
الاثنين، 6 يونيو 2016

دراسة التغير المناخي لمدينة أربيل من خلال متابعة اتجاهات الدرجات الحرارة ...

دراسة التغير المناخي لمدينة أربيل من خلال

متابعة اتجاهات الدرجات الحرارة

Study of climate change To the city of Erbil Follow through Extreme temperatures trends

عمر حسن حسين الرواندزي

مدرس مساعد قسم الجغرافية في

- كلية الآداب - جامعة سوران 

إقليم كردستان العراق

بحث مقدم إلى منظمة الأوروعربية

لأبحاث البيئة والمياه والصحراء

بمؤتمر أنطاكيا - تركيا

14 -18 - 10 - 2012


Study of climate change To the city of Erbil Follow through Extreme temperatures trends

In the last two decades The city of Erbil , significant changes in the size of its population and urban expansion, making the issue of the temperature increase in the issue is a must, and these changes is the greater challenges facing the climate and the environment.

  This study aims to identify the temperature trends in the city of Arbil over the last two decades in order to prepare for them and take actions that will reduce their harmful effects.

Such a that the subject his importance lies in its theme, represented by climate change and means of determine temperatures degrees Which is the most important element of climate Has its effects on other climatic elements and human comfort and its various activities.

Another aspect of the study location of study Represented in Erbil city , Which is the capital of the Kurdistan region of Iraq and its largest city.

In order to achieve the objectives of the study and because of the formula of the subject , We found it appropriate tab as follows: -

first axis: Definition of the study area (the city of Erbil) .

second axis: trends of Monthly And annual temperatures Average in the city of Erbil. 

third axis: Trends of monthly and annual maximum temperatures average in the city of Irbil. 

fourth axis: trends of monthly and annual minimum temperatures Average in the city of Irbil. 

Study concluded by the most prominent conclusions and some recommendations relating to the their subject matter.

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