
الأربعاء، 6 مارس 2019

أسس تنظيم المحاور الخضراء داخل المدن دراسة حالة: منعكسات تطوير الممر البيئي لنهر بردى

أسس تنظيم المحاور الخضراء داخل المدن

دراسة حالة: منعكسات تطوير الممر البيئي لنهر بردى

رسالة مقدمة لنيل درجة الماجستير في الهندسة المعمارية

قسم التخطيط والبيئة - كلية الهندسة المعمارية

جامعة دمشق


المهندسة منال نديم مخيبر 


أ.د. محمد يسار عابدين



The principles of the Green corridors in the cities Case Study: Environmental of impacts of improving the corridor of Barada River

A Theses for Doctoral Degree in Architecture 
Planning and Environment Department 

Done by: 

Manal nadim moukheiber

Supervised by: 

Main Supervisor:

Prof. Mohammad Yassar Abdin



  Damascus has a green structure which is rich and distinguished for its biological diversity and natural heritage. This makes it inevitable to preserve such green structure of the City and to support it as a basic pillar for its sustainability. Therefore, it has been necessary to give priority to study a network for the green axles inside the City and the necessity to activate them in a way that achieves support and sympathy among the aquatic elements (Rivers) and the rest of the City's efficiencies and activities.

   The Research studies Barada River within the civil fabric of Damascus and the possibility of developing it to become an ecological Waterway which is greatly reactive with the City through securing the continuation and connection among the areas located on both river banks, to connect among the squares, intersections and important milestones viewing the River inside the City and to consider it as an integrated space unit, to coordinate between the Axle and the Organizational Sketch and to activate the Pedestrians' movement, their sidewalks, Bicycles, creation of attractive public spaces and sustainable environmental procedures.

   The Research is totally consisted of (4) main parts as well as the Introduction. They are:


  The Research gave attention to the theoretical study on the types of green areas in cities and the importance of green areas and their influence on the demographic environment and their designing standards within cities and their benefits as well as studying the housing green areas and the basics of their designing and the importance of green areas and their influence inside cities and the important factors to increase such green areas, and next to that is the discovery of the most important principles and basics which might be useful when applied in the City or the axle subject of this study. 


  The Research paid attention to the most important World, Arab, foreign and local experiments dealt with the neighbouring areas of rivers and getting acquainted with the policy applied by such countries and the presumption of the most important basics and principles which might be applied and the method of applying them to the Barada River as fit as possible to suit the environmental, constructional, economic and social status of the City…….


  The Research paid attention to introduce the studying status, and a Briefing about the River, its flow and its branches through the City of Damascus, and the historical, archaeological and modern buildings located on the Axle were presented, and it studied the development of transportation, pedestrians' and bicycles movement on the Axle and the Bridges located on it as well as the covered and uncovered areas and the effects resulting from such movement. Then, it introduced trees and plants inside the City reaching an analytical study of the Axle by dividing it into zones, then, to evaluate the present condition of the environmental Axle from positive and negative aspects to know the problems passed through by it in order to solve them if possible during the future times.


  The Research includes some proposals, results and recommendations as the Research proposes initial orientations for the said Axle in the shape of zones which clarify the processing of the River and the areas viewing it taking into account several points such as: 

- To organize the River flow by itself as the abundance of water is greatly different between Summer and Winter. In the case of the lowest flow, this results in an undesired scene and a proposal of solution to such problem would improve the scene and alleviate the environmental damage caused and attracts visitors. 

- The necessity to initiate a special authority which has an establishment capacity including all concerned specialties to secure success of work and to set out a map of new uses of the river banks, a traffic plan furnishing and arrangement of the Track as well as increasing the green areas around it.

   A proposal has been set out to deal with each of Al-Marjeh Square and the Suleiman Hospice.

  Finally, the Research reaches general proposals and recommendations to reinforce the environmental track of Barada River within the City and to confirm its importance and the environmental, social, entertaining and economic benefits it presents to the City and consequently to preserve the green structure of the City and to reinforce it. 

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جيومورفولوجية سهل السندي - رقية أحمد محمد أمين العاني

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