
آخر المواضيع

الأحد، 28 يونيو 2020

إمكانية حصاد المياه لوادي خويسة شرق محافظة ميسان - لقاء جبار كاكي الديوالي - رسالة ماجستير 2019م

إمكانية حصاد المياه لوادي خويسة

شرق محافظة ميسان

رسالة تقدمت بها الطالبة

لقاء جبار كاكي الديوالي

إلى مجلس كلية التربية (ابن رشد) جامعة بغداد

وهي جزء من متطلبات نيل شهادة الماجستير آداب 

في الجغرافية الطبيعية


الأستاذ الدكتور

علي عبد الزهرة الوائلي

1440هـ - 2019م

Ability Of Water Harvest Of Khuwaisa Valley East Of Maysan Governorate 

Thesis submitted by 


To / Council Of College Of Education (Ibn Rushd ) University Of Baghdad In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirement For The Master Degree In Literary Of Natural Geography 

Supervised by 

Prof. Dr. Ali Abdulzahra Al-Waeli

2019A.D - 1440A.H 


  Water plays an important role in the life and development of human societies. None of the other natural resources can equal it in terms of importance and impact in the course of the interrelated and effective factors that determine the quality of the natural environment . The scarcity of water resources is an important and influential problem for man, his life, his health and his environment. Rainfall rates are among the most important natural resources in dry and semi-arid environments. 

  These rates are the main source of surface water and groundwater recharge and dry and semi-arid areas where rain water can be collected in a few months of the year. This is the most useful way to ensure human, animal and plant life. Both the drought and the lack of water have affected Khuweisah valley , east of Maysan, despite the heavy water reaching in the rainy months, but it is wasted in leakage and evaporation for not being exploited in a scientific and thoughtful manner and correctly .

   This study focuses on the study of the harvesting of rainwater and floods in economic methods in certain locations, through which water can be used for various uses such as livestock and livestock as well as culture and production of industrial crops . In addition to preserving the vegetation and biodiversity and reconstruction of the degraded environment by giving it an initial boost to its resistance to natural fluctuations .. 

 The study reached a number of conclusions, including: The use of four techniques for water harvesting : the establishment of dams, small and large catchments and long slope catchments, whose locations were chosen based on the characteristics of the natural area and its slope and the quality of physical properties of soil and water, in addition to the morphometric characteristics of the area. 

  Different aspects of the types of technologies had to be taken into consideration as complementary to the types of technologies used in water harvesting, including: The construction of stone walls across the slopes near the Iraqi-Iranian border to prevent soil erosion and save rain water, Construction of agricultural pits helps to concentrate the falling rain around B trees and plants , use barriers of growth-tolerant weeds instead of stones to slow flow velocity and work on the spread of rainwater and then benefit soil , as well as turning the hills into strips and terraces . 

  Finally harvest water from steep slopes by directing runoff water by means of boundaries , notches slanted surface , Directly pour into water conduits, parallel to the tilt lines with a slight gradient to ensure rapid water movement.

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