
الجمعة، 15 مارس 2019

Advances in Environmental Remote Sensing: Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications

Advances in Environmental Remote Sensing: Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications

التقدم في الاستشعار عن بعد البيئي: أجهزة الاستشعار, والخوارزميات, والتطبيقات

Edited by 

Qihao Weng

1st Edition

CRC Press

Taylor & Francis Group

Boca Raton London New York


   Generating a satisfactory classification image from remote sensing data is not a straightforward task. Many factors contribute to this difficulty including the characteristics of a study area, availability of suitable remote sensing data, ancillary and ground reference data, proper use of variables and classification algorithms, and the analyst’s experience. An authoritative text, Advances in Environmental Remote Sensing: Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications compiles comprehensive review articles to examine the developments in concepts, methods, techniques, and applications as well as focused articles and case studies on the latest on a particular topic.

  Divided into four sections, the first deals with various sensors, systems, or sensing operations using different regions of wavelengths. Drawing on the data and lessons learned from the U.S. Landsat remote sensing programs, it reviews key concepts, methods, and practical uses of particular sensors/sensing systems. Section II presents new developments in algorithms and techniques, specifically in image preprocessing, thematic information extraction, and digital change detection. It gives correction algorithms for hyperspectral, thermal, and multispectral sensors, discusses the combined method for performing topographic and atmospheric corrections, and provides examples of correcting non-standard atmospheric conditions, including haze, cirrus, and cloud shadow.

  Section III focuses on remote sensing of vegetation and related features of the Earth’s surface. It reviews advancements in the remote sensing of ecosystem structure, process, and function, and notes important trade-offs and compromises in characterizing ecosystems from space related to spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions of the imaging sensors. It discusses the mismatch between leaf-level and species-level ecological variables and satellite spatial resolutions and the resulting difficulties in validating satellite-derived products.

   Finally, Section IV examines developments in the remote sensing of air, water, and other terrestrial features, reviews MODIS algorithms for aerosol retrieval at both global and local scales, and demonstrates the retrieval of aerosol optical thickness (AOT). This section rounds out coverage with a look at remote sensing approaches to measure the urban environment and examines the most important concepts and recent research.

Table of Contents

Sensors, Systems, and Platforms

Landsat Imagery for Vegetation Studies, C. Song, J.M. Gray, and F. Gao

A Review of Selected MODIS Algorithms, Data Products, and Applications, Y. Shao, G.N. Taff, and R.S. Lunetta

Lidar Remote Sensing, S. Popescu

The Impulse Synthetic Aperture Radar, G. Franceschetti and J. Tatoian

Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation Bioparameters, R. Pu and P. Gong

Thermal Remote Sensing of Urban Areas, Q. Weng

Algorithms and Techniques

Atmospheric Correction Methods for Optical Remote Sensing Imagery of Land, R. Richter

3D Geometric Correction of Earth Observation Satellite Data, T. Toutin

Remote Sensing Image Classification, D. Lu, Q. Weng, E. Moran, G. Li, and S. Hetrick

Object Based Image Analysis for Vegetation Mapping and Monitoring, T. Blaschke, K. Johansen, and D. Tiede

Land Use and Cover Change Detection, D. Lu, E. Moran, S. Hetrick, and G. Li

Environmental Applications - Vegetation

Remote Sensing of Ecosystem Structure and Function, A.R. Huete and E.P. Glenn

Remote Sensing of Live Fuel Moisture, S. Yool

Forest Change Analysis Using Time Series Landsat Observations, C. Huang

Satellite-Based Modeling of Gross Primary Production of Terrestrial Ecosystems, X. Xiao, H. Yan, J. Kalfas, and Q. Zhang

Global Croplands and Their Water Use: Remote Sensing and Non-Remote Sensing Perspectives, P.S. Thenkabail, M.A. Hanjra, V. Dheeravath, and M. Gumma

Environmental Applications - Air, Water, and Land

Remote Sensing of Aerosols from Space: A Review of Aerosol Retrieval Using MODIS, M.S. Wong and J. Nichol

Remote Estimation of Chlorophyll-A Concentration in Inland, Estuarine, and Coastal Waters, A. Gitelson, D. Gurlin, W. Moses, and Y. Yacobi

Retrievals of Turbulent Heat Fluxes and Surface Soil Water Content by Remote Sensing, G.P. Petropoulos and T.N. Carlson

Remote Sensing of Urban Biophysical Environment, Q. Weng

Development of the USGS National Land Cover Database over Two Decades, G. Xian, C. Homer, and L. Yang

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