
الأحد، 21 يونيو 2020

واقع زراعة القمح والذرة الصفراء في محافظة كركوك ( دراسة في الجغرافية الزراعية ) - مريم صالح شفيق العزاوي - رسالة ماجستير 2005م

واقع زراعة القمح والذرة الصفراء في محافظة كركوك 

( دراسة في الجغرافية الزراعية ) 

رسالة مقدمة إلى مجلس كلية التربية للبنات 

جامعة بغداد 

وهي جزء من متطلبات نيل درجة الماجستير 

في آداب الجغرافية 

مقدمة من قبل 

مريم صالح شفيق العزاوي 


الأستاذ جميل نجيب عبد الله 

1426هـ - 2005م


  ترمي هذه الدراسة إلى ابراز وتحليل واقع زراعة القمح والذرة الصفراء في محافظة كركوك ومعرفة الظروف الطبيعية الملائمة لزراعة هذين المحصولين وأساسيات إنتاجهما. 

  لقد اعتمد البحث على جملة من البيانات من مصادر مختلفة منها بيانات مناخية للتعرف على طبيعة مناخ محافظة كركوك ومدى ملائمته لزراعة المحصولين وبيانات أخرى تخص المساحات المزروعة ومعدل الغلة والإنتاج للمحصولين ولمدة (23 ) سنة، فضلاً عن بيانات تخص المشاهدات الحقلية والميدانية. 

  لقد تم القيام بالدراسة بعد الاستعانة بالله (عزوجل) في بعض الوحدات الإدارية في محافظة كركوك خلال عامي 2002 و 2003 وأجريت مشاهدات لعدد من الأراضي الزراعية بعد أن تم توزيع (88) استمارة تضم عدد من الأسئلة الموجهة للفلاحين والتي تخص موضوع البحث بغية الإستفادة من بعض الآراء الخاصة بهم لكونهم يعيشون واقع المنطقة وهم الشريحة المعنية بزراعة المحصولين. 

   يضم البحث إطاراً نظرياً يتمثل بمقدمة عن الموضوع مجزئة إلى مبررات الدراسة ومشكلة وفرضية وحدود البحث وأهم أهدافه فضلاً عن اهم الدراسات السابقة التي تناولت موضوع البحث.

وبني البحث على ثلاثة فصول :- 

الفصل الاول: تناول وصفاً موجزاً للضوابط الطبيعية لمحافظة كركوك من حيث الموقع الجغرافي وجيولوجية المنطقة وطوبوغرافيتها والمناخ والتربة والموارد المائية والنبات الطبيعي. 

الفصل الثاني: تطرق إلى العوامل البشرية المؤثرة في زراعة وإنتاج محصولي القمح والذرة الصفراء والتسميد والدورة الزراعية ورأس المال والري والمكننة الزراعية وحركة النقل والتسويق. 

الفصل الثالث: تضمن أساسيات إنتاج محصولي القمح والذرة الصفراء في محافظة كركوك. كما تضمن البحث مجموعة من الجداول وعددها (11) جدولاً وخرائط وعددها (9) خريطة و(6) أشكال و(3) صور. إضافة إلى مجموعة من الملاحق وعددها (12) ملحقاً،  مع إعطاء جملة من الاستنتاجات و التوصيات. 

Reality of Wheat and Maize Cultivation

 in the Province of Kirkuk 

 A study in Agriculture Geographica ) 

A dissertation Submitted to the Council of the College of Education for women / the university of Baghdad in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of master of Arts in Geography . 


Mariam Salih Shafik Al – Azawee 

Supervised by 

Prof. Jamil Najeeb Abdulla 

2005 - 1426 


The present study aims at presenting and analyzing the reality of wheat and Indian corn ( maize ) in Kirkuk governorate , as well as knowing the environmental conditions that are suitable for cultivating these two crops and the fundamentals of their production . 

The present study depends on a group of data obtained from different sources . Some of these data are climatic data that are concerned with the nature of the climate of Kirkuk governorate , and its suitability for cultivating wheat and maize . Other data are concerned with the cultivated areas and the productivity of these two crops for a period of ( 23 ) years . The data that are concerned with field work constitute the third kind of data on which the present study depends . 

The present study has been conducted , after seeking help from the Almighty God, by making use of several administrative units in Kirkuk governorate during ( 2002 ) and ( 2003 ) . Also , there have been a number of visits to the cultivated areas . During these visits , ( 88 ) forms , which contain some questions about the topic of the study , have been distributed among the farmers . Their answers have been taken into account as they are familiar with the area and the cultivation of wheat and maize . 

The present study includes a theoretical part that is divided into the following : the reasons for choosing the topic of the study , the problem the hypothesis , the aims of the study and the previous studies . 

1. Chapter One presents a brief description of Kirkuk governorate : its geographical position , its geology , its topography , climate , soil , water resources and natural plant . 

2. Chapter Two tackles the human factors that influence the cultivation of wheat and maize , namely , manpower , fertilization , crop rotation , the capital ( funds ) , irrigation pest control , mechanization , trans portation and marketing . 

3. As for Chapter Three , it deals with the fundamentals of the production such as areas cultivated with wheat and maize in Kirkuk governorate , crop productivity and production . 

The study also includes ( 11 ) tables , ( 9 ) maps , ( 6 ) figures , ( 3 ) pictures , ( 12 ) appendices . the present study includes the following :- 

1. The cultivation of wheat and maize is successful due to the suitability of climate especially temperature and rain falls that both crops need . 

2. It is well – known that every crop needs a certain amount of water in order to grow . As Al – Khasa Sou tributary flows through Kirkuk governorate , cultivation activities (especially the irrigation of wheat and maize ) can benefit from that water resource . 

3. The growth of every crop depends on the type of the soil in which it grows and can be nourished . Kirkuk governorate soil is ( loamy texture ) and this kind of soil is considered a basic factor in the cultivation of wheat and maize . 

4. The use of the most advanced machinery in ploughing , seeding and harvesting helps in conducting work in a short time and with less effort . It also help in producing large quantities of crops . Such activities will enables the country to take place in the recent scientific developments in agricultural work domains . 

5. The nature of the surface of Kirkuk governorate that is relatively plane and level are among the factors that facilitate the use of sprinkler irrigation systems , where water is applied above crops in a form simulated to rain fall . It considers as a modern irrigation system in agriculture . However , according to the answers obtained from the farmes during the field work , it becomes obuious that sprinkler irrigation plays the primary role in increasing the productivity of wheat and maize as compared to the use of perennial irrigation . 

6. Fluctuation in the cultivated areas under wheat crop took place from ( 1980 ) till ( 2002 ) except ( 1991 ) in which the largest areas were alloted for cultivating wheat . Concerning maize , one can concludes that during a decade and a half ( 1980 – 1995 ) , small areas of land were alloted each year for cultivating this crop , but the areas increased from ( 1996 ) till ( 2002 ) . 

7. The annual production of wheat decreased from ( 1980 ) till ( 2000 ) , except some years in which it increased : 
( 1991 , 2002 ) . As for the annual production of maize , it also decreased from (1980) till (1995) .Such circumstances might be due to the war and its effects . 

8. The annual production of wheat from ( 1980 ) till ( 1998 ) was nearly similar , but it increased in (2000) and (2002) . Fluctuation was the characteristic feature of the annual production of maize from ( 1980 ) till ( 1990 ) . Later , it decreased till ( 2002 ) . 

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