
الأحد، 17 فبراير 2019

GIS Applications in Agriculture ...



in Agriculture 

Edited by 

Francis J. Pierce 

David Clay 


CRC Press 

Taylor & Francis Group 

Boca Raton London New York 



Viacheslav I. Adamchuk 

Biological System Engineering 


University of Nebraska 

Lincoln, Nebraska 

James Alfonso 

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 

Devils Lake, North Dakota 

Pedro Andrade-Sanchez 

Center for Precision Agricultural 


Washington State University 

Prosser, Washington 

R. Bobbitt 

GeoSpatial Experts 

Thornton, Colorado 

C. Gregg Carlson 

South Dakota State University 

Brookings, South Dakota 

Florence Cassel S. 

Center for Irrigation Technology 

California State University Fresno 

Fresno, California 

Jiyul Chang 

Geographic Information Science Center 

of Excellence 

South Dakota State University 

Brookings, South Dakota 

David E. Clay 

Plant Science Department 

South Dakota State University 

Brookings, South Dakota 

Sharon A. Clay 

Plant Science Department 

South Dakota State University 

Brookings, South Dakota 

David W. Franzen 

North Dakota State University 

Fargo, North Dakota 

N. Kitchen 


University of Missouri 

Columbia, Missouri 

Jonathan Kleinjan 

Plant Science Department 

South Dakota State University 

Brookings, South Dakota 

T.G. Mueller 

Department of Plant and Soil Sciences 

University of Kentucky 

Lexington, Kentucky 

T.S. Murrell 

Potash & Phosphate Institute (PPI) 

Woodbury, Minnesota 

H.F. Reetz, Jr. 

Foundation for Agronomic Research 

Monticello, Illinois 

Q.B. Rund 

PAQ Interactive, Inc. 

Monticello, Illinois 

Bruce Seelig 

Western Plains Consulting 

Bismarck, North Dakota 

Shrinivasa K. Upadhyaya 

Department of Biological and 

Agricultural Engineering 

University of California Davis 

Davis, California 

Chenguang Wang 

Statistics Department 

University of Florida 

Gainesville, Florida 

Philip Westra 

Department of Bioagricultural Sciences 

and Pest Management 

Colorado State University 

Fort Collins, Colorado 

Lori J. Wiles 

USDA-ARS, Water Management 

Research Unit 

Fort Collins, Colorado 


Chapter 1

Application of GIS to Integrated Pest Management on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Land...................... 1

Bruce Seelig and James Alfonso

Chapter 2

Nitrogen Management in Sugar Beet Using Remote Sensing and GIS................ 35

David W. Franzen

Chapter 3

Using Historical Management to Reduce Soil Sampling Errors........................... 49

David E. Clay, N. Kitchen, C. Gregg Carlson, Jonathan Kleinjan, and Jiyul Chang

Chapter 4

Developing Productivity Zones from Multiple Years of Yield Monitor Data....... 65

Jonathan Kleinjan, David E. Clay, C. Gregg Carlson, and Sharon A. Clay

Chapter 5

Site-Specific Weed Management in Growers’ Fields: Predictions from Hand-Drawn Maps........................ 81

Lori J. Wiles, R. Bobbitt, and Philip Westra

Chapter 6

Map Quality Assessment for Site-Specific Fertility Management ...................... 103

T.G. Mueller

Chapter 7

Gleaning More Information from Yield Data ......... 121

T.S. Murrell, Q.B. Rund and H.F. Reetz, Jr.

Chapter 8

Soil Salinity Mapping Using ArcGIS ................... 141

Florence Cassel S.

Chapter 9

Using GIS and On-the-Go Soil Strength Sensing Technology for

Variable-Depth Tillage Assessment.......................... 163

Pedro Andrade-Sanchez and Shrinivasa K. Upadhyaya

Chapter 10

Collocating Multiple Self-Generated Data Layers ...... 185

Viacheslav I. Adamchuk and Chenguang Wang

Index .............................................197


  The increased efficiency and profitability that the proper application of technology can provide has made precision agriculture the hottest developing area within traditional agriculture. The first single-source volume to cover GIS applications in agronomy, GIS Applications in Agriculture examines ways that this powerful technology can help farmers produce a greater abundance of crops with more efficiency and at lower costs.

  Each chapter describes the nature of a problem, examines the purpose and scope of a GIS application, presents the methods used to develop the application, and then goes on to provide results and offer a conclusion as well as supporting information. When appropriate, the chapters present the underlying statistical approach for the GIS software that is used. Applicable data sets and color maps produced by use of GIS are included for download at the CRC webiste.

  Concentrating more on the approach and less on the specific software, the authors describe the methods used to develop an application and discuss limitations to the algorithms and the programming code used. They then summarize the application in terms of what it does, how it works, its limitations, and its potential uses. The book provides a toolkit for the acquisition, management, and analysis of spatial data throughout the agriculture value chain.

Full Text 

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The Editors 

Francis J. Pierce, Ph.D., has served since 2000 as director of the Center for Precision Agricultural Systems (CPAS) at Washington State University (WSU) located at the Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center in Prosser, Wash- ington. He holds a joint appointment as professor in the Departments of Crop and Soil Sciences and Biological Systems Engineering at WSU. Before that he was professor of soil science in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, from 1984 to 2000. He has M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in soil science from the University of Minnesota and a B.S. in geology from the State University of New York at Brockport. His major fields of interest have included soil management particularly as it relates to conservation tillage and soil and water quality and has been extensively involved in many aspects of precision agriculture since 1991. His current research at CPAS is focused on the development of wireless sensor networks and remote, real-time monitoring and control systems for production agriculture as well as the assessment and management of spatial variability in agricultural systems. Books he co-edited include Soil Management for Sustainability published by the Soil and Water Conservation Society; Advances in Soil and Water Conservation published by Sleeping Bear Press, Inc.; and The State of Site-Specific Management published by the American Society of Agronomy. He also co-authored the CRC Press book Contemporary Statistical Models for the Plant and Soil Sciences with Oliver Schabenberger. Dr. Pierce is a recipient of the USDA Distinguished Service Award, is founding member of the North Central Regional Research Committee on Site-Specific Management, and has served on a number of national committees and review panels. He is a member of the American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, the Soil and Water Conservation Society, and the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.

David E. Clay, Ph.D., is a professor of soil science at South Dakota State University where he has teaching and research responsibilities. He received his B.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1976, a M.S. degree in soil fertility from the University of Idaho in 1984, and a Ph.D. in soil biochemistry from the University of Minnesota in 1988. Dr. Clay has published over 100 scientific articles and has served on the editorial boards for the Agronomy Journal and the Site-Specific Man- agement Guidelines. Dr. Clay is an active member of the honorary societies Sigma Xi and Gamma Sigma Delta, and he has served as chairman of the Agricultural Systems division in the American Society of Agronomy.

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