
السبت، 19 مايو 2018

أثر الوحدة الجيومورفولوجية على خصائص النبات الطبيعي الشجري في البيئة الجافة - دراسة حالة لأودية جنوب مدينة مكة المكرمة

أثر الوحدة الجيومورفولوجية 

على خصائص النبات الطبيعي الشجري 

في البيئة الجافة

دراسة حالة لأودية جنوب مدينة مكة المكرمة


د. محمد سعيد البارودي

قسم الجغرافيا - جامعة أم القرى

مجلة جامعة أم القرى للعلوم التربوية والاجتماعية و الإنسانية - المجلد العشرون - العدد الأول - ذو الحجة 1428هـ - يناير 2008 - ص ص 383 - 434 

Impact of the Geomorphologic Unit on the Morphology of the Arborous Vegetation in Dry Environments: The Case of Valleys to the South of Makkah Al Mukarramah

Dr. Mohammad S. Al-Baroodi


  In dry environments, the arborous vegetation cover areas are regarded as one of the most important places for public recreation and amusement. Such areas could be identified in beds of valleys to the South of Makkah city; exemplified in Daim, Rahgan, Magareesh. The objective of this study is to correlate the arborous vegetation cover and the features of the geomorphologic units such as importance of relative density, relative dominance, and relative frequency. This study adopted the floristic composition method of study where plant species and plant abundance will be researched. 

   This research reviewed related recent literature, relevant spatial images and first-hand field data. To be in conformity with our research objectives, this study adopts the "squares" method as a means to measure plant populations based on concepts of minimal area, and species/area curve. 

  The most important areas selected for examination and vigorous study were fluvial terraces, flood plains, and valley channels. The research outcomes reveal the dominance of torrifluvents in all valley channels and flood plains, while fluvial terraces are dominated by Torriorthents. The main findings of research could be listed as: 

1. Existence of four types of dominant plant populations that include, acacia-tortilis Communiyt, Community Acacia-ehrenbbergiana, Community Acacia-hamulosa and Community Acacia-seyal 

2. Evident impact of geomorphologic units on the general morphology of the plant populations of the area. 

3. Evident differences between these units with regard to the morphology of the vegetation cover where fluvial terraces witness the highest dominant cover, followed by flood plains, and valley channels. 

4. Acacia-ehrenbbergiana and Acacia-tortilis are the most widely spreading types of trees. In the fluvial terraces the acacia-tortilis Community dominates followed by Acacia-hamulosa, while acacia-ehrenbbergiana community prevails in flood plains and valley channels. The acacia-seyal community extends mainly in valley channels. 

5. Rules and regulations should be imposed to protect the vegetation cover, particularly in fluvial terraces. If succeeded, these places could be opened to the public as recreational places for the holy city. 


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