
السبت، 12 مايو 2018

المناطق العشوائية وطرق معالجتها في ضوء المعايير التخطيطية للمناطق السكنية بغداد - بلدية الرشيد - محلة 845: دراسة تخطيطية تحليلية ...

المناطق العشوائية وطرق معالجتها
في ضوء المعايير التخطيطية للمناطق السكنية
بغداد - بلدية الرشيد - محلة 845 
دراسة تخطيطية تحليلية

رسالة تقدم بها

نبيل طه إسماعيل 

إلى المعهد العالي للتخطيط الحضري والإقليمي  - جامعة بغداد

وهي جزء من متطلبات نيل درجة ماجستير علوم في التخطيط الحضري والإقليمي 


أ.د. لؤي طه الملا حويش

1430هـ - 2010 م  


   Recently Iraqi cities randomly expanded, there was expansion before but slightly effected on the main design of the city. There are two types of the random expansion, the first known as random axis, the second which is the topic of this search; the non-advance planned random area appears accordingly due to the absence of the monitoring and following up by the specialist governmental entities.

   The problems of these areas are basically constructional, social, economic and environmental, thus the solutions for these problems need for considering the humanitarian aspect for these communities due to their bad economic situation, however highly advanced level of planning required dealing with the situation because wrong solution leads for humanitarian and political side effects taking the fact of the population in these areas in millions all over Iraq which might result in demonstrations or violence as reaction to defend on these area like what happen in Egypt, so these area should be treated to achieve the social just through providing services and improve the constructional and economical level considering the humanitarian aspect during developing process.

  These areas effect on the plan and the design for the other areas as a resident place basically regarding the approved planning and designing standard in addition to the huge lack of infrastructure and social services provided to the residents at regular cities. Ignoring planning standard from the aspect of using the lands in the area living unit standards dose not matches with the congestion and coverage standards comparing Iraqi housing standards. From constructional aspect, the area is residence blocks separated by straight and even dimension without functional usage a crossing lengths standard. From the designing aspects no clear identity or constructional style and lack of public areas or civilized space or regular transfer from the public space to private space in addition to lack of green space for rest, play and for the children.

  The effect on the neighbor areas represented in over the capacity of infrastructure and social services leading to detach in the planning and designing standards for these services and social issues appear with the neighbor areas and effected by the rural appearances of the random areas. Eventually the effect of these areas will be on the demands on transportation means and the low capacity of the streets for the increased number of cars besides deformation the main design of the city exceeding over agricultural lands and over specified usage of its main purposes.

  Thus the effect is on planning, designing, construction, social, economic and environmental standards. 

للقراءة والتحميل 

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