دراسة في الجيومورفولوجيا التطبيقية لإرواء مدينة أشور التاريخية
فــواز حمـيد حمو النيش
قسم الجغرافيا - كلية التربية - جامعة الموصل
International Journal of Environment & Water
ISSN 2052 - 3408
Vol 2, Issue 4, 2013
Pages: 11-17
Fawaz Hameed H. Al_ Naish (PhD)
Geog. Dep. Education Collage University of Mosul
Assur was the ancient capital of Assyrian civilization in Iraq,
which located in resent Al-Sharqate Qaddah which affiliate to Salah Al-Deen
Province , this capital far from Mosul city at about (120 K.m.) towards
Southern part or far from Tekrit city at about (115 K.m.) towards northern east
part of it.
The most slaking
projects inscriptions were found in the modern period of Assyrian which
determinate between (911-612 B.C.) these period which wrote through Kings of
that period.
Certainly these
irrigation projects come to the light through the inheritances of other
projects which were before it such as the medieval period (1500-911 B.C.) or to
the ancient period (1500- 2000 B.C.) , as we know such civilizations don't go
or built fast. In my opinion or in this research later period kings they were
not care in writing their slaking work such as modern period or may be what
find in this sphere is more less on small zone because as long as time will aid
to demolish it first and the vast erosion action which take place as second.
Through field works
The researcher note the water channel inside the rooms of the ancient Assyrian
capital not mentioned before which is running as water system that know today,
that was the important reason to search about it and to try to reach to the method
which was used at that time, at least to get some information’s about it or to
arrive to it method.
Although this capital
located directly on Tigris
River it wasn’t depending
on it with its slaking, when there was no water pumping system and its location
on higher elevation than the water resources .
So the
hypothesis failed which say the Assur was depending on Tigris
with its slaking as a result mentioned above . For same reason he thought with
another method for slaking to this capital which was known at that time , that
were for another Assyrian capital such as Nineveh and Kalhu ( Al_Namrood) which
are not in our studding now.
The searcher
used Digital Elevation Model ( DEM) of the surrounding area of the Assur
capital to show the surface water pattern and the map of its tributary by the
help of ARC GIS and WMS to get the idea which was prevalent in that time to
this system. So he found a result to this studding, in these studding , there
were no any inscription or indications about it , so that will consider as the
first in its type to prove the Assyrian ancient slaking which base on applied
field study , the geomorphologic actions help in that too .when such location
dominating by erosion action of river .

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