
الثلاثاء، 27 فبراير 2018

Healthy Transport in Developing Cities

Healthy Transport in Developing Cities

Health and Environment Linkages Policy Series

Health and Environment Linkages Initiative (HELI)

United Nations Environment Programme

World Health Organization

Geneva, 2009 

Table of Contents

1. Executive summary ............................................................................................................ 3
2. Transport trends: links to health and environment ........................................................ 6
2.1 Road building: the dominant transport investment ...................................................... 6
2.2 Non-motorized transport (NMT) – no space to move ................................................... 7
2.3 The crisis of public transport........................................................................................... 9
3. Heahttp://www.who.int/heli/risks/urban/transportpolicybrief2010.pdf?ua=1lth and environmental impacts of transport in developing cities .................................................. 11
3.1 Road traffic injury .......................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Traffic and air pollution.................................................................................................. 11
3.3 Traffic and physical activity............................................................................................ 21
3.4 Traffic, community health and equity............................................................................ 22
3.5 Traffic and noise pollution............................................................................................... 23
4. Some principles of healthy transport ............................................................................... 24
5. Economic valuation of healthy transport ......................................................................... 26
6. Barriers to healthy transport ............................................................................................ 29
7. Case studies of healthy transport...................................................................................... 31
8. Taking action on healthy transport policies .................................................................... 33
8.1 What countries and cities can do..................................................................................... 33
8.2. International support for healthy mobility.................................................................... 34

Full Text:  Click Here

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