
الخميس، 17 مايو 2018

التنمية الصناعية في محافظة المثنى بالعراق: دراسة في جغراقية الصناعة ...

التنمية الصناعية في محافظة المثنى بالعراق

دراسة في جغراقية الصناعة

Industrial Development in Al- Muthanna Province in Iraq
(Study in the Industrial Geography)

رسالة مقدمة لنيل درجة الدكتوراه في الآداب
 من قسم الجغرافيا بكلية الآداب - جامعة القاهرة 

إعداد الطالب

محمود محمد حسن الشمري

مدرس بكلية التربية والعلوم الإنسانية 

جامعة بابل العراق 


أ.د. أحمد السيد الزاملي

أستاذ الجغرافيا البشرية

كلية الآداب

جامعة القاهرة  


1437هـ2016 -  م


Industrial Development in Al-Muthanna ProvinceinIraq
(AStudy inthe Industerial Geography)

A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of (Ph.D.) 
of Arts in the Department of Geography Prepared 

by  Mahmood Mohammad Hassan Al-Shemary

Under Supervision of  Prof. Dr. Ahmed Alsayed AlzamilyCairo University

Attention recently begun to study the issue of industrial development and after orientation of geography in the study of these topics which address many of the problems of society and the various requirements in their space spatial So emerged more interest in the study of development, which in turn has made great positive aspects and took addressing these problems facing the process of achieving industrial development.

This study was to shed light on the reality of industrial development and future trends in the province of Muthanna, the researcher an introduction and five chapters in the foreground accept the theoretical framework for some of the concepts and terminology of interest to industrial development with a statement of objectives and policies and to study its future trends.

  The first chapter of natural, human and economic fundamentals discussed and reviewed in the natural side of the geographical location of the study area and its importance for industrial development and the study of the structure and composition of the geological area and her wealth of importance in the localization of industrial facilities in addition to the statement of the surface and forms of manifestation of climate and water resources and to study and accept the human side of the role of population and labor force and the statement of its impact on industrial development in the study area in terms of distribution and density of and their composition age and gender, environmental and economic discussed Find the economic fundamentals represented by the raw and market materials and a network of transportation routes in addition to the study of energy and fuel resources, capital, and discuss the role of government policy and government decision-making in the development process Industrial statement with the role of technological progress in the progress and development of the movement of industrial activity in the region.

  The second chapter to discuss the origins and evolution of the manufacturing sector for the period 1971-2012 in Muthanna, Iraq province and the statement of the geographical distribution of the manufacturing sector and quarrying across the province, through the display tables and maps showing the geographical distribution and spatial variation of these industrial sectors.

  While accept the third quarter and the reality of industrial structure and development in the province for the period 2000-2012, using some industrial indicators of the number of establishments and number of employees, value added, was also used some statistical methods to demonstrate the role and place of these sectors through geographical analysis was where these methods using relative change the number of establishments and number of employees, value added, as well as using the Lorenz curve and the calculation of the size of the industry and the use of endemic plants according to sports equationas the correlation coefficient was calculated and finally Pearson coefficient of industrial importance.

  The fourth chapter study spend Rumaitha applied as a study field of industrial development in the province has been the geographical distribution display through the use of maps and tables that show the distribution and spatial variation was found among administrative units.

  And seal the fifth chapter to the development and planning of the manufacturing sector in the province through the presentation of the most important problems facing industrial development and ways to address them, as has been the development of future trends, which in turn contribute to the development of the region economically, socially and culturally, with an indication of the strategic role of development in the piece through the axes have been clarified in this chapter. Conclusion Finally came an offer to the most important helicopter and boat and recommendations reached by the researcher.

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