
الخميس، 4 يوليو 2019

Geomorphometry: Concepts, Software, Applications - CHAPTER 21 Vegetation Mapping Applications - S.D. Jelaska


Concepts, Software, Applications

Developments in Soil Science – Volume 33

Edited by


Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics

University of Amsterdam

Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Institute for Environment and Sustainability

DG Joint Research Centre

Land Management and

Natural Hazards Unit – European Commission

Ispra, Italy


Amsterdam • Boston • Heidelberg • London • New York • Oxford

Paris • San Diego • San Francisco • Singapore • Sydney • Tokyo

First edition 



Vegetation Mapping Applications

S.D. Jelaska

p p. 481 - 496

vegetation mapping and its importance · the role of geomorphometry in vegetation mapping · the spatial prediction of vegetation variables using land-surface parameters · statistical prediction models and their use · evaluating mapping accuracy · does data from remote sensing compete or cooperate with land-surface parameters and objects in predicting current vegetation cover? · spatial resolution and statistical methods for mapping vegetation 

 FIGURE 5 An automated extraction of land-cover classes: (a) an orthophoto of the Baranja Hill area, overlaid with manually digitised land-cover areas; (b) land-cover classes from the CLC 2000 Croatia (www.azo.hr) and field observations; (c) the land-cover of the study area, predicted using land-surface parameters only; (d) the land-cover of the study area predicted using land-surface parameters plus RS data; (e) the land-cover of the study area, predicted using RS data only. (See page 746 in Colour Plate Section at the back of the book.)

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