
آخر المواضيع

الخميس، 12 سبتمبر 2013

أحد أفضل كتب الGIS على الشبكة مجاناً ...

أحد أفضل كتب الGIS على الشبكة مجاناً

كتاب Geographic Information Systems, First Edition, 1991

هو أحد أهم المراجع في مجال نظم المعلومات الجغرافية ، والذي لا قى رواجاً كبياً ويقع هذا الكتاب في مجلدين سعر الأصدار الثاني منه أكثر من (400 دولار) .

قام الناشربعد صدور النسخة الثانية من هذا الكتاب بوضع 35 فصلاً من الإصدار الأول للكتاب على الإنترنت مجاناً على هذا الرابط


Geographic Information Systems, First Edition, 1991

List of contributorsxvii
Section I Overview
D J Maguire, M F Goodchild and D W Rhind
1. An overview and definition of GIS9-20
D J Maguire
2. The history of GIS21-43
J T Coppock and D W Rhind
3. The technological setting of GIS45-54
M F Goodchild
4. The commercial setting of GIS55-65
J Dangermond
5. The government setting of GIS in the United Kingdom67-79
R Chorley and R Buxton
6. The academic setting of GIS81-90
D J Unwin
7. The organizational home for GIS in the scientific professional community91-100
J L Morrison
8. A critique of GIS101-7
R T Aangeenbrug
Section II Principles
M F Goodchild, D W Rhind and D J Maguire
(a) Nature of spatial data
9. Concepts of space and geographical data119-34
A C Gatrell
10. Coordinate systems and map projections for GIS135-46
D H Maling
11. Language issues for GIS147-63
A U Frank and D M Mark
12. The error component in spatial data165-74
N R Chrisman
13. Spatial data sources and data problems175-89
P F Fisher
14. GIS and remote sensing191-213
F W Davis and D S Simonett
Color Plates 14-1a14-1b
(b) Digital representation
15. Computer systems and low-level data structures for GIS215-25
Wm R Franklin
16. High-level spatial data structures for GIS227-37
M J Egenhofer and J R Herring
17. GIS data capture hardware and software239-49
M J Jackson and P A Woodsford
Color Plates 17-117-217-317-417-517-617-717-817-917-10
18. Database management systems251-67
R G Healey
19. Digital terrain modelling269-97
Color Plates 19-119-2ab19-319-419-5
R Weibel and M Heller
20. Three-dimensional GIS299-317
J F Raper and B Kelk
(c) Functional issues
21. The functionality of GIS319-35
D J Maguire and J Dangermond
22. Information integration and GIS337-60
I D H Shepherd
23. Cartographic modelling361-74
C D Tomlin
24. Spatial data integration375-87
R Flowerdew
25. Developing appropriate spatial analysis methods for GIS389-402
S Openshaw
26. Spatial decision support systems403-12
P J Densham
27. Knowledge-based approaches in GIS413-25
T R Smith and Ye Jiang
(d) Display issues
28. Visualization427-43
B P Buttenfield and W A Mackaness
29. Computer name placement445-56
H Freeman
30. Generalization of spatial databases457-75
J-C Muller
(e) Operational issues
31. GIS specification, evaluation and implementation477-88
A L Clarke
32. Legal aspects of GIS489-502
E F Epstein
33. Managing an operational GIS: the UK National On-Line Manpower Information System (NOMIS)503-13
M J Blakemore
34. Spatial data exchange and standardization515-30
S C Guptill
Consolidated bibliography531-591
List of acronyms593-598
Author index599-613
Subject index615-649
List of contributorsxvii
Section III Applications
D W Rhind, D J Maguire and M F Goodchild
(a) National and international GIS programmes
35. A USGS perspective on GIS11-22
L E Starr and K E Anderson
36. Development of GIS-related activities at the Ordnance Survey23-38
M Sowton
37. National GIS programmes in Sweden39-46
L Ottoson and B Rystedt
38. The development of GIS in Japan47-56
S Kubo
39. Land and Geographical Information Systems in Australia57-70
J F O'Callaghan and B J Garner
40. GIS and developing nations71-84
D R F Taylor
(b) Socio-economic applications
41. Land information systems85-99
P F Dale
42. GIS and utilities101-14
R P Mahoney
43. Car navigation systems115-25
M White
44. Counting the people: the role of GIS127-37
D W Rhind
45. GIS and market analysis139-51
J R Beaumont
(c) Environmental applications
46. Soil information systems153-69
P A Burrough
Color Plates 46-146-246-3
47. Integration of geoscientific data using GIS171-84
G F Bonham-Carter
48. Multisource, multinational environmental GIS: lessons learnt from CORINE185-200
H M Mounsey
49. Environmental databases and GIS201-16
J R G Townshend
Color Plates 49-149-249-349-4ab49-549-649-7
50. Global databases and their implications for GIS217-31
D M Clark, D A Hastings and J J Kineman
(d) Management applications
51. GIS and public policy233-45
H W Calkins
52. Urban GIS applications247-60
R Parrott and F P Stutz
Color Plates 52-1abcd
53. Land resource information systems261-73
K C Siderelis
Color Plates 53-153-253-353-453-553-653-753-853-953-1053-1153-12
54. Land management applications of GIS in the state of Minnesota275-83
A Robinette
Color Plates 54-154-254-354-454-554-654-754-854-954-1054-1154-1254-354-14
55. GIS in island resource planning: a case study in map analysis285-95
J K Berry
Color Plates 55-155-255-355-455-555-655-7
56. Integrated planning information systems297-310
D J Cowen and W L Shirley
Color Plates 56-156-256-356-456-556-656-756-856-956-1056-1156-12
Section IV Epilogue
D W Rhind, M F Goodchild and D J Maguire
Consolidated bibliography329-389
List of acronyms391-396
Author index397-411
Subject index413-447

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