
الثلاثاء، 26 يوليو 2022

الخدمات الصحية في محافظة أربيل بإقليم كوردستان العراق دراسة في جغرافية الخدمات - فاطمة قادر مصطفى - أطروحة دكتوراه 2005م

الخدمات الصحية في محافظة أربيل بإقليم كوردستان العراق

 دراسة في جغرافية الخدمات

Health services in Erbil Governorate in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: A Study in Geography of Services

دراسة مقدمة للحصول على درجة الدكتوراه في الآداب من قسم الجغرافيا بكلية الآداب - جامعة القاهرة

إعداد الطالبة

فاطمة قادر مصطفى

مدرسة مساعدة بقسم الجغرافيا بكلية العلوم الإنسانية
جامعة رابه رين / العراق


الأستاذ الدكتور

أحمد السيد الزاملي

أستاذ الجغرافيا البشرية - جامعة القاهرة


داليا محمد صالح

مدرسة بقسم الجغرافيا ـ جامعة القاهرة


2015م - 1436هـ

Health Services in Erbil Governorate in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: A Study in Geography of Services

Thesis Submitted for Obtaining the Doctorate Degree in Literatures in the Department of Geography

Prepared by

Student\ Fatimah Qader Mustafa

Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Geography, College of Human Science - University of Raparin / Iraq

Under supervision of

Prof. Dr. Ahmed El-Sayed El-Zamly

Cairo University

Dr. Dalia Muhammad Saleh

Cairo University


2015. AD - 1436. AH

Summary of the thesis Health services in Erbil Governorate in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq )A Study in Geography of Services( Thesis Submitted for Obtaining the Doctorate Degree in Literatures in the Department of Geography Prepared by Student \ Fatimah Qader Mustafa Under supervision of Prof. Dr. Ahmed El-Sayed El-Zamly Dr. Dalia Muhammad Saleh Cairo University Cairo University

  The study focused objectives and the approach used to study an important part of services system, focusing on health services and directed mainly to serve the population of the governorate, targeted distribution of these services on the governorate and the appropriateness of the distribution of the aspirations of the people and meet their needs. Through the findings of the study, using a variety of scientific methods that largely based on field study and practical field survey, which included the institutions of the system as well as many geographical both quantitative and statistical, faced by the student methods, then the contents of the study and the thesis is divided into five chapter of as follows: 

 First Chapter: includes the geographical distribution of government health facilities, whether distributed numerically or distribution qualitatively from hospitals and health centers and health units at various governorate directorates, also included the geographical distribution of private health facilities of hospitals, medical centers, medical clinics and clinics dental clinics and midwives, as well as the distribution of complementary health facilities from pharmacies, laboratories, radiation and drug stores. 

  The second chapter, dealt with the factors affecting health services in the governorate in terms of surface, climate, population and the factors affecting it natural increase in births and deaths and the increase is natural (migration) and transportation routes, and the surface, and government spending, and the standard of living, education and income, and have totaled the number of public health facilities 295 facility including 22 hospitals and 258 health centers and 15 health units working, and these facilities are distributed to various governorate directorates. 

  The third chapter: Study Activity of health services in the county in terms of hospitals sizes and the number of beds and the size of workers in the health facilities of doctors, nurses and aides doctors and ensure Activity government and private hospitals for the year 2011 the year for hospitals and emergency, as well as the inner section of the hospital in terms of the number of patients reviewers them, and rates the performance of these hospitals, as well as the number of patients to health centers and health units for the year 2011. 

  And Chapter four: territory health services Erbil and influence of a sample of public and private hospitals in the governorate, which extends its influence to most of the governorates of Kurdistan Region and some governorates of central and southern Iraq, and provide services to residents of the Directorate neighboring hospital and directorates, social and economic characteristics of the patients, the reviewers on the government and private hospitals.

  Chapter five: problems dogging health services in the governorate and to develop solutions to these problems, and health planning and future planning health services included in the human and material to maintain and develop the 3 future planning for the needs of new health facilities and rehabilitation of a number of them as well as the amount needed from human resources to increase health coverage rate and achieve accessibility and access to health services in the districts of Erbil.

  In conclusion comes findings of the researcher and recommendations that could contribute in solving the problems of the health services sector in Erbil.

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