
السبت، 10 مارس 2018

Spatial DataBases with Application to GIS

Spatial DataBases with Application to GIS

Philippe Rigaux

Michel Scholl

Agnes Voisard

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
An imprint of Elsevier Science



by Victor Vianu, University of California, San Diego





1.1 Database Management Systems (DBMSs) 3

1.1.1 Basic Description and Main Features 3

1.1.2 Modeling Applications 6

1.1.3 Physical Data Management 8

1.2 Vocabulary in Geospatial Database Applications 9

1.2.1 Theme 9

1.2.2 Geographic Objects 9

1.3 Geospatial Data Manipulation 11

1.3.1 Simple Operations on Themes 12

1.3.2 Further Theme Operations 18

1.3.3 Other Typical GIS Operations 20

1.4 DBMS Support for Geospatial Data 21

1.4.1 Use of a Relational DBMS 22

1.4.2 Loosely Coupled Approach 24

1.4.3 Integrated Approach Based on DBMS Extensibility 25

1.5 Requirements for a Spatial DBMS 25

1.6 Bibliographic Notes 26


2.1 Geographic Space Modeling 31

2.1.1 Entity-Based Models 31

2.1.2 Field-Based Models 34

2.2 Representation Modes 35

2.2.1 Tessellation 35

2.2.2 Vector Mode 38

2.2.3 Half-Plane Representation 42

2.3 Representing the Geometry of a Collection of Objects 46

2.3.1 Spaghetti Model 47

2.3.2 Network Model 47

2.3.3 Topological Model 49

2.4 Spatial Data Formats and Exchange Standards 51

2.4.1 Overview of Current Spatial Data Formats 52

2.4.2 The TIGER/Line Data Format 54

2.4.3 Recent Standardization Initiatives 61

2.5 Bibliographic Notes 64



3.1 Reference Schemas 71

3.1.1 Administrative Units (Schema 1) 71

3.1.2 Highway Network Among Cities (Schema 2) 72

3.1.3 Land Use (Schema 3) 72

3.2 Reference Queries 73

3.3 Spatial Abstract Data Types 75

3.3.1 Extending Data Models with Spatial ADTs 75

3.3.2 Designing Spatial ADTs 80

3.3.3 Exploring Relationships Between Spatial Objects:

Topological Predicates 85

3.4 Relational Models Extended with ADT 88

3.4.1 Representation of the Reference Schemas 89

3.4.2 Reference Queries 92

3.5 Object-Oriented Models 100

3.5.1 A Brief Overview of Object-Oriented DBMS 100

3.5.2 Representation of Reference Schemas 101

3.5.3 Spatial Classes 104

3.5.4 Reference Queries 106

3.6 Bibliographic Notes 108


4.1 Spatial Data Modeling with Constraints 114

4.1.1 Point Sets as Infinite Relations 115

4.1.2 Finitely Representing Infinite Relations 117

4.1.3 Evaluating Queries on Infinite Instances 120

4.1.4 Summary of the Constraint Data Model 122

4.2 The Linear Constraint Data Model 123

4.2.1 Data Representation 124

4.2.2 Query Languages: First-Order Queries 125

4.2.3 Query Languages: Algebraic Queries 128

4.3 Modeling Entity-Based Data 134

4.3.1 Nested Relations 134

4.3.2 Queries 136

4.4 Modeling Field-Based Data and Moving Objects 139

4.4.1 Elevation Data 140

4.4.2 Moving Objects 141

4.4.3 Queries on Field-Based Data and Moving Points 143

4.5 Bibliographic Notes 145


5.1 An Introduction to Computational Geometry 150

5.2 Background 150

5.2.1 Basic Concepts of Algorithms 151

5.2.2 Algorithm Analysis 152

5.2.3 Optimality 153

5.2.4 Data Structures 155

5.3 Useful Algorithmic Strategies 157

5.3.1 Incremental Algorithms: The Convex-Hull Example 157

5.3.2 Divide-and-Conquer Strategy: The Half-Plane Intersection

Example 161

5.3.3 Sweep-Line Method: The Rectangle Intersection

Example 164

5.4 Polygon Partitioning 167

5.4.1 Trapezoidalization of a Simple Polygon 168

5.4.2 Triangulation of Simple Polygons 170

5.4.3 Convex Partitioning 173

5.5 Algorithms for Spatial Databases 175

5.5.1 Area Size of a Polygon and Related Operations 176

5.5.2 Point in Polygon 177

5.5.3 Polyline Intersections 179

5.5.4 Polygon Intersections 186

5.5.5 Windowing and Clipping 192

5.6 Bibliographic Notes 197

5.6.1 General Sources 197

5.6.2 Sources on Algorithms 198


6.1 Issues in SAM Design 204

6.1.1 What Is Expected of a SAM? 205

6.1.2 Illustration with a B+Tree 206

6.1.3 Space-Driven Versus Data-Driven SAMs 207

6.2 Space-Driven Structures 208

6.2.1 The Grid File 209

6.2.2 The Linear Quadtree 219

6.2.3 The z-Ordering Tree 227

6.2.4 Remarks on Linear SAM 237

6.3 Data-Driven Structures: The R-Tree 237

6.3.1 The Original R-Tree 238

6.3.2 The R∗Tree 252

6.3.3 R-Tree Packing 255

6.3.4 The R+Tree 257

6.3.5 Cost Models 259

6.4 Bibliographic Notes 261


7.1 An Introduction to Query Processing 269

7.2 Two Optimal I/O Algorithms 271

7.2.1 External Sort/Merge 271

7.2.2 Distribution Sweeping (Rectangle Intersection) 274

7.3 Spatial Join 279

7.3.1 z-Ordering Spatial Join 280

7.3.2 Joining Two R-Trees 284

7.3.3 Spatial Hash Join 288

7.4 Complex Queries 292

7.4.1 Query Execution Plans 292

7.4.2 Spatial Joins with Refinement Step 296

7.4.3 Multiway Joins 300

7.5 Bibliographic Notes 303


8.1 An Introduction to Commercial Systems 312

8.1.1 How to Read This Chapter 312

8.1.2 Interacting with a GIS or with a Spatial DBMS 315

8.2 ArcInfo 317

8.2.1 Functionalities of ArcInfo 317

8.2.2 Spatial and Topological Information in ArcInfo 319

8.2.3 Representation of Sample Schemas 328

8.2.4 Querying with ArcInfo 332

8.3 ArcView GIS 341

8.3.1 ArcView Spatial Model 342

8.3.2 Querying with ArcView 343

8.4 Smallworld 347

8.4.1 Smallworld Spatial Data Model 347

8.4.2 Querying with Smallworld Object Browser 348

8.4.3 Discussion 351

8.5 Oracle Extension for Handling Spatial Data 352

8.5.1 Introduction to Oracle Spatial 352

8.5.2 Spatial Data Model 353

8.5.3 Spatial Operations 355

8.5.4 Spatial Indexing and Query Processing 357

8.6 PostgreSQL 360

8.6.1 Geometric Types and Operators 361

8.6.2 Creating the Database 363

8.6.3 Expressing Queries 364

8.7 Bibliographic Notes 368





“In that Empire, the Art of Cartography achieved such Perfection that the Map of one single Province occupied the whole of a City, and the Map of the Empire, the whole of a Province. In time, those Disproportionate maps failed to satisfy and the Schools of Cartography sketched a Map of the Empire which was of the size of the Empire and coincided at every point with it. Less addicted to the study of Cartography, the Following Generations comprehended that this dilated Map was Useless and, not without Impiety, delivered it to the Inclemencies of the Sun and of the Winters. In the Western Deserts there remain piecemeal Ruins of the Map, inhabited by Animals and Beggars. In the entire rest of the Country there is no vestige left of the Geographical Disciplines.” 
Suarez Miranda, Viajes de
Varones Prudentes, IV

  Afew decades ago, paper maps were the principal means to synthetize and represent geographic information. Manipulating this information was limited to a manual, noninteractive process. Since then, the rapid development of new technologies to collect and digitize geographic data, together with an increasing demand for both interactive manipulation and analysis of this data, has generated a need for dedicated softwares, namely geographic information systems (GISs). 

   A GIS is more than a cartographic tool to produce maps. It stores geographic data, retrieves and combines this data to create new representations of geographic space, provides tools for spatial analysis, and performs simulations to help expert users organize their work in many areas, including public administration, transportation networks, military applications, and environmental information systems.

   Due to the ever-increasing volume of geographic data, one of the major tasks of GIS is to efficiently manage huge databases of complex information. In a classical software architecture, this task is usually devoted to a database management system (DBMS). Most DBMSs in practical use are relational DBMSs. However, relational DBMSs are strongly geared toward business applications, which manipulate large but simple data sets. It turns out that these systems are unable to manage geographic data, in particular because of its inherent spatial component. There have been considerable efforts to extend and adapt DBMS technology to spatial information. This book aims at reporting on the major achievements in this field. Although there are increasing interdependencies between GIS and DBMS technologies, two different viewpoints can be taken. On the one hand, GISs see database systems as one tool among many that provide facilities for the storage and retrieval of data. In turn, this data is processed by other tools, such as spatial analysis or graphical user interfaces. DBMS designers, on the other hand, see GIS as one important, but not unique, application of their novel ability to handle spatial data. From a database point of view, the emphasis is less on the application itself than on the functionality; namely, the storage of large volumes of spatial information, the application of computational techniques on this information, and the development of efficient access methods to retrieve relevant data from voluminous data sets stored on disk.

   This book is mainly influenced by the second perspective. It explores the various techniques (and thus the required extensions of classical DBMSs) necessary to meet the requirements of spatial data management, both at the user level and at the system level.

   In many respects, these requirements go beyond the management of geographic data. Indeed, the ability to manipulate spatial information—which is at the core of the novel features of spatial DBMS—is useful for any application based on large spatial data sets, including computer-aided design (CAD), very large scale integration (VLSI), robotics, and image processing. We chose, however, to take our examples and illustrations from the field of geographic applications, both because this is still the primary target of spatial DBMS and because geographic applications served as the first motivation to develop spatial DBMS and thus strongly influenced its design.

   Geospatial information concerns phenomena occurring above, on, and below Earth’s surface. Geospatial information is represented in maps. A map contains geographic objects such as land parcels, rivers, and roads that are related to the same geographic area. Any geographic object has the following components: 

◆ The component referred to as spatial or geometric attribute, or spatial extent. This component describes the location, shape, orientation, and size of the object (for instance, a land parcel) in 2D or 3D space. 

◆ The component that describes the object by means of nonspatial attributes. These attributes are also referred to as thematic or descriptive attributes (for instance, the name of a land parcel).

  The foregoing characteristics are not exclusive to geographic information. For example, VLSI layout description also deals with objects having an extent in multidimensional space. This is why spatial databases should be preferred as a more generic term for information systems dealing with objects having a spatial component. Spatial databases should be distinguished from image information systems or image databases, which manage collections of 2D or 3D scenes. Medical databases, electronic documents, and cultural heritage collections are examples of potential image sources. Image databases support the search for scenes that contain certain objects or patterns. Location, direction, and size of the object are usually of little importance—a major difference from spatial databases, where these search criteria play an important role. Image databases will not be discussed further here.

  Some of the tasks currently handled by GIS existed before GIS technology. These include systematic collection of data about land for census activities, atlases, public administration mapping efforts, public utilities management, new construction planning and engineering, urban and rural planning, and cartography, as well as tasks required by the military and various sciences, such as geography, geology, and geodesy. In addition, many regional and national agencies, as well as other organizations, use geographic data for less traditional tasks that have been influenced by the development of GIS technology, such as forest management, postal services, space applications, socioeconomic studies, and market analysis.

Organization of This Book

  This book seeks to explain the major features of a spatial database. It deals with the concepts, techniques, and algorithms that have been developed around the core issues in database management, such as how to represent data, which operations should be supplied by the system to manipulate and retrieve this data, and how to access and retrieve data from secondary storage. The main objective is to identify the challenges raised by the peculiar nature of spatial information, and to describe the specific techniques recently developed to meet these novel requirements.

   The book covers basic material and some advanced topics. As far as basic material is concerned, we provide a sound and detailed coverage of several well-established topics—for example, structures for spatial data representation or spatial access methods—that can serve as a reference for practitioners, scientists, and graduate students. Advanced topics and more specialized aspects are also introduced, either because we believe they will soon be adopted in commercial systems (this is the case for query processing techniques, for instance), or because they represent a new and exciting way of thinking about spatial data and its representation in database systems (for example, constraint databases). The presentation style of advanced material is based on intuition and examples, rather than on a meticulous and exhaustive treatment. The interested reader will find, at the end of each chapter, a section devoted to bibliographic notes. The book is organized in eight chapters, whose content is as follows:

◆ Chapter 1 provides introductory material toward understanding subsequent chapters. We present the main features of database management systems and GIS, and we introduce the vocabulary used throughout the book. 

◆ Chapter 2 concerns spatial data representation. It studies the internal or physical representation of spatial objects. 

◆ Chapter 3 presents logical models and query languages for representing and manipulating geographic information. Our discourse relies on common database technology; namely, extended relational and object-oriented database management systems. 

◆ Chapter 4 deals with a recent alternative way of modeling and querying geographic information through constraint databases. 

◆ Chapter 5 introduces algorithmic techniques for implementing the spatial operations presented in Chapter 3. These techniques belong to the field of computational geometry. 

◆ Chapter 6 is devoted to the study of spatial access methods (SAMs), or spatial indices, necessary for accelerating the access to a large number of spatial objects stored on disk. 

◆ Chapter 7 is an introduction to query processing techniques for evaluating end-user queries on spatial databases. It includes in particular some algorithms for spatial joins. 

◆ Chapter 8 presents five products on the market. The first three are GIS platforms; namely, ArcInfo, ArcView, and Smallworld. The fourth is the Oracle relational DBMS spatial extension SDO, and the fifth is an open source DBMS, PostgreSQL.

  The book has two potential audiences. The primary audience includes people from the database research community and database people developing tools for spatial applications. A second audience consists of geographers and GIS users interested in understanding the challenges in current and future GIS technology. We tried as much as possible to introduce the technical background necessary for readers with no expertise in databases. It can be anticipated, however, that readers with solid database background (the primary audience previously discussed) will be more interested in Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7, whereas geographers and GIS users will find information that meets their needs in Chapters 1, 3, 6, and 8.


  Writing this book would not have been possible without the contribution of many people, whom we wish to thank here. We are indebted to Jean-Paul Peloux and Laurent Raynal, with whom we published a preliminary version of this book in French. Jean-Paul focused on spatial indexing, whereas Laurent was particularly concerned with ArcInfo. Some of our colleagues provided us with many useful comments on many parts of the manuscript, among them Oliver Gunther (Chap- ¨ ter 2), Luc Segoufin (Chapters 4 and 5), Anne Verroust (Chapter 5), and Jean-Marc Saglio (Chapter 6). We are grateful to them.

  We wish to thank Dave Abel, Martin Breunig, and Rolf de By, who as formal reviewers of parts of this book made many detailed and constructive remarks. In particular, Dave gave us extremely valuable feedback regarding the organization of the book and pointed to interesting issues, whereas Rolf did a tremendous job getting into the details of three chapters.

  It would not have been possible to develop many of the aspects presented here without common reflection with colleagues, some of them being coauthors of publications. We wish to thank Benoˆıt David, Kenn Gardels, Gilles Grangeret, Stephane Grumbach, Oliver G ´ unther, Gaby ¨ Kuper, Yannis Manolopoulos, Apostolos Papadopoulos, Xavier Rhes´ e,´ Hans-Jorg Schek, Luc S ¨ egoufin, and Pierangelo Veltri.

  Many people indirectly contributed to this book through their technical abilities, among them Gunter Feuer, Thomas Klinkski, and ¨ Vilim Vesligaj, who provided technical support at the Freie Universitat, Berlin; Catherine Breton and Daniel Marcel, who shared their ¨ knowledge of ArcView; Steffi Fritz and Cornelia Pester of Smallworld, Germany, who helped us set our Smallworld environment at the Freie Universitat, Berlin; Laurent Breton from IGN, who shared his exper- ¨ tise with ArcInfo; and Jose Moreira and Jean-Marc Saglio, with whom ´ we had many technical discussions about Oracle. We wish to thank them.

  We also wish to acknowledge the programs and host institutions who helped us travel and meet each other, despite the distance, during this long process. Michel Scholl visited the Freie Universitat many ¨ times, thanks in particular to the Berlin-Brandenburg graduate school on distributed information systems (DFG grant no. GRK 316) and the Procope Franco-German exchange program (DAAD grant no. 312). Agnes Voisard visited CNAM and INRIA for extended periods through ` the Procope cooperation. We would also like to acknowledge the partial support of the European Network TMR Chorochronos. We are grateful to its members for the stimulating discussions of the past two years. We are indebted to our home institutions for their continuing support: the Vertigo database group in the Cedric lab of CNAM, the Verso database project at INRIA, and the database group at Freie Universitat Berlin. We are grateful to our colleagues in these institutions ¨ for the warm atmosphere in which this work was carried out, including notably Serge Abiteboul, Helmut Alt, Bernd Amann, Alain Cazes, Vassilis Christophides, Sophie Cluet, Claude Delobel, Daniel Faensen, Lukas Faulstich, Annika Hinze, Marcus Jurgens, Leonid Libkin, Alain ¨ Michard, Stephane Natkin, Andreas Sabisch, Heinz Schweppe, Anne- ´ Marie Vercoustre, Victor Vianu, Franc¸ois-Yves Villemin, Dan Vodislav, Franz Wagner, Gerald Wagner, and Gerald Weber. We owe a great deal to our secretaries Heike Eckart, Danny Moreau, and Virginie Moreau for their constant support in everyday life. We also thank our students Irini Fundulaki, Christophe Gurret, Laurent Mignet, and Cedric Du Mouza.

    Finally, we are grateful for the assistance we received from the editorial staff at Morgan Kaufmann. We are especially thankful to Marnie Boyd, Belinda Breyer, and Diane Cerra for their patience during the entire process.

About the Authors

Philippe Rigaux holds a Master’s in mathematics and a Master’s in computer science from the University of Paris VII. From 1986 to 1992, he was a software engineer in private industry. From 1992 to 1995, he was a research assistant in the database group of the Conservatoire National des Arts et M´etiers (CNAM) in Paris, where he obtained his Ph.D. in 1995. He is currently an assistant professor in the CNAM database group. He has conducted research in the area of database management, strongly oriented toward spatial applications. His research interests include the design of query languages and query evaluation techniques. He has been involved in the program committee of various conferences in the field, such as SSD, ACM-GIS, and SSDBM.

Michel Scholl received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1977, and his French Th´ese d’´etat from the University of Grenoble in 1985. He was with INRIA (French Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique) for twelve years, where he headed the Verso database group, prior to joining the faculty of the Conservatoire National des Arts et M´etiers (CNAM). Since 1989, he has been a full professor of computer science at CNAM. He manages the database group in the research laboratory CEDRIC of CNAM and has a joint position at INRIA in the Verso database group. His background includes computer-assisted instruction, packetswitched radio networks, data structures, and databases. His current research interests include spatial databases and digital libraries. He has served as program chair for the 5th International Symposium on Spatial Databases (SSD’97) and as program committee member of many conferences, including ACM SIGMOD, VLDB, and EDBT

Agnes Voisard ` received her Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University of Paris at Orsay (Paris XI) and INRIA (French Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique) in 1989 and 1992, respectively. During the academic year 1991–92 she was a research assistant in the database group of the Conservatoire National des Arts et M´etiers (CNAM) in Paris. In 1992–93 she was an INRIA postdoctoral fellow at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. In 1993, she was appointed assistant professor of computer science at the Free University of Berlin, where she obtained her Habilitation in 1999. In January 2001, she joined Kivera, Inc. (Oakland, California) as a system architect. Her areas of expertise include geographic information systems, object-oriented databases, data modeling, graphical user interfaces, navigation systems, and interoperability in information systems. She has participated in several program committees, and was general chair of the 5th International Symposium on Spatial Databases (SSD’97).


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