1971–2000), whine examination of annual average temperature for the study period (1971- 2010) an increase is identified which is statistically significant (95% confidence level) at most stations, this corroborates the concerns of rapid global warming and its impacts in this region. These results are consistent with previous regional and local research (Ben-Gaiet al., 1999 andDomroes,2005), which showed a significant increase in temperature of different regions across the Mediterranean basin.

In study in North of Algeria for period (1973- 2015), in most of the eight stations the study has brought to light an increase in average temperature monthly, seasonal, and annual average temperatures (Nia, 2018). and the study did not show the results of the trends of minimum and maximum temperatures, this increase is caused by an increase in the maximum temperature, and looking at the results of previous studies in that region, can be noted that increase in annual rate results from the increase in the maximum temperatures, and this is what is shown by a study (Ramos, 2006 and Al-Kenawy et al., 2012), who has found that temperatures in north-eastern Spain is mostly increased during the period 1920-2006 resulted from the increase in maximum temperature (North-eastern Spain).

(Nashwan, 2019),the results showed a large difference between the trends obtained using Mann Kendall test. the test showed increasing trends in maximum temperature and a number of minimum temperatureat stations of Egypt, but almost no change in rainfall and rainfall extremes.

(Maged, 2016), in Egypt, magnitude of climate change i s illustrated to increase over the period 1970– 2010, i.e. annual mean temperature increased from (0.98 °C) at Alexandria to (1.68°C) at Cairo. Seasonally, the highest warming trends were observed for summer temperatures and also increasing temperature trends detected with different magnitude in the remainder seasons. This research is the closest to the results of the study, because the time series was (1970 - 2010), as researchers used (Mann-Kendall) to trend analysis. Also at (Cosun, 2008), in Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, Mediterranean Sea region, have found most increase in maximum temperature, and average temperatures. However the results are not statistically significant because (p) value is higher than (Alfa) level.

(Fontaine, 2011), this study have identified a slight general increase in North Africa since the mid-90s with significant northward migrations of rainfall amounts. The findings are supported by (Yosefet al., 2009) who found an increased trend in total annual rainfall across Israel for the period 1950-2003. However, Al-Tantawi, 2005 identified positive trends (0.170 mm) in annual precipitation computed at most of study stations observed during the period 1971-2000, this result is not consistent with the results of study of (Meddi et al., 2010) which as they have observed decrease in total annual rainfall for the north-eastern Algeria after 1970.

In Europe (Moberg, 2005) they identified significant increasing precipitation trends over the 20th century in winter, based on about 80 stations situated in Central and Western Europe during the period 1901-1999, with low precipitation trends in summer.Afterwards (Boccolari, 2013) have found decreases in precipitation trend (-6.33 mm) over Modena in Italy during the 1831-2010. A general decreasing trend (-2.32) in mean annual precipitation for the 26 years (1979-2004) with increase in trend in parts of central and northern Greece have been identified by (Hatzianastassiou, 2008). Moreover, the (IPCC, 2007) report illustrated that the linear trends of rainfall decreases for 1900 to 2005 in western Africa.These findings are supported by (Meddi et al., 2010) as they have observed decrease in total annual rainfall for the north-eastern Algeria after 1970.

Negative precipitation evolution in the western parts of Northern Africa with no significant precipitation trends have been observed in central Tunisia Mediterranean , and the Mediterranean parts of Libya and Egypt, during the last decades (Schillinget al., 2012). During the 20th century, general decrease in total annual rainfall has been found in Turkey, and apparently during the 1930-1993, none of the decreasing trends in precipitation were found significant. About 19% of total stations showed a significant trend with majority of these trends are downward especially in Mediterranean Sea stations (Türkeş, 1996).

5.6. Recommendations

*Work to increase the number synoptic stations, and improvements to data completeness, standard of stations and operating procedures along with regular training provision to operational station meteorologists is necessary to raise the efficiency and performance of Libyan meteorological stations.

*The statistical tests used in the study show that during the 40-year period, winter and autumn rains have a decreasing trend in coastal stations. Considering that rain waters are used for storage in soil and agricultural irrigation in dry seasons, the decrease in winter rainfall may cause problems in terms of agricultural area which are decreasing in the long run. Therefore, some measures should be taken to eliminate or reduce the negative impacts of climate change on our country which is reflected by the low rainfall, and increased temperatures. The most important of these measures is the establishment and implementation of plans for water resources management.


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