
آخر المواضيع

السبت، 6 يوليو 2013

مدينة نابلس: دراسة في التركيب السكاني وخصائص المسكن ...

مدينة نابلس

دراسة في التركيب السكاني وخصائص المسكن


ماهر فؤاد بو صالح


د. حسين أحمد 

قدمت هذه الأطروحة استكمالاً لمتطلبات درجة الماجستير في الجغرافيا من كلية الدراسات العليا في جامعة النجاح الوطنية في نابلس - فلسطين 

1418هـ - 1998م

  This study researched the housing characteristics and the population structure in Nablus , one of the largest cities in Palestine . The study falls into seven chapters . The first chapter included the research plan , statements of the problem , study objectives , hypotheses limits of the study questionnaire, the statistical analysis and review of literature . The second chapter dwelt on age and structure of Nablus population It was found that the toun’s population fell within the demographic transitional stages of young age category. The mediumage of the town's populations was. The sex ratio in the city was the lowest compared with its counterparts in the West Bank (105,6). In the third chapter, the researcher investigated the social and the economic structure. The study tackled the education status of the population. The rate of literacy among people six years of age and over was 92.6% . The rate of illiteracy amounted 7.4o/o . Education among people, years of age and over topped 94% . The rate in the Palestinian lands was 84%. when studying marital status of population, it was found 20.6 of males were single as opposed to 19.8% . The rate of married females was 35.9% opposed to rate among males which amounted to 31.5%. The mean age at first marriage among males in the city was 25.5 as opposed to among females . Concerning Practical situation of populations, the crude economic activity rate of the city populations was 26 .1% . The general economic activity rate was 45% . The unemployment rate, at the time of conducting this study, was 14.6%. Male workers represented the largest proportion of the work force is the city ( 84.2% ) . Construction sector took the , largest percentage of workers (21 .1% ). The average monthly income of a family household in the city was 442.5 Jordanian dinars as opposed to the average monthly income in the West Bank which amounted to 305,6 Jordanian dinars. In the fourth chapter, the researcher studied the family structure. The average size of the family in the city was 6.6 members. The nuclear family was the prevailing patten1 in the city. This style of family represented 85 .6% of all families. The fifth chapter was deroted to housing characteristics. The percentage of owned houses topped 72.6% and rented houses 26.7%. The average annual rent was 578.7 Jordanim1 dinars. In building, several construction materials were used. Store houses, from all sides, represented 30.2% of all housing in the city. Concrete and stone houses accounted for 46.8%. Some 38% of the town housing was independent housing units. The average of housing space in Nablus, increased to 138 square meters as opposed to the average in other West Bank cites (125sqm). The average number of rooms, per housing unit, was 4.1 This average and higher than that in the west Bank (3.6 rooms). The occupancy ratio (degree of crowdedness), per house, was 1, 58, members per room> In other West Bank towns, this rate was higher and reached 1,95 members per room. In the sixth chapter , the researcher studied the services available in households. It was found that 97.3% of all houses had water faucets of their own. All houses have power supply from Nablus Municipality About 96.4% of all houses are connected with the public serverage system in the city. 'Some 55 .1% of houses depended on gas as a sources of heating . In this chapter, the researcher also studied the extent of basic facilities available in houses. It was found that 98.6% of town's houses had kitchens, 98.4% had bathrooms and 99o/o had toilets. The researcher also student he availability of electronic equipment: T. V, video, radio, fridges, washing machines, cars , etc. In the last chapter , the researcher conducted an analysis of the findings of the study .

  This study researched the housing characteristics and the population structure in Nablus , one of the largest cities in Palestine . The study falls into seven chapters . The first chapter included the research plan , statements of the problem , study objectives , hypotheses limits of the study questionnaire, the statistical analysis and review of literature . The second chapter dwelt on age and structure of Nablus population It was found that the toun’s population fell within the demographic transitional stages of young age category. The mediumage of the town's populations was. The sex ratio in the city was the lowest compared with its counterparts in the West Bank (105,6). In the third chapter, the researcher investigated the social and the economic structure. The study tackled the education status of the population. The rate of literacy among people six years of age and over was 92.6% . The rate of illiteracy amounted 7.4o/o . Education among people, years of age and over topped 94% . The rate in the Palestinian lands was 84%. when studying marital status of population, it was found 20.6 of males were single as opposed to 19.8% . The rate of married females was 35.9% opposed to rate among males which amounted to 31.5%. The mean age at first marriage among males in the city was 25.5 as opposed to among females . Concerning Practical situation of populations, the crude economic activity rate of the city populations was 26 .1% . The general economic activity rate was 45% . The unemployment rate, at the time of conducting this study, was 14.6%. Male workers represented the largest proportion of the work force is the city ( 84.2% ) . Construction sector took the , largest percentage of workers (21 .1% ). The average monthly income of a family household in the city was 442.5 Jordanian dinars as opposed to the average monthly income in the West Bank which amounted to 305,6 Jordanian dinars. In the fourth chapter, the researcher studied the family structure. The average size of the family in the city was 6.6 members. The nuclear family was the prevailing patten1 in the city. This style of family represented 85 .6% of all families. The fifth chapter was deroted to housing characteristics. The percentage of owned houses topped 72.6% and rented houses 26.7%. The average annual rent was 578.7 Jordanim1 dinars. In building, several construction materials were used. Store houses, from all sides, represented 30.2% of all housing in the city. Concrete and stone houses accounted for 46.8%. Some 38% of the town housing was independent housing units. The average of housing space in Nablus, increased to 138 square meters as opposed to the average in other West Bank cites (125sqm). The average number of rooms, per housing unit, was 4.1 This average and higher than that in the west Bank (3.6 rooms). The occupancy ratio (degree of crowdedness), per house, was 1, 58, members per room> In other West Bank towns, this rate was higher and reached 1,95 members per room. In the sixth chapter , the researcher studied the services available in households. It was found that 97.3% of all houses had water faucets of their own. All houses have power supply from Nablus Municipality About 96.4% of all houses are connected with the public serverage system in the city. 'Some 55 .1% of houses depended on gas as a sources of heating . In this chapter, the researcher also studied the extent of basic facilities available in houses. It was found that 98.6% of town's houses had kitchens, 98.4% had bathrooms and 99o/o had toilets. The researcher also student he availability of electronic equipment: T. V, video, radio, fridges, washing machines, cars , etc. In the last chapter , the researcher conducted an analysis of the findings of the study .

النص  الكامل 

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