
السبت، 16 مارس 2019

مُناخ شرقي دلتا النيل وآثاره البيئيَّة: باستخدامِ نُظم المعلومات الجُغرافيَّة والاستشعار عَنْ بُعد

مُناخ شرقي دلتا النيل وآثاره البيئيَّة

باستخدامِ نُظم المعلومات الجُغرافيَّة والاستشعار عَنْ بُعد

رسالة مقدمة لنيل درجة الماجستير في الآداب

بقسم الجغرافيا - كلية الآداب - جامعة القاهرة

إعداد الطالب

محمود عبد الفتاح محمود عبد اللطيف عنبر

المعيد بالقسم


أ.د. يوسف عبد المجيد فايد

أستاذ الجغرافيا المناخية

أ.د. محمد صبري محسوب

أستاذ الجغرافيا الطبيعية

و وكيل كلية الآداب لشئون التعليم والطلاب سابقاً

د. محمود إبراهيم الجميلي

وكيل شئون البيئة

بالهيئة العامة للاستشعار عن بعد وعلوم الفضاء


1431هـ - 2010م

   تتميز شرقي دلتا النيل بأهمية تاريخية واقتصادية كبرى؛ فهي المدخل الشرقي لمصر عبر بوابة سيناء، وتشترك حدودها الجنوبية الغربية مع أهم أقاليم مصر التخطيطية "إقليم القاهرة الكبرى"، كما يقع فيها واحدة من أهم محافظات مصر الزراعية "محافظة الشرقية"، وأهمها صناعيّاً "محافظة دمياط"، وأهمها تجاريّاً مُمثلة في محافظتي "بورسعيد، السويس"، بالإضافة إلى مجاورة حدودها الشرقية لأهم شريان ملاحي عالمي وهو "قناة السويس". 

   تقع منطقة الدراسة بين دائرتي عرض 00 َ 30 ْ، 30 َ 31 ْ شمالاً، وبين خطي طول 10 َ 31 ْ، 30 َ 32 ْ شرقاً ويحدها من الشمال بحيرة المنزلة والبحر المتوسط، ومن الجنوب طريق القاهرة/السويس الصحراوي (عند خط كنتور 300 متر)، وتنحصر بين قناة السويس شرقًا، وفرع دمياط غربًا. وتبلغ مساحة منطقة الدراسة حوالي 16 ألف كم2، أي ما يُعادل 1.6% من جُملة مساحة مصر. 

  يتكون الكتاب من ستة فصول، تسبقها مُقدمة عامة للتعريف بشرقي دلتا النيل، وتليها خاتمة لخَّصت أهم النتائج العلمية المستخلصة من الدراسة، وقدَّمت بعض التوصيات والاقتراحات التي تدور في نطاق الدراسة. وتناولت فصول الكتاب دراسة الأحوال المُناخية في شرقي دلتا النيل، واهتمَّ الفصلان الخامس والسادس بالدراسةِ التطبيقيَّة؛ حيث معالجة المشكلات المناخية والبيئية التي تهدد استقرار النظام البيئي في شرقي دلتا النيل، وذلك باستخدام أساليب وتقنيات نظم المعلومات الجُغرافية.

The Climate of Eastern Nile Delta, and Its Environmental Impacts

Using Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing

Prepared by

Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah Mahmoud Abdel-Latif Anbar

An instructor in Cairo University, Faculty of Arts

Department of Geography



Department of Geography - Faculty of Arts - Cairo University

Supervised by

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Sabry Mahsoub

Professor of Physical Geography

Faculty of Arts - Cairo University.

Prof. Dr. Youssef Abdel-Maguid Fayed

Professor of Physical Geography

Faculty of Arts - Cairo University.

Dr. Hamdy Ebrahim El-Gamily

Vice Chairman of Environment Section for NARSS



The Summary of Master in Physical Geography, Major “Climate and Environment”

The Climate of Eastern Nile Delta, and Its Environmental Impacts
Using Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing

Prepared by: 
Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah Mahmoud Abdel-Latif Anbar

Supervised by: 
Prof. Dr. Youssef Abdel-Maguid Fayed
Prof. Dr. Mohammed Sabry Mahsoub
Dr. Hamdy Ebrahim El-Gamily

   The Eastern Nile Delta is distinguished by a huge historical and economic importance because it is the eastern entrance to Egypt through Sinai gate. Its western south boundaries are connected to the most important planning regions of Egypt “The Greater Cairo Region”. Moreover, it involves one of the most important agricultural governorates in Egypt “Al- Sharqaia governorate”, the most important industrial governorate “Damietta governorate”, and the most important commercial governorates “Port Said, Suez”. In addition, its eastern boundaries are adjacent to the most important international marine artery, which is “The Suez Canal”.

   The study area lies between 30 00 , 31 30 Latitudes North and 31 10 , 32 30 Longitudes East. It is surrounded by Al-Manzala Lake and the Mediterranean Sea from the north, Cairo - Suez Desert Road from the south, the Suez Canal from the east, and Damietta branch from the west . The study area covers about 16000 km2, which accounts for 1.6% of the total area of Egypt.

  The study consists of six chapters, preceded by a general introduction and followed by a conclusion. The general introduction included determining the study area, the rationale behind selecting the topic, objectives of study, questions of study, sources of study, methods and techniques of study, the study contents, and difficulties of study.

  The first chapter studied the forcing factors in determining the characteristics of the climate of eastern Nile delta, such as astronomical and geographical location, topographic relief, distribution of water bodies, soil and vegetable cover, atmospheric depressions, as well as air masses and jet streams.

  The second chapter dealt with an analytical study of the solar radiation and air temperature. Moreover, it focused on the actual and possible sunshine and average of the global solar radiation amount that is on the annual, seasonal, and monthly levels. The researcher made a quantitative analysis for the temperature element by following up the annual, seasonal, and monthly averages. The researcher also studied the absolute maximum and minimum temperatures, the warm and cold waves, in addition to the thermal range “annual, monthly, and absolute”.

  The third chapter concentrated on the annual, seasonal, and monthly distributions of atmospheric pressure. It further studied the forcing factors on the movement and speed of surface wind, and the annual, seasonal averages of frequency wind directions and its speed. Furthermore, this chapter handled the gale wind, duststorms, sandstorms, and the haze phenomenon.

  The fourth chapter contained the quantitative study for elements: “relative humidity, evaporation and some of condensation features”. The researcher calculated the correlation between the temperature and amount of evaporation, the temperature and relative humidity, and the correlation between the amount of evaporation and relative humidity. Further, he studied the annual, seasonal, and monthly averages of evaporation and relative humidity. He also discussed the condensation process and its different features and levels. Finally, the researcher touched on the distributions of clouds amount, the rain amount, and averages of thunderstorms by treating the data of nine climatic stations.

  The fifth chapter tackled the climatic and environmental problems, which threatened the ecosystem in the eastern Nile delta, by using geographical information systems and remote sensing. The most important climatic problems were absolute temperatures and their impact on agriculture; the gale wind problems and their impact on roads accidents; sand encroachment; the evaporation problems and their impact on soil salinity; and the fog problems and their impact on the accidents. The most important environmental problems, which the researcher tackled, were air pollution “Smog” and the problem of urban creep on the cultivated lands. the researcher had clarified the problems, he suggested some solutions, which helped to solve those problems.

  The sixth chapter is entitled “The Climate Influence on The Human Comfort and Human Health in the Eastern Nile Delta”. The researcher determined the role of the climatic conditions on the psychological and physiological human comfort through studying the comfort, discomfort index, thermal balancing and sweating. He further shed light on the effect of “air temperature, relative humidity, and wind chill factor” on the human comfort. Then, he explained the climate influence on the human health, by applying the effect of climatic conditions to some diseases, such as “sun strokes, eyes diseases, and skin diseases”.

   The conclusion summarized the most important scientific results acquired from the study. Besides, it introduced some recommendations and suggestions, which may be useful in the sustainable development of the eastern Nile delta.


    The study consists of six chapters, preceded by a general introduction and followed by a conclusion. The general introduction included determining the study area, the rationale behind selecting the topic, objectives of study, questions of study, sources of study, methods and techniques of study, the study contents, and difficulties of study.

  The first chapter studied the forcing factors in determining the characteristics of the climate of eastern Nile delta.

  The second chapter dealt with an analytical study of the solar radiation and air temperature.

  The third chapter concentrated on the annual, seasonal, and monthly distributions of atmospheric pressure. It further studied the forcing factors on
the movement surface wind and its speed.

The fourth chapter contained the quantitative study for elements: “relative humidity, evaporation and some of condensation features”.

 The fifth chapter tackled the climatic and environmental problems, which threatened the ecosystem in the eastern Nile delta, by using geographical information systems and remote sensing.

  The sixth chapter is entitled “The Climate Influence on The Human Comfort and Human Health in the Eastern Nile Delta”. The researcher determined the role of the climatic conditions on the psychological and physiological human comfort.

  The conclusion summarized the most important scientific results obtained from the study. Besides, it introduced some recommendations and suggestions, which may be useful in the sustainable development of the eastern Nile delta.

(Key Words):
* The Nile Delta * Climate * Environment * Climatic Problems * Environmental Problems * Sustainable Development * Human Comfort * Human Health * Sand Encroachment (Movement, Creep) * Roads Accidents * Desertification * Air Pollution (Smog) * Geographical Information Systems (GIS) * Remote Sensing (RS)

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