
السبت، 28 ديسمبر 2019

دور العوامل المناخية في تحقيق التخصص المكاني لزراعة وإنتاج الأشجار المثمرة للتفاح في العراق

دور العوامل المناخية في تحقيق التخصص المكاني

لزراعة وإنتاج الأشجار المثمرة للتفاح في العراق 

أ.د. نسرين عواد عبدون الجصاني

كلية التربية للبنات - جامعة الكوفة - العراق 

غفران محمد عزيز السيلاوي 

كلية التربية للبنات - جامعة الكوفة - العراق

مجلة الفنون والأدب وعلوم الإنسانيات والاجتماع - العدد 33 - 2018 - ص ص 473 - 445:

The Role of Climate Factors in Achieving
the Spatial Specialization of the
Cultivation and Production of Fruit Trees
for Apples in Iraq


  Search Publishing The study is concerned with studying the aspects related to the cultivation and production of apple trees in Iraq and the act of climate in them for the purpose of determining the areas of spatial specialization for the cultivation and production of apple trees in Iraq . The Study found five climatic regions specialized in the cultivation and production of apples in Iraq, Apple , where it is found that some areas are growing apple cultivation ,which is the regions of the cultivation and production of apple trees , which includes (Kirkuk, Baghdad, Diyala, Babylon),which is very good climate ,followed by regions of the second spatial specialization for the cultivation and production of apple trees (wassit , Anbar ,Saladin and Nineveh).It is also suitable for climatic conditions , followed by the third regional specialization areas for the cultivation and production of apple trees(Muthanna and Karbala) , which is suitable for climatic medium. And then the regions of the fourth spatial specialization for the cultivation and production of apple trees (Najaf, Qadissiya and Basrah), which are suitable climatic conditions acceptable, then the regions of the fifth spatial specialization for the cultivation and production of apple trees (DhiQar and Maysan) have limited climatic conditions in the cultivation and production of apple trees due to their limited availability due to their lack of suitable climatic conditions. This is due to the lack or lack of planting of trees or the cultivation of varieties suitable for these climate conditions.

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