الفجوة المكانية لتوزيع المراكز الصحية بمحافظة صلاح الدين - العراق
(من منظور جغرافي)
International Journal of Environment & Water
ISSN 2052 - 3408
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2013
Pages: 153-164
الصفحات : 153 - 164
طوفان سطام حسن البياتي
قسم الجغرافيا - كلية التربية - جامعة كركوك
The study aims for spatial gap for health centers in Salahaddin province to highlight
and even contribute to addressing the problems faced by
the distribution of primary health care centers that
providetreatment and preventive services for citizens within the
geographical area of each center, Where geographical
approach focuses on the spatial aspects of the various phenomena
and optimal distribution of such phenomenon under
discussion, and provide better treatment service
for the community study area especially when it comes
to health services with a direct impact on human life
and health.
The research study and analysis the spatial spread of health centers and spatial gaps for
this deployment, Has been divided study for several sections,
namely: research objectives and relevance, and his
problem, approach and method used in the
study, were also analyzed the
geographical distribution of health centers and population on Districts conservative, and prioritize
interventions schematic urgent in the areas hardest
strained (healthy), and intervention schematic subsequent
in areas partially underserved in health
The study
showed that there is a clear shortage in the
number of primary health centers on the basis
of the administrative unit "center" for each (10,000)
examining the geographical distribution of these
health institutions (health centers) found that there is a disparity in the
distribution on the basis of population size, thus affecting the efficiency of health services provided, in addition to increasing
after these centers from the nearest hospital have more population problems in getting access to better health, because of
increased travel time to reach the centers of health services, especially in cases that need urgent health interventio.

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