
الخميس، 24 يناير 2019








Journal of the planner and development, Baghdad University,18 , 2008,  P P. 72 - 85


  Baqubah city has grown extremely rapidly. The rate of growth exceeds the growth of services that must grow side by side with the growth of population. There are natural features that affect the growth of Baqubah city such as Dieyala river, Alssariya river, in addition to agricultural areas .All these natural features affect the growth of Baqubah city in the running form being seen . In this research the remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques are used for monitoring urban expansion and forecasting the probable axes to the growth of the city, and found that the probability of Baqubah growth to east is preferred due to Baqubah growth to the east would never interfere with natural features. Also in this research the Baqubah public services are evaluated by building data base that attach spatial data with the descriptive data and then compared with the allowed standards for those services. 

مدينة بعقوبة باستخدام التحسس النائي وتقانات أنظمة المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS)

د. محمد علي ابراهيم الهاشمي 

د. صالح عبد الحميد صالح 

أمجد ناصر محسن 

 الجامعة التكنولوجية - بغداد/العراق

مجلة المخطط والتنمية - جامعة بغداد - العدد 18 - 2008 - الصفحات: 72-85 :

  توسعت مدينة بعقوبة بشكل غير مدروس أسرع من التوسع في مجال الخدمات الضرورية التي يتطلب نموها بشكل يوازي الزيادة الحاصلة في السكان .هنالك محددات طبيعة أثرت على نمو مدينة بعقوبة مثل نهر ديالى ونهر السارية بالاضافة إلى بساتين كل هذة المحددات أثرت على نمو المدينة بالشكل الذي نراه الآن . في هذا البحث تم استخدام تقانات التحسس النائي وأنظمة المعلومات الجغرافية لمراقبة التوسع الحضري والتنبؤ بالمحاور المحتملة لنمو المدينة وقد تبين بأن المحور الشرقي هو الأسهل لنمو المدينة حيث لا توجد محددات طبيعية تمنع نمو المدينة بهذا المحور. وكذلك تم تقييم الخدمات الأساسية المقدمة للمدينة باستخدام أنظمة المعلومات الجغرافية وذلك من خلال بناء قاعدة معلومات تربط المعلومات المكانية بالمعلومات الوصفية ومقارنة البيانات التي تمثل الخدمات المقدمة للمدينة بالمعايير المحددة لتلك الخدمات. تضمن العمل المنجز في هذا البحث عدة مراحل منها تنفيذ المعالجات الصوريه على الصور الفضائية المتوفرة لمدينة بعقوبة وقد تضمنت هذه الممعالجات إجراء التصحيح الهندسي باستخدام طريقة نقاط الضبط الأراضي والتي أخذت إحداثياتها من خرائط طبوغرافية علاوة على ذلك لقد تم تنفيذ عمليات التحسين الصوري وبعدذلك تم تصنيف استخدام الأرض لمدينة بعقوبة بطرقتي التصنيف الموجه وغير الموجه، كل هذه العمليات ساعدت في إنتاج الخرائط التصويرية لغرض استخدامها في أنظمة المعلومات الجغرافية وقد تمخض عن هذا البحث بأن هنالك قصور في توفير الخدمات الأساسية لمدينة بعقوبة بالأخص الكهرباء والماء حيث تعاني المدينة من عدم توفر هاتين الخدمتين لكل أجزاء المدينة العامة. مدينة بعقوبة مزودة بشبكة جيده من الطرق تربط المدينة بمختلف المدن الأخرى ولا تعاني من نقص في هذه الخدمة إذ ما قورنت بالمدن العراقية الأخرى. هنالك حاجة لمزيد من الاهتمام بالواقع التعليمي في مدينة بعقوبة حيث هنالك نقص في الملاك التعليمي وكذلك في عدد المدارس ويعود ذلك للزيادة في عدد السكان، فأغلب المدارس تتحمل فوق طاقتها الاستيعابية. أما بالنسبة للخدمات الصحية فهي تعاني من الإهمال وقلة الكادر الصحي. ففي المدينة عدد أطباءالاختصاص قليل جدا والعيادات الطبية الشعبية لا تغطي كل أجزاء المدينة وموزعة عشوائياً "في المدينة وهذه المشكلة موجود أيضا" في المراكز الصحية.


In Baqubah city, land use and urbanization have undergone a fundamental change due to the accelerated expansion since 1960. Urban growth has been speeded up; the random land developing houses, random disposal dumping and other factors create pressure on planning for protecting of urban fringe against urban expansion. This is particularly true in the city where massive agricultural land is disappearing each year, converting to urban or related uses. Evaluating the magnitude and pattern of all Iraq's urban growth is an urgent need. Furthermore, because of the lack of appropriate land use planning and the measures for sustainable development, random urban growth has been creating severe urban consequences. Thus, there is also a need to assess the urban growth impact of the rapid urban expansion in relation to the availability of public services. The integration of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) has been widely applied and been recognized as a powerful and effective tool in detecting urban land use and land cover change [Harris and Ventura 1995].Satellite remote sensing collects multispectral, multiresolution and multitemporal data, and turns them into information valuable for understanding and monitoring urban land processes and for building urban land cover datasets. Geographic information system (GIS) technique provides a flexible analysis for entering, and displaying digital data from various sources necessary for urban feature identification, change detection and database development. The objectives of this research can be summarized as follows . 

• Evaluating of Public Services in Baqubah City . 

• Monitoring Urban Expansion . 

• Estimation Urban Growth 

2. The ISODATA Classification The ISODATA method is unsupervised classification that uses minimum spectral distance to assign a cluster for each candidate pixel. The process begins with a specified number of arbitrary cluster means or the means of existing signatures, and then it processes repetitively, so that those means shift to the means of the clusters in the data. Because the ISODATA method is iterative, it is not biased to the top of the data file, as are the one -pass clustringalgorithem , see figure 1.

Figure (1) ISODATA Classification (BAQUBAH _20

9. Conclusions 

1. Future Expansion of Baqubah to the east is easier than its growth to the west. Baqubah growth to the east would never interfere with natural features. The other axes of Baqubah growth are interfered with natural features. 

2. There is a need for additional school facilities in Baqubah city where there is a lack in the staff and number of schools due to the growth of population where there are nursery schools only in five towns. 

3. There are lacks in health services especially in the staff where the number of specialist doctors in the city is too low about (7) doctors in Baqubah city. The Baqubah popular clinics do not cover all Baqubah city and they are distributed randomly. This problem is also in health centers. It is obvious there are lacks in medical staff in all Baqubah popular clinics but in Altikea and Shifta popular clinics there is enough medical staff. 

4. The electricity in Baqubah city is too low amounted in the year (2004) to (254 MW) where it should be about (298.8132 MW) in the same year to cover the need. In the year (2016) it should be about (360.7572 MW) due to the growth of population. The other important observation about the electrical utilities in Baqubah city indicates that almost all of them suffer from large distribution losses and below-par performance of their supply feeder networks. Therefore, there is an urgent need to reduce these technical losses, which, in turn, will at least partially relieve these utilities from the huge revenue losses they suffer every month. The number of unserved persons in year (2004) was (37345) persons and they represent (0.15%) of Baqubah population. 

5. Baqubah city has water project (Baqubah project) which lies to the east of Alssariya river and provides (68184) cubic M/day, with two tanks of (4546M liter) and there is another tank of (1136.5 M liter). The Baqubah project serves about (243823 persons). The number of people in the year (2004) was (249011) persons The total number of unserved persons(for the year 2004) was 5188 persons and they represent (2.08%) of Baqubah population. The total persons that should be served due to the growth of population up to year 2016 is about (56808) persons and this indicates lack in water. 

6. Baqubah city has been provided by good free highway to Baghdad and Mandelly cities and there is no lack in this service compared with other Iraqi cities.The ratio of area of Baqubah highways to the residential areas for the years (1990 to2005) is about (27.14), (30.01) respectively. 

10. Recommendations 

1. Using high spatial resolution images are required for the region of high amount of feature details such as urban area. 

2. Availability of up to date digital land use maps for Baqubah city is very important, these maps can be renewed continuously with no need of total changing of the maps. 

3. Development of schools facilities in order to cover all Baqubah cities due to growth of population. The number of schools must be increased. 

4. Constructing new health centers in Baqubah city to cover the future need to health facilities. 

5. Baqubah is in need of two projects one is for water and the other is for electricity to cover the future need. 

6. The Baqubah growth must be submitted to urban planning. 

7. Encourage growth in areas where it will have the least impact on the environment and develop new opportunities for economic growth at the municipal level. 

Full Text   Click Here

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جيومورفولوجية سهل السندي - رقية أحمد محمد أمين العاني

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