
آخر المواضيع

الأحد، 12 فبراير 2017

Handbook of Methods for Plant Analysis Edited by Yash P. Kalra ...

Handbook of

Methods for

Plant Analysis

Edited by

Yash P. Kalra

Soil and Plant Analysis Council, Inc.

CRC Press

Boca Raton Boston London New York 

Washington, D.C.


  The Soil and Plant Analysis Council7 Inc. strives to promote reference methods for soil and plant analysis. In response to this mission7 the Council has pub- lished since 1974 three editions of a Handbook on Reference Methods for Soil AnaZysis. However7 a handbook on reference methods for plant analysis, to the best of my knowledge, is unavailable. In response to this7 the Plant Analysis Handbook was created.

  This Handbook of Reference Methods for Plant Analysis is an excellent resource of reference plant methods consolidated into one work. Plant analysis procedures are outlined into easy step-by-step procedures that are laboratory- ready for implementation. Plant laboratory preparation methods such as dry ashing and acid and microwave digestion are discussed in detail, as well as extraction techniques for analysis of readily soluble elements (petiole analysis) and quick test kits for field testing. Other chapters discuss quality assurance1 quality control (QNQC) programs and instrumentation procedures associated with plant analysis procedures.

  The intent of this handbook is not to be an exhaustive overview of methods and modifications that exist, but is an attempt to consolidate the time-tested methods into one handbook in order to promote standardization of plant analy- sis procedures.

  On behalf of the Soil and Plant Analysis Council7 Inc., I want to express our appreciation to Yash Kalra, the authors, the reviewers, and the Council Head- quarters staff for the time and effort spent in making this publication possible.

Byron Vaughan 

 President, 199G1996

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