دليل مواقع دوائر الإحصاء حسب الدول والأقاليم
Growth of the population per country in a historical perspective,
including their administrative divisions and principal towns
ere you will find a historical, demographical and statistical overview of the population of all the countries in the world, their administrative divisions and their important cities.
The construction and lay-out of this site was set up in April 1999; in January 2002 the compiler completed the first input of all files.
Now a continuing project starts: filling certain gaps in the tables. And this will take much more time than the construction itself; so maybe the work on this site will "never end" ...
© 1999/2006 "Populstat" website: Jan Lahmeyer

Please do not hesitate to e-mail your comments to the compiler: Jan J.Lahmeyer@populstat.info
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