
الأربعاء، 20 فبراير 2019

Remote sensing for index insurance Findings and lessons learned for smallholder agriculture

Remote sensing

for index insurance

Findings and lessons learned

for smallholder agriculture

© 2017 International Fund of Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Printed January 2018

Table of contents

Acronyms 6

Acknowledgements 8

Executive summary 9

1. Background 13

Insurance for smallholder agriculture: the need, the opportunities 
and the challenges 13

Data for index insurance 16

Remotely sensed data 19

2. Project goal, objectives and organization 21

Project overview 21

Needs of end-users, stakeholders and clients 23

3. Remote sensing overview and approaches 29

Rainfall estimates 31

Soil moisture estimates 32

Evapotranspiration estimates 33

Vegetation indices 34

Synthetic Aperture Radar data 35

4. Selection of regions of interest and crops 37

5. Ground data used 41

Yield data 41

Rainfall data 49

6. Designing insurance indices 53

Developing index insurance structures 53

Unit areas of insurance 58

7. Mapping 61

Mapping satellite images 61

Maps and masks 61

SAR-based maps 62
Other maps and masks used in this project 64

General findings

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