
الأحد، 24 ديسمبر 2017

Aquaveo WMS v10.1.10 x64 modeling software basins and underground water resources Download ...

Aquaveo WMS v10.1.10 x64 modeling software basins and underground water resources Download

Keywords: aquaveo, wms, aquaveo wms, water, watershed, modelling, system, watershedmodelling system.modelling, water system, watershed system, hydrology, hydraulic, watersheddelineation, floodplain mapping, storm drain modelling, 2d hydrology, automatic watershed modellingsystem, hydrology, hydrology, water resources study, modeling, simulation, analysis, study of ground water, the aquifers underground water sources underground water resources, coping with the storm, modeling and urban water sharing , plumbing system

WMS powerful product Aquaveo software specialist in the field of modeling, catchment basins and underground water resources, which has a complete range of modeling and analysis tools for all phases of hydrological and hydraulic water resources in a single environment to offer. This application is a powerful tool for modeling automated processes, including automatic extraction watershed calculate the geometric parameters, calculate overlapping layers in GIS, data mining cross-section of terrain and plumbing system design gives engineers deal with the storm.

Other features of this software can be used to study things like two-dimensional sparse data, engineering design data, segmentation data is two-dimensional and one-dimensional hydraulic data (HECRAS) noted.The software also supports various modeling such as EPANET and EPA-SWMM and HY12 well supported and the MAC address of the study and provides accurate GIS data. The software also has a module called MWBM GSSHA used to edit and create models based on terrain, plumbing systems and other mining parameters to engineers offer professional solutions.

Key Features Aquaveo WMS:
– Advanced software for modeling of underground water resources
– Study tool and edit GIS data
– Tools to import and edit data Terrain
– Automatic hydrological modeling
– Hydrology two-dimensional
– Modeling deal with storm
– Auto-complete geological data such as area, altitude, etc.
– Perform engineering calculations such as filling underground aquifers
– Support for most hydrological modeling standards
– Hydraulic modeling and urban water systems
– Compatibility with other software

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جيومورفولوجية سهل السندي - رقية أحمد محمد أمين العاني

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