
الثلاثاء، 16 مايو 2023

السمات المكانية لمرضى الفشل الكلوي في مدينة عدن - دراسة في الجغرافيا الطبية - كلثوم طاهر أحمد ثابت - رسالة ماجستير 2016م

 السمات المكانية لمرضى الفشل الكلوي
في مدينة عدن

دراسة في الجغرافيا الطبية


مقدمة إلى مجلس قسم الجغرافيا كلية الآداب في جامعة عدن 

كجزء من متطلبات الحصول على درجة الماجستير في الجغرافيا


إعداد الطالبة :

كلثوم طاهر أحمد ثابت


إشراف : 

د. أمين علي محمد حسن

أستاذ الجغرافيا المشارك

قسم الجغرافيا كلية الآداب - جامعة عدن


1437هـ - 2016م




A Dissertation Submitted to the Department of Geography at the Faculty of Arts, the University of Aden, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master Degree in Geography.



Kalthoom Taher Ahmed Thabet



Amin Ali Mohammed Hasson

Associate Professor of Geography

Department of Geography

Faculty of Arts

University of Aden


2016 A.D. – 1437 A.H.



  The Spatial Characteristics of The Renal Failure Patients in Aden Governorate (A Study in Medical Geography)

   The study has dealt with the spatial characteristics for the renal failure patients in Aden Governorate to identify their demographic, social, economic, healthy characteristics, and their distribution according to the renal dialysis centers and spatial locations, governorates. It also aims to recognize the sector structure of the renal dialysis centers in Aden governorate, and calculate the number of the patients, doctors, nurses, families, and the kidney dialysis devices for the period (1993 – 2014). To collect the relevant data of the topic of the study , two questionnaires were used, one questionnaire was for the renal failure patients, and the other one was for the renal dialysis centers.

   Some of the findings of the study indicate that the number of renal failure patients is 370 patients who have a chronic renal failure, most of them are from Aden governorate, followed by the patients of Lahj governorate and Abyan governorate, and few of them are from Al-Dalea governorate. The spatial distribution of the patients was also dissimilar according to both the renal dialysis centers and residences.

   At the level of the centers, it was found that the Al-Estisfa Al-Damui Center has been ranked as the first (61.7%) among the renal dialysis centers, while Tayba Charity Center is ranked as the second (20.9%) regarding the patients total number who go frequently to the center. At the level of the governorates, the study has found that Aden governorate rated the first rank due to the average of incidence of the illness (47.2%). At the level of Aden districts, Al-Sheikh Othman and Serah districts have recorded the highest percentage of getting infected with the illness (39.1%) at the level of the governorate. With reference to the characteristics of the patients, the incidence of renal failure concentrated in males ( 67%) ; in the age range of (51 – 60), it was (25%); the number of their family members is ranged from 4 to 9 members. Most of them (74%) are married. The patients who have a primary education (38%) live in nuclear families and form (82.5%). II The source of their drinking water is the public water net (50%).

   The occupations of patients (i.e. housewife, daily wage worker, and soldier) have recorded the majority (59.1%) among the occupations of the patients'.

   Their monthly income is ranged from 41,000 to 80,000 rial. The history of the incidence of renal failure recorded the highest percent (80.9%) in the period (2009- 2014), most of the patients suffered of past diseases such as diabetic, pressure, urinary tract infection, and kidney stones. The main difficulties which face patients are the lack of medicines and medical check-ups.

  The most important recommendations of the study are as follows:

Special means of transport for the patients of renal failure in all kidney dialysis centers in the governorate of Aden should be provided to alleviate the suffering of patients of renal failure who use public transport because of their health status.

Special places for women of kidney failure should be assigned and separate them from the men, and provide all medicines of kidney failure for each patient.

A monthly salary for each patient who has a chronic kidney failure should be given.

It is also recommended that training courses for nursing staff in how to deal with patients with renal failure especially with regard to give the injections of dialysis process should be established, in addition to inviting non-state actors in supporting kidney dialysis centers and kidney failure patients.


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