
الخميس، 4 يوليو 2019

Hydro-Geomorphology - Models and Trends Chapter 5 Digital Elevation Models in Geomorphology - Bartłomiej Szypuła

Hydro-Geomorphology - Models and Trends

Chapter 5

Digital Elevation Models in Geomorphology

Bartłomiej Szypuła

Additional information is available

at the end of the chapter


 This chapter presents place of geomorphometry in contemporary geomorphology. The focus is on discussing digital elevation models (DEMs) that are the primary data source for the analysis. One has described the genesis and definition, main types, data sources and available free global DEMs. Then we focus on landform parameters, starting with primary morphometric parameters, then morphometric indices and at last examples of morphometric tools available in geographic information system (GIS) packages. The last section briefly discusses the landform classification systems which have arisen in recent years. 

Keywords: geomorphometry, DEM, DTM, LiDAR, morphometric variables and parameters, landform classification, ArcGIS, SAGA

Figure 1. Example of the GRID model (A), and TIN model (B).

Figure 2. Elevation map (A), and simplified Hammond’s landform classification (B).

Figure 3. Classification of form elements by plan and profile curvature (after Dikau [124]).

Figure 4. Elevation map (A), and TPI 3-category slope classification (B).

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