
الأربعاء، 14 مارس 2018

Urbanization and Geographical Distribution of Population



Proceedings of the Project Initiating Meeting

Pusan, Korea, 29 September - 3 October 1989

Edited by Bui Dang Ha Doan


Social Survey Research Center, Pusan National University


Committee for International Cooperation in National

Research in Demography (CICRED)


Foreword by Léon Tabah 3

Conference Opening Ceremony 7

Conference Report and Proposed Research Plan

by Alan B. Simmons 11

The demographers' impact on city growth and some problems

involved in forecasting city populations by H.V. Mühsam 36

The urbanization process of Pusan City, Korea by Lee Sung Hae 48


Bangladesh : Rural-urban migration and urbanization by Mesbah

-us-Saleheen, A.H.M. Raihan Sharif and Sheikh Aid. Monzurul Huq 58

The Caribbean Isles : International movement in urbanization

by Elizabeth Thomas-Hope 76

China : Regional variation of migration and fertility in

Hubei Province by Gu Shengzu, Wu Xinnmu and Zhu Nong 92

China : The urban hierarchy by Dudley L. Boston Jr., Tian Yong

and Jia Zhongke 100

India : Some issues of urbanization by K. Krishna Kumari 131

India : Urbanization in India by K.P. Singh 142

Korea : The trends and patterns of urbanward migration,

1960-1985 by Kwon Tai-Hwan 154

Maroc : Spatiaüsation de la population et développement

régional par Mostafa Tadili Fariss et Ahmed Nouijai 175

Mexico : Urbanization : facts and policy issues by

José B. Morelos 187

Philippines : Trends and patterns of urbanization by

Michael A. Costello 207

Senegal : Efforts to refrain rural migrants by Aderanti Adepoju

and Pierre Ngom 234

Turkey : Major reasons for urbanization by Suhendan Ekni 259

Uruguay : Changements technologiques et productifs et leur

répercussion sur la distribution spatiale et l'urbanisation

par Mario Lombardi 274

Viet Nam : Some aspects of population development and

urbanization by Tran Van Chien 297  

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