
الثلاثاء، 24 أغسطس 2021

تحليل جغرافي للقوى العاملة في مجال التعليم الابتدائي والثانوي لمديرية تربية محافظة المثنى - حسين عواد حسوني حبيب البركات - رسالة ماجستير 2021م

تحليل جغرافي للقوى العاملة في مجال التعليم الابتدائي

والثانوي لمديرية تربية محافظة المثنى

رسالة تقدم بها

حسين عواد حسوني حبيب البركات

إلى مجلس كلية الآداب – جامعة ذي قار

وهي جزء من متطلباث شهادة الماجستير آداب 

في الجغرافية البشرية


أ.د. حسين عليوي ناصر الزيادي

1442هـ - 2021م

Geographical analysis of the workforce in the field of primary and secondary education for the Directorate Of Education of
Al-Muthanna Governorate

A Thesis Submitted by:

Hussein Awad Hassony Habeeb AL- Burkait

To the Council of the College of Arts Dhi Qar University It is part of the requirements for a master's degree in Arts Geography

Supervised by:

Prof.Dr. Hussein Auleiwi Nasser AL- Zayydi

2021 A. D -  1442A. H


    The study aims at a geographical analysis of the characteristics of the workforce in the field of primary and secondary education in the education sector of Al-Muthanna Governorate at the district level and to know the social, educational and qualitative characteristics of it and the variables affecting the geographical distribution of the educational workforce . The study aims to reveal the nature of the development of educational forces in the education sector in Al-Muthanna Governorate, the reality of its spatial distribution, and the appropriateness of the distribution with the population density of each district. In addition to studying the characteristics of the population of the study area in general,as well as diagnosing the functional efficiency of the educational forces according to the criteria used. The requirements of the study were completed by collecting data and information through the General Directorate of Education for the Governorate of Muthanna, the Central Bureau of Statistics, the Department of Planning for Muthanna and the Department of Statistics of Muthanna, as well as through personal interviews and visits, which helped us in building a geographical database that was represented in the form of tables, figures and maps represented On the message board.

   The study included five chapters in addition to the introduction, and the study found a discrepancy in the distribution of educational forces at the district level with a high percentage of females at the expense of males, a higher percentage of the educational workforce in the (03-03) and (03-03) categories, and a lower class (03 or more) , and the inefficiency of the distribution according to the planning standards of those districts, and that the education sector suffers from a severe shortage of educational staff, especially with regard to some specializations, and the study showed that the higher proportion of the workforce in primary education than in secondary education. The proportion of the workforce in primary education reached (%37), while the workforce in secondary education reached (037) of the total educational force in the Muthanna education sector . It became clear through the study that the district of Samawah ranked first in terms of the number of the workforce in the education sector of the province of Muthanna at the level of primary and secondary education by (007 and 004037), respectively. As for the Salman district, it ranked last among the districts in the number of workforce in primary education And the secondary by (%4307 and %4%37), respectively In light of the foregoing, a set of recommendations were raised that may help restore balance to the educational workforce in the education sector in Al- Muthanna Governorate.

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