
الثلاثاء، 30 مايو 2017

Remote Sensing Geology ...

  Remote Sensing Geology


 Ravi P. Gupta, 2003


 592 pages 



Chapter 1: Physical Principles
Chapter 2: Spectra of Minerals and Rocks
Chapter 3: Photography
Chapter 4: Multispectral Imaging Systems
Chapter 5: Geometric Aspects of Photographs and Images
Chapter 6: Image Quality and Principles of Interpretation
Chapter 7: Interpretation of Data in the Solar Reflection Region 
Chapter 8: Interpretation of Data in the Thermal Infrared Region
Chapter 9: Digital Image Processing of Multispectral Data
Chapter 10: Hyperspectral Sensing
Chapter 11: Microwave Sensors
Chapter 12: Interpretation of SLAR Imagery
Chapter 13: SAR Interferometry
Chapter 14: Integrating Remote Sensing Data with Other Geodata (GIS Approach)
Chapter 15: Geological Applications


 The second edition of this widely acclaimed book has been fully revised and updated. The reader will find a wide range of information on various aspects of geological remote sensing, ranging from laboratory spectra of minerals and rocks, ground truth, to aerial and space-borne remote sensing.
This volume describes the integration of photogeology into remote sensing as well as how remote sensing is used as a tool of geo-exploration. It also covers a wide spectrum of geoscientific applications of remote sensing ranging from meso- to global scale.


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