
الأربعاء، 20 فبراير 2019

The use of remote sensing and geographic information systems for irrigation management in Southwest Europe

The use of remote sensing and

geographic information systems

for irrigation management

in Southwest Europe


M. Erena, A. López-Francos, S. Montesinos, J.-F. Berthoumieu



Head of publication: Francisco Mombiela

SERIE B: Studies and Research

2012 - Number 67

List of contents

Foreword.................................................................................................................................. 3


The TELERIEG project – Erena M., López Francos A. ................................................................ 7

Background of TELERIEG Project – Berthoumieu J.-F................................................................ 15

Geographic Information Systems: Data versus information. Introduction to Remote Sensing

– Montesinos S., Fernández L. .................................................................................................. 25

Generation and interpretation of images – Montesinos S., Fernández L................................... 31

Spanish National Remote Sensing Program, a way to achieve massive use of remote sensing

data – Peces J.J., Villa G., Arozarena A., Plaza N., Tejeiro J.A., Domenech E. ............................ 37

Introduction to ILWIS GIS tool – Montesinos S., Fernández L.................................................. 47

Applications of remote sensing of low resolution

Use of remote sensing for the calculation of biophysical indicators – Hernández Z.,

Sánchez D., Pecci J., Intrigiolo D.S., Erena, M........................................................................... 55

Assessment of vegetation indexes from remote sensing: Theoretical basis

– García Galiano, S.G............................................................................................................... 65

Applications of remote sensing of medium resolution

Estimation of irrigated crops areas: Generation of water demand scenarios

– Montesinos S., Fernández L. .................................................................................................. 79

Remote sensing based water balance to estimate evapotranspiration and irrigation water

requirements. Case study: Grape vineyards – Campos I., Boteta L., Balbontín C., Fabião M.,

Maia J., Calera, A...................................................................................................................... 85

Models for assessment of actual evapotranspiration from remote sensing:

Theoretical basis – García Galiano S.G., Baille A...................................................................... 95

Estimation of actual evapotranspiration from remote sensing: Application in a semiarid region

– García Galiano S.G., García Cárdenas R................................................................................ 105

Applications of remote sensing of high resolution

Thermostress. An automatic imaging process for assessing plant water status from thermal

photographs – Jiménez-Bello M.A., Ballester C., Castel J.R., Intrigliolo, D.S............................... 121

The use of multispectral and thermal images as a tool for irrigation scheduling in vineyards

– Bellvert J., Girona J................................................................................................................. 131

Study of the effects of irrigation on stem water potential and multispectral data obtained

from remote sensing systems in woody crops – Alarcón J.J., Pérez-Cutillas P............................ 139

Use of remote sensing and geographic information tools for irrigation management

of citrus trees – Jiménez-Bello M.Á., Ruiz L.Á., Hermosilla T., Recio J., Intrigliolo D.S............... 147

Automated extraction of agronomic parameters in orchard plots from high-resolution imagery

– Recio J., T. Hermosilla T., Ruiz L.Á. ........................................................................................ 161

Thermal infra-red remote sensing for water stress estimation in agriculture

– Labbé S., Lebourgeois V., Jolivot A., Marti R. .......................................................................... 175

Contribution of airborne remote sensing to high-throughput phenotyping of a hybrid apple

population in response to soil water constraints – Virlet N., Martínez S., Lebourgeois V.,

Labbé S., Regnard J.L. ............................................................................................................... 185

Case studies

Irrigation Decision Support System assisted by satellite. Alqueva irrigation scheme case study

– Maia J., Boteta L., Fabião M., Santos M., Calera A., Campos I................................................ 195

Transpiration and water stress effects on water use, in relation to estimations from NDVI:

Application in a vineyard in SE Portugal – Ferreira M.I., Conceição N., Silvestre J., Fabião M...... 203

Contribution of remote sensing in analysis of crop water stress. Case study on durum wheat

– Jolivot A., Labbé S., Lebourgeois V. ........................................................................................ 209

Application of INSPIRE directive to water management on large irrigation areas
– Erena M., García P., López J.A., Caro M., Atenza J.F., Sánchez D., Hernández Z.,
García R.M., García R.P............................................................................................................ 217

Soil salinity prospects based on the quality of irrigation water used in the Segura Basin
– Alcón F., Atenza J.F., Erena M., Alarcón J.J.............................................................................. 223

Radar-aided understanding of semiarid areas: Maximum depression storage and storm motion
– García-Pintado J., Barberá G.G., Erena M., Lopez J.A., Castillo V.M., Cabezas F..................... 231

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