
السبت، 19 أغسطس 2017



George Pararas-Carayannis

President, Tsunami Society International
Editor, Science of Tsunami Hazards
Retired Director, International Tsunami Information Center-UNESCO/IOC

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA




   Population expansion, technological improvements and economic growth in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have made the use of coastal zones and of selective inland areas more necessary than before. However, the same developments and advanced industries are contributing also to an increased threat of impact from natural, terrestrial and marine disasters. 

 The combination of social and economic factors in the development – without adequate planning - makes the country particularly vulnerable. Also, man-made disasters such as chemical, industrial, nuclear and transportation accidents and conflicts, have the potential to create havoc on terrestrial and marine environments, resources and cultural sites.

 Slower term environmental disasters, with readily identified anthropogenic input, are also creating water and climate related hazards that will have a severe impact on the population of Saudi Arabia in the future. Equally threatening are potential biological disasters and epidemics. To mitigate future disaster impacts, a more critical and comprehensive approach must be taken in assessing specific vulnerabilities of each region of the country and in adapting and implementing needed new strategies. 

  The present study reviews the potential impact of natural and man-made disasters in Saudi Arabia, where population growth and unprecedented development have taken place in the last few decades. Given the statistics of growth, there is little doubt that the impact of natural and man-made disasters will be significantly greater in the future. Already, there appears to be an alarming increase in losses from geological and weather-related disasters.

  The costs of these disasters in terms of lives lost and damage to property have skyrocketed. Longer term, environmental disasters, with considerable anthropogenic input, are already contributing to global warming, sea level rise, climate change and to more frequent and intense weather-related hazards that will also affect the region. Man- made disasters, such as chemical, industrial, nuclear and transportation accidents could do even more harm in the future. Biological disasters and epidemics pose a threat as the population continues to grow.

  The present paper comments on the specific methodology that is needed to assess potential disaster vulnerabilities in Saudi Arabia, on the systematic application of disaster information resources and databases and, finally, on needed strategies that can help mitigate future losses and manage more effectively potential future crises.


   In the last 30-40 years there has been tremendous population growth and significant
development of inland and coastal areas of Saudi Arabia. According to U.N. statistical reports, the 2012 population was 22.7 million but expected to increase to 44.9 million by 2050. 

This population explosion will take place mostly in the existing cities. Given such statistics of growth and increases in population density, the impact of natural and man- made disasters in cities of Saudi Arabia will be significantly greater in the future.

  Already, there appears to be an increase in losses from geological and particularly from recent weather-related hazards.

  The present paper summarizes some of current hazards and vulnerabilities that are threatening Saudi Arabia and recommends policies, strategies and technologies that will result in better crises management practices that will help mitigate the adverse effects.

  But before reviewing Saudi Arabia’s vulnerabilities to hazards and disasters and suggesting adaptation of new technologies for disaster management, we must review the country’s unique geographic and geotectonic setting.


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جيومورفولوجية سهل السندي - رقية أحمد محمد أمين العاني

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