
الخميس، 21 سبتمبر 2017

استخراج خرائط الرطوبة والمنخفضات من الموديل الأمريكي والأوروبي من موقع plymouth

استخراج خرائط الرطوبة والمنخفضات

من الموديل الأمريكي والأوروبي من موقع plymouth

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Contoured Model Maps

  Select a pre-defined region OR a map center location(ICAO ID, WMO Number, or lat,lon) plus zoom factor, map size, model, level, variable, contour interval, contour type, forecast time, and model run for map:


  The zoom feature does not work with pre-defined regions

    The first four map sizes work well for most regions with a few exceptions.

  The 1024x480 or 1280x600 sizes work best with the mercator tropical region maps. The 640x740 or 800x925 work best for the hemispheric maps. 

     The 640 x 388, 760x460, 1024x620, or 1280x775 the global map projection.
Not all options and times apply to every model. Blank maps result if the requested data are not available.

    The ETA model offers forecasts for CONUS and Alaska(AK) every 6 hours out to 60 hours for the 00Z and 12Z model base time runs and for CONUS out to 48 hours for the 06Z and 18Z model base time runs. New forecasts are generally available ~3-4 hours after model base time.

    The GFS(AVN) model offers global, Northern Hemisphere(NH) and Southern Hemisphere(SH) forecasts for every 12 hours out to 3 days; Nothern Hemisphere forecasts continue for every 12 hours out to 5 days for the 00Z and 12Z runs; North American and CONUS forecasts for every 6 hours out to 5 days for 00Z and 12Z runs and 3 days for 06Z and 18Z runs. Model base times are 00Z, 06Z, 12Z, and 18Z. New forecasts are generally available ~4-4.5 hours after base times.

   The GFS(MRF) model offers global and Southern Hemisphere forecasts for every 12 hours out from 4 to 10 days (use AVN-global or AVN-SH forecasts for shorter term forecasts). Northern Hemisphere and North America forecasts are available at 12 intervals from 0 to 10 days. Model base time is 00Z. New forecasts are generally not available until at least ~8 hours after base time. GFS(MRF) model does not allow for customizeable time zone labels due to software limitations

  The ECMWF model offers global forecasts at 12-hour intervals from day 1 through day 7. For day 10, an average product for days 8-10 is also available. Model base times are 00Z and 12Z. New forecasts are not available until ~14.5 hours after base time.

  The UKMET model offers global forecasts at 6-hour intervals out to 72 hours.

  The RAP model offers forecasts for CONUS US every 3 hours out to 12 hours for base times of 00Z plus every 3 hours. Every interim hour, the model is run to produce 00-HR and 03-HR forecast updates. New forecasts are generally available ~1-1.5 hours after base times. 

  You only need to set overlay and change the other entries that differ from the underlay.

   If the "latest" model data option doesn't work, not all new model data may have been received. In which case, you may want to try the "previous" option. We only keep previous model data for approximately 24 hours.

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جيومورفولوجية سهل السندي - رقية أحمد محمد أمين العاني

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هذا الموقع لا يخزن أية ملفات على الخادم ولا يقوم بالمسح الضوئ لهذه الكتب.نحن فقط مؤشر لموفري وصلة المحتوي التي توفرها المواقع والمنتديات الأخرى . يرجى الاتصال لموفري المحتوى على حذف محتويات حقوق الطبع والبريد الإلكترونيإذا كان أي منا، سنقوم بإزالة الروابط ذات الصلة أو محتوياته على الفور.

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