
الأحد، 5 يونيو 2016

التنوع الحيوي للنباتات في حوض وادي العرب ...

التنوع الحيوي للنباتات في حوض وادي العرب

أ.د. حسن أبو سمور
الجامعة الأردنية 

كلية الآداب 

قسم الجغرافيا


Plant Bio-diverity in Wadi El-Arab Basin Hasan Abusammour

  Plant diversity in Jordan, especially in Wadi ElArb basin are facing many problems which if confined could lead to the extinction of some species, and come other species become endanger. The problems are: overgrazing which inhibits the natural renewal of plants, and cutting could eliminate some kind of trees and shrub from the area. Other important problems such as Agriculture and Urbanization have serious effects on the plants in Wadi El-Arab basin. These problems also effect the plants distribution in the basin.

  It is found that the area of plant decreased in Wadi El-Aarb from 78% in 1953 to less than 38% in 2009. The Qnercus calliprinus is dominate species in most of the study samples, it covers about 60%, with density of more the 58%, and more than 4 meters in height. 

   Many species of plants were the dominant in some samples, and they were associated with others dominant plants in other samples. Other important finding, there is a large plant diversity in the middle of the basin, which is located within the semiarid climate region.

  The plant densities vary from less than 10% of the grass species to more than 50% of the tree species.



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