
الثلاثاء، 13 يونيو 2017

تحليل الجريمة باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية GIS Tutorial for Crime Analysis ...

كتاب تحليل الجريمة 

باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية 

GIS Tutorial for Crime Analysis

Wilpen L. Gorr and Kristen S. Kurland


   This supplemental booklet has updates, changes, additions, and corrections for GIS 
Tutorial for Crime Analysis, first edition (2012). There are many reasons for this Supplement 
for ArcGIS 10.2 booklet. First, websites are frequently updated, so workbook steps or readings 
that have you refer to or use websites sometimes need corresponding changes. Also, the 
developers of ArcGIS for Desktop provide quarterly software releases with new and revised 
functionality. Some of these software changes need corresponding changes in workbook 
steps. This booklet is based on the ArcGIS 10.2.2 for Desktop Advanced license. Finally, there 
are always some errors or unclear workbook instructions discovered by users, such as 
yourself, that simply need to be fixed. Please e-mail either author (gorr@cmu.edu or 
kurland@cmu.edu) with any new errors or problems that you encounter, and you’ll get a 
quick response, either a thank-you or some help.

  Here’s how to use this booklet. When working through a chapter of the workbook, first 
scan this booklet’s corresponding section (identified by chapter number and title), looking for 
changes as provided by page and step numbers of the workbook. A good practice is to make a 
mark in the workbook for each change or addition in this booklet, and then when you come 
to a marked location in the workbook, read and use the material in this booklet. Alternatively, 
just keep both the workbook and this booklet open, checking for changes as you work.

There are no tutorial steps using ArcGIS in chapter 1, so the booklet starts with chapter 2. 



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