
الخميس، 11 يوليو 2019

إقليم بنغازي: دراسة في جغرافية السكان

إقليم بنغازي

دراسة في جغرافية السكان 

رسالة مقدمة للحصول على

درجة دكتوراه الفلسفة

في الدراسات الإفريقية من قسم الجغرافيا

بمعهد البحوث الدراسات الإفريقية - جامعة القاهرة


محمد مرسال علي


أ.د. سليمان عبد الستار خاطر

أستاذ الجغرافيا غير المتفرغ - معهد البحوث الدراسات الإفريقية

جامعة القاهرة


Benghazi Region 

A Study in Population Geography 

   Benghazi Region A Study in Population Geography Benghazi Region is one of the North Eastern Units of Libyan; it also includes 3 “municipalities” and about 10 “branches” that belong to those municipalities. 

  The study consists of 7 chapters; the first deals with the changes in population size and growth during 1954-2006. The study concentrates on the geographical differences of annual population growth rates, in addition to studying the natural increase including Births, General fertility, mortality and the natural increase in this chapter. The analysis shows that the population size Development in Benghazi Region has noticed large increase during the period of the study. It increased from 257,305 inhabitants in 1954 to 1,299,032 inhabitants in 2006. They are distributed on about 135,270 Km2 . Then their density fluctuated from 3.8 to 9.6 persons/km2 . The region average of population growth rate was (4.6%) in 1973 - 1984, then it declined to reach (1.6%) in 1995 - 2006. 

  The second chapter deals with the population distribution and its density. Also shows the population distribution in the “Branches”. This chapter ends with the study of the factors affecting population distribution, the analysis shows that oil revenues played a great role on population distribution “Branches” especially during the period 1954-2006 it is responsible the successful operation of setting the Nomads has risen the rate of settlement among the population and the improvement of that segment Economically and Socially.

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