
الأحد، 28 مايو 2017

Géographie urbaine de l'Egypte : sous le signe du « débordement »

Géographie urbaine de l'Egypte : sous le signe du « débordement »


   Urban Geography of Egypt : coming up to outburst. — Nowadays urban life of Egypt can be characterized by a general (i. e. statistical, political and social) outburst of official structures. The administrative definition of towns and cities shows a major discrepancy with reality. An attempt to reduce it through a more accurate definition of towns raises the urbanization ratio to some 56 percent of the total population. Fear for decentralization maintains the unbalance of the urban network. Urban politics produce great constraints for the growth of cities and towns. The obsessional preservation of agricultural land, the importance of archeological inheritage and the wide extension of military areas corne up against the needs of the demographical and socio-economical situation.

Géographie urbaine de l'Egypte : sous le signe du « débordement ». Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272386603_Geographie_urbaine_de_l'Egypte_sous_le_signe_du_debordement [accessed May 24, 2017].

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جيومورفولوجية سهل السندي - رقية أحمد محمد أمين العاني

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