
الخميس، 1 سبتمبر 2016

الذبذبات المناخية وآثارها على البيئة فى ساحل مصر الشمالى الغربى بإستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية والاستشعار عن بعد ...

الذبذبات المناخية وآثارها على البيئة

فى ساحل مصر الشمالى الغربى

بإستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية والاستشعار عن بعد

مقدمة استكمالاً لنيل درجة الدكتوراه في الجغرافيا المناخية

جامعة طنطا. كلية الآداب. قسم الجغرافيا  

إعداد : عبدالناصر رشاش على

إشراف : أ.د. عبد القادر عبد العزيز على

2010 م

 الجغرافيا ليست علم ظاهرات وإنما علم العلاقات التي تربط الظاهرات ونطاق التكامل والترابط والتفاعل بين هذه الظاهرات داخل إطار المكان هو موضوع علم الجغرافيا...

Tanta University Faculty of Arts High Studies Department of geography & Geographic information system For obtainment

The doctorate Prepared By Abdel-Nasser Rashash Ali GIS & RS  Specialist @NARSS 

Supervision Abdel-Kader Abdel-Aziz Ali Prof.Dr. Professor of physical Geography, Map and Ex. 

Dean of faculty of Arts Kafr el-Sheikh and Vice-Dean Tanta of Faculty of Arts 2010 

  This research concerns with studying the climatic oscillation and its effect on the environment in the north-western coast in Egypt using geographic information system and remote sensing, The research contain five chapter in addition to an introduction, conclusion and a list of references. 

  The introduction starts by offering the reasons for selecting the topic, the objectives of study, the usable methods and the difficulties that face the researcher. 

The first chapter deals with the most important factors and the climatic phenomenon affecting the climatic oscillation. These factors are; sunspots, greenhouse gases, jet streams, air masses, fronts, air pressure, depressions, El-Nino and North Atlantic oscillation (NAO). these factors cropped up climatic characteristic on both areas of study. The greenhouse gases are considered the most probable reasons that can be linked with temperature, but their effect on the other factors is considered to be probabilities that have not been proved yet. It has been discovered that the climatic systems are complicated and interrelated, whereas the fluctuations in one of the components of the ecosystems, affects largely the other systems. 

The second chapter concerned itself with studying the fluctuation of temperature in the north-western coast of Egypt, where the properties of global temperature and spatial analysis for them have been studied by using fluctuation of the average of maximum and minimum temperature in the area of study. In addition Temporary analysis of maximum and minimum temperature has been studied. 

The third chapter concerned itself with studying the average rary oscillation on average precipitation of the north-western coast, Precipitation fluctuation during periods of squalls, and Temporary fluctuation of precipitation have been studied, there has been a study of the fluctuation during squall that can be predicted. There has been an analysis of rainy cold wave using geographic information system (GIS) and Remote sensing (RS) depending on MODIS and TRMM data. The north-western coast suffers from a decreased in slight amount of precipitation, nevertheless the probabilities of being exposed to flash flood and dominating drought remain the most probable, because of the frequent exposure of the offside events whether their are heavy rain or drought. 

The fourth chapter studies the effect of the climatic fluctuation on water resources in the north-western coast of Egypt. There has been a study of the properties of water resource and water harvest. There has been a study of the climatic classification and the water balance due to Koppen's, Giacobbe's and FAO Penman-Monteith Method for classification using the same Equation and software. The study is also concerned with the filed evaluation of the climatic classification, water sufficiency. There has been an application of a modern and suggested method, evaluating the climatic classification and water sufficiency using a reference of The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and using the geographic information system and remote sensing . 

The five chapter concerned with the study of planning and managing the environmental crises and disasters using the geographic information system and remote sensing. It is also concerned with defining the crises and disasters, the stages of the crises, managing the crises and disasters. And also shows the most important disasters and environmental dangers in the north-western coast that are represented in floods, drought, sand storms, desert locust and the international efforts for facing the disasters. There has been a study of the flash floods using the Geographic Information system and Remote Sensing in the north-western coast, using the models of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Software, producing interactive map in the internet ( Web Map) . Conclusion; it contains the results and recommendations that the study has reached . Appendices and a list of the Arabic and foreign references. 

key words: Applied climatology, the geographic information system, remote sensing, environmental crises and disasters, The North-western coast of Egypt.


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جيومورفولوجية سهل السندي - رقية أحمد محمد أمين العاني

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