
الاثنين، 10 يونيو 2024

واقع التجارة الخارجية للمنتجات الزراعية في سورية وآفاقها المستقبلية - مرفت سيف الدين جمعة - أطروحة دكتوراه 2022م


واقع التجارة الخارجية للمنتجات الزراعية في سورية 

وآفاقها المستقبلية  


أطروحة أعدت لنيل درجة  دكتوراه في الجغرافية الاقتصادية

من قسم الجغرافية بكلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية

جامعة دمشق


مرفت سيف الدين جمعة 


الأستاذ الدكتور 

عبد الرؤوف رهبان

المشرف المشارك 

د. سمية بشير طالب


The reality of the foreign trade of agricultural products in Syria and its future prospects

A Thesis prepared for obtaining a doctorate degree in economic Geography 

Prepared by:


Mervat Saifedden jomaa 


Prof. Abdel Raouf Rahban


Dr. Sumaia Taleb

2022 A.D 


The agricultural sector is one of the most important economic sectors that the  government has attached great importance to, as it is one of the main sectors that  contribute to achieving food security, and it enters a large part of its products in  foreign trade, and in the food industry as it provides the necessary raw materials for it,  and supplies the national economy with foreign exchange. 
  In view of the importance of the agricultural and trade sectors, this research was  chosen, and it was divided into five chapters and an introduction in which the  importance of the research, its objectives, its problem, and previous studies were  clarified. Then, human factors such as manpower, government policies, international  agreements, the market, transportation capital, and scientific progress in the second  chapter, and an indication of their impact on the agricultural and foreign trade sectors  alike. Then, the third chapter dealt with the reality of foreign trade for agricultural  products by studying the development of foreign trade for agricultural products, and  studying the distribution And the commodity composition of this trade, and the  calculation of the necessary indicators for the study of the density and comparative  advantage of crops and the commodity, partial and general balance, as these indicators  showed the actual value of Syrian agricultural products, as (90) agricultural products  showed a comparative advantage, the most important of which are the spice crops of  anise and cumin, and the Arab countries were the most intensive exchange Trade with  Syria by 90%, and wheat and sugar emerged As the two most important commodities  in the index of commodity concentration of imports due to the urgent need of the  population for them in living. 
  At the end of the research, the impact of the crisis on these two sectors and on the  neighboring countries of Syria, which were also affected by the crisis and the unfair  sanctions imposed on them, was studied. The research concludes with results and  proposals that may help researchers and decision-makers to identify this aspect of  trade, especially in the era of reconstruction.
Key words: foreign trade - agricultural products - exports - imports - agricultural trade  balance - comparative advantage - trade intensity.

تحميل الأطروحة  





 تحميل الأطروحة من قناة التيلغرام



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جيومورفولوجية سهل السندي - رقية أحمد محمد أمين العاني

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