
آخر المواضيع

الخميس، 7 نوفمبر 2019

الخصائص العمرانية لمركز الخانكة (محافظة القليوبية): دراسة جغرافية باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية

الخصائص العمرانية لمركز الخانكة (محافظة القليوبية) 

دراسة جغرافية باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية

رسالة مقدمة
للحصول على درجة الدكتوراه لإعداد المعلم في الآداب
(تخصص جغرافيا) 

من  قسم الجغرافيا و نظم المعلومات الجغرافية

كلية التربية - جامعة عين شمس

إعداد الطالبة

أسماء عبده مصطفى عبد العزيز

المدرس المساعد بقسم الجغرافيا ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية

كلية التربية جامعة عين شمس


الأستاذ الدكتور

 مصطفى محمد محمد البغدادي

أستاذ جغرافية العمران الحضري والخدمات

ورئيس قسم الجغرافيا و نظم المعلومات الجغرافية السابق

كلية التربية - جامعة عين شمس

الأستاذة الدكتور 

رشا حامد سيد حسن بندق

أستاذ جغرافية العمران الحضري والخدمات

كلية التربية - جامعة عين شمس



Characteristics of Urbanism in El Khankha Administrative Center 
(El Qalubyia Governorate)
 A Geographical Study Using GIS.

PHD Thesis Submitted For Preparation Teacher in the Arts
(Specialization Geography)

Presented By

Asmaa Abdou Mustafa Abdel Aziz

Assistant Lecturer in Geography &G.I.S Dept.

Supervised By


Mustafa Mohamed AL Baghdadi

Professor of Urban Geography&Services

EX Head of Geography Department

and Geographical Information Systems Dept.

Faculty of Education

Ain Shams University


Rasha Hamed Sayed Hassan Bondok

Professor of Urban Geography &Services

Faculty of Education

Ain Shams University

Cairo 2019


  The Study Area is located between the longitudes of (°31 °17 ″52 ) east to ( °31 °24 ″56 ) east and latitudes of(°30 °09 ″49 ) North to (°30°17 ″47 )Al Khanka Center is One of El Qalubyia Governorate Centers .It lies at the south east of the Governorate so it's within the limits of the great Cairo. So it is a part of the rural urban margin of the great Cairo assembly it is surrounded by many important cities one its north there are shbine El Khanater and Belbis Center (Al Sharkia Governorate). To its south, there is Cairo Governorate and al obour city to the east. To the west it has shbine El Khanater and Kalyoub center as it's cross boundaries the thesis consists of an introduction five chapters and an introduction every chapter has an introduction and ends in an abstract.
 The introduction mentions the rational, the objectives, sources and the methodology of the thesis. 

 The first chapter. It is a review of the progress of the construction mass and directions of Al Khanka Center between (1980-2017) on the level of urban mass construction in Al Khanka city study of the villages of the city follows. 

 The second chapter. It focusses on the classification and distribution of shops construction in Al Khanka Center. Chapter is devided into two sections .the first section is the general distribution image of construction centers (the nearest neighbour factor – the centrality of Al Khanka city - distance average – intersection point ) the second section focusses on the classification of shops according to - 2 - the basics of urban rural classification (area average – centrality or marginality- the outer shape – housing density-construction assembly – the average number of the inhabitants. 

 The third chapter. This chapter studies the natural factors that affect on the construction features of Al Khanka district such as (the location and the position the surface features –the climate –the soil). It also studies the human factors such as (the administrative progress of Al Khanka district- the growth and the distribution of the population – population density- the population characteristics – the infra-structure utilities- and the price of the land). 

 The fourth chapter. It included some models of the way the land is utilize in el Khanka district with reference to El Khanka city and Abu Zaabal village. 

 The fifth chapter. It focuses on the construction pattern of el Khanka district, which includes the height of the buildings, the age of buildings, the construction style of the buildings under study and the condition of buildings. 

 The conclusion. It concentrated on presenting the results of the thesis. Besides, some recommendations and suggestions are given to delimit the problems of the area under study


  The Study Area is located between the longitudes of (ْ 31 َ17 ″52 ) east to ( ْ31 َ24 ″56 ) east and latitudes of( ْ30 َ09 ″49 ) North to (َ17 ″47).Al Khanka Center is One of El Qalubyia Governorate Centers .It lies at the south east of the Governorate so it's within the limits of the great Cairo. So it is a part of the rural urban margin of the great Cairo assembly it is surrounded by many important cities one its north there are shbine El Khanater and Belbis Center (Al Sharkia Governorate). To its south, there is Cairo Governorate and al obour city to the east. To the west it has shbine El Khanater and Kalyoub center as it's cross boundaries the thesis consists of an introduction five chapters and an introduction every chapter has an introduction and ends in an abstract. 

 The introduction mentions the rational, the objectives, sources and the methodology of the thesis.The first chapter It is a review of the progress of the construction mass and directions of Al Khanka Center between (1980-2017) on the level of urban mass construction in Al Khanka city study of the villages of the city follows.The second chapter It focusses on the classification and distribution of shops construction in Al Khanka Center. Chapter is devided into two sections .the first section is the general distribution image of construction centers (the nearest neighbour factor – the centrality of Al Khanka city - distance average – intersection point ) the second section focusses on the classification of shops according to the basics of urban rural classification (area average – centrality or marginality- the outer shape – housing density-construction assembly – the average number of the inhabitants.The third chapter.This chapter studies the natural factors that affect on the construction features of Al Khanka district such as (the location and the position the surface features –the climate –the soil). It also studies the human factors such as (the administrative progress of Al Khanka district- the growth and the distribution of the population – population density- the population characteristics – the infra-structure utilities- and the price of the land).The fourth chapter.It included some models of the way the land is utilize in el Khanka district with reference to El Khanka city and Abu Zaabal village.The fifth chapter It focuses on the construction pattern of el Khanka district, which includes the height of the buildings, the age of buildings, the construction style of the buildings under study and the condition of buildings. The conclusion. It concentrated on presenting the results of the thesis. Besides, some recommendations and suggestions are given to delimit the problems of the area under study

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للقراءة و التحميل اضغط             هنا

المصدر: الجغرافيون العرب 

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