
الاثنين، 13 يونيو 2022

التحليل الجغرافي لمستويات المعيشة لقضائي الكرخ والكاظمية لعام 2018 - غصن البان جبار كولان - رسالة ماجستير 2020م

التحليل الجغرافي لمستويات المعيشة

لقضائي الكرخ والكاظمية لعام 2018

رسالة مقدمة إلى مجلس كلية التربية للبنات / جامعة بغداد 

جزء من متطلبات نيل درجة ماجستير تربية 

في الجغرافية البشرية


غصن البان جبار كولان


الأستاذ الدكتور

صلاح محسن جاسم

1442هـ - 2020م

Geographical Analysis of Living Standards in Karkh and Kadhimiya Districts for 2018

A Thesis Submitted to the Council of the College of Education for Women / University of Baghdad in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master in Education In Human Geography


Gasan alban jabaar Colan

Suervised by

Prof. Dr. Salah Muhsin Jasim

1442 A. H. - 2020 A.D


   The study focused on the spatial analysis of living standards in the administrative units of Karkh and Kadhimiya districts, in 2018 by studying the indicators of the main fields of living standards which include (education, health, food security, economic situation, infrastructure, housing and housing environment). 

 The study aimed to determine the reality of living standards according to the administrative units of the study area and measure the extent of deprivation of the different fields and identify the most deprived areas, through conducting a field surrey. 

 The study showed that the living standards varied according to the indicators and evident of the field. The percentage of deprivation according to the living standards of the study area was (36.3%), while the percentage of the satisfied families was (23.7%) and the better-off households (40.0%). The highest percentage of deprivation for the general index of living standards appeared in Al-Karkh district by 29.5%, followed by Al-Taji with 20.4%, while Al-Maamoun recorded the lowest rate of deprivation by 13.5%. 

 The study also found that the highest level of deprivation for the index of the field of economic situation with a deprivation amounted to (59.0%), followed by the field of health with the deprivation (40.4%) and third place index of the field of infrastructure (39.5%), followed by the index of housing field (39.3%) while The perimeter index was 39.2%, and finally the index of education was the lowest (38.3%).

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